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If the form of proxy\ is signed by an attorney, )Tj 0.042 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(the)12.2 ( document)12.3 ( appointing)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( attorney)12.2 ( must)12.3 ( be)12.3 ( certified)12.2 ( by)12.2 ( a)12.3 ( notary)12.2 ( public.)12.2 ( If)12.2 ( the)12.3 ( appointing)17 ( )]TJ 0.053 Tc 0 -1.273 Td [(shareholder)12.7 ( is)12.6 ( a)12.7 ( legal)12.7 ( entity,)12.7 ( its)12.7 ( seal)12.7 ( or)12.6 ( the)12.7 ( signature)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( its)12.6 ( director\(s\))12.6 ( or)12.7 ( representative\(s\))28 ( )]TJ 0.034 Tc 0.074 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(duly)9 ( )0.5 (authorized)9 ( )0.5 (in)9 ( )0.5 (writing)9 ( )0.5 (is)9 ( )0.5 (required.)9 ( )0.5 (To)9 ( )0.5 (be)9 ( )0.5 (valid,)9 ( )0.5 (a)9 ( )0.5 (notarially)9 ( )0.5 (certified)9 ( )0.5 (power)9 ( )0.5 (of)9 ( )0.5 (attorney)9 ( )0.5 (or)9 ( )]TJ 0.028 Tc 0.08 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(other)3 ( )0.5 (authority)3 ( )0.5 (\(if)3 ( )0.5 (any\))3 ( )0.5 (and)3 ( )0.5 (the)3 ( )0.5 (forms)3 ( )0.6 (of)3 ( )0.5 (proxy)3 ( )0.5 (must)3.1 ( )0.5 (be)3 ( )0.5 (received)3 ( )0.5 (by)3 ( )0.5 (the)3 ( )0.5 (office)3 ( )0.5 (of)3 ( )0.5 (the)3 ( )0.5 (secretary)3 ( )]TJ 0.042 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(to)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( Board)12.4 ( \(see)12.4 ( Note)12.4 ( 8)12.4 ( below\))12.4 ( 2)12.4 (4)12.4 ( hours)12.4 ( prior)12.5 ( to)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( commencement)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( AGM)12.4 ( and/or)12.4 ( H)17 ( )]TJ 0.03 Tc 0.078 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(Shareholders)5 ( )0.5 (Class)5 ( )0.5 (Meeting.)5 ( )0.5 (The)5 ( )0.5 (completion)5 ( )0.5 (and)5 ( )0.5 (deposit)5 ( )0.5 (of)5.1 ( )0.5 (a)5 ( )0.5 (form)5 ( )0.5 (of)5 ( )0.5 (proxy)5 ( )0.5 (will)5 ( )0.5 (not)4.9 ( )0.6 (preclude)5 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.083 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(any )0.5 (Shareholder )0.5 (from attending )0.5 (and )0.5 (voting in )0.5 (person )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (AGM )0.5 (and/or )0.5 (H Shareholders )0.5 (Class )]TJ 0 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (Meeting or any adjournment thereof.)Tj 0.026 Tc 0.082 Tw -2.577 -2.545 Td [(6)1 (.)1 ( )-1419 (Shareholders)1 ( )0.5 (or)1 ( )0.5 (their)1 ( )0.5 (proxies)1 ( )0.5 (shall)1 ( )0.5 (present)1 ( )0.5 (proof)1 ( )0.5 (of)1 ( )0.5 (identity)1 ( )0.5 (upon)1 ( )0.5 (attending)1 ( )0.5 (the)1 ( )0.5 (AGM)1 ( )0.6 (and/or)1 ( )0.5 (H)1 ( )]TJ 0.028 Tc 0.08 Tw 2.577 -1.273 Td [(Shareholders)3 ( )0.5 (Class)3 ( )0.5 (Meeting.)3 ( )0.5 (Should)3 ( )0.5 (a)3 ( )0.5 (proxy)3 ( )0.5 (be)3 ( )0.6 (appointed,)3 ( )0.5 (the)3.1 ( )0.5 (proxy)3 ( )0.5 (shall)3 ( )0.5 (also)3 ( )0.5 (present)3 ( )0.5 (his/her)3 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (form of proxy.)Tj 0.03 Tw -2.577 -2.545 Td [(7. )-1472 (The )0.5 (Meetings are )0.5 (expected )0.5 (to last )0.5 (half a )0.5 (day. Shareholders who attend any )0.5 (of the )0.5 (Meetings shall )]TJ 0 Tw 2.577 -1.273 Td (bear their own traveling and accommodation expenses.)Tj -2.577 -2.545 Td [(8. )-1502 (The address of the office of the secretary to the Board is as follows:)]TJ 2.577 -2.545 Td (No. 1 Lutai Ave., Hi-tech District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, PRC)Tj 0 -1.273 Td (Postal Code: 255086)Tj 0 -1.273 Td (Telephone: 86 533 2196024)Tj 0 -1.273 Td (Facsimile: 86 533 2287508)Tj -2.577 -2.545 Td [(9. )-1502 (All references to time herein refer to Hong Kong time.)]TJ 0.062 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.545 Td [(1)37 (0)37 (.)37 ( )-870 (For)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( arrangements)12.9 ( applicable)12.8 ( to)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( A)12.9 ( Shareholders)12.8 ( in)12.8 ( respect)12.8 ( of)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( AGM)12.8 ( and)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( A)37 ( )]TJ 0.039 Tc 2.577 -1.273 Td [(Shareholders)12.6 ( Class)12.5 ( Meeting,)12.5 ( please)12.5 ( refer)12.6 ( to)12.5 ( the)12.6 ( notice\(s\))12.5 ( to)12.6 ( A)12.5 ( Shareholders)12.5 ( published)12.6 ( by)12.5 ( the)14 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (Company on the website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of the even date.)Tj 0.022 Tw -2.577 -2.545 Td [(11. )-955 (The proposed amendments to the articles of association of the Company ha\ ve been set out in the )]TJ 0 Tw 2.577 -1.273 Td (announcement of the Company dated 30 March 2021 and the circular dated 3\ 1 May 2021.)Tj 13 0 0 13 56.6929 269.684 Tm (As at the date hereof, the Board comprises:)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 55.3588 237.6839 Tm (Executive Directors:)Tj 19.597 0 Td (Independent Non-executive Directors:)Tj 13 0 0 13 56.6929 221.6839 Tm (Mr. Zhang Daiming)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 166.568 221.6839 Tm ( \(Chairman\))Tj 13 0 0 13 311.4567 221.6839 Tm (Mr. Pan Guangcheng)Tj -19.597 -1.231 Td (Mr. Du Deping)Tj 19.597 0 Td (Mr. Zhu Jianwei)Tj -19.597 -1.231 Td (Mr. He Tongqing)Tj 19.597 0 Td (Mr. Lo Wah Wai)Tj 13 0 3.4833 13 55.3588 157.6839 Tm (Non-executive Directors:)Tj 13 0 0 13 56.6929 141.6839 Tm (Mr. Xu Lie)Tj 0 -1.231 Td (Mr. Cong Kechun)Tj ET endstream endobj 25 0 obj <> endobj 34 0 obj <> endobj 35 0 obj <>stream H�\�͊�@�}���݋&��uo�`k7��ƙ�I��$��·�:9M��M��ǁJ�;�}7���44�8�s׷S� �S�)^�>[�������\�1�����6��?YU��G�x���{ض�)>f����S�_�ï������q������m6���4�K=~����˲�C��w��)��w���]��^� m��u���ĬZ���Uo��b��w�<�����zʪ7�V�+�g�g䒹D�1���{�W�W�7�i�9�c�_3�� ��3{da����Y��ِ��pz:=�~˼E~a~IYh��Ah��Ah��Ah��Ah��Ah��� ;t(�PС�CA��t�������?����́�s�3�����������������������Gяr/�^ʽ{)�Q���W�}ُ�e?�~��(�Q���Gُ�c?�~�~���7��~���7��~���7��~���7��~���7�K�U�������� ��~9���2==��oާ)����s�𮏟O�q]Z�w�W�^b� endstream endobj 36 0 obj <>stream H�lV PW�f�>2�4��czZK�ZQ~b�YA0�T��0Ȍ #3�"��4(�Q?? 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( tenth)12.8 ( session)12.8 ( of)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( supervisory)39 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (committee; and)Tj 0.041 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.18 -2.462 Td [(3)16 (.)16 ( )-1019.5 (Resolutions)12.7 ( passed)12.8 ( at)12.7 ( the)12.8 ( 2)12.7 (0)12.7 (2)12.7 (1)12.7 ( second)12.7 ( extraordinary)12.7 ( meeting)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( tenth)16 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (session of the Board.)Tj 15.966 -2.462 Td (By Order of the Board)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -7.176 -1.231 Td (Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited )Tj 8.427 -1.231 Td (Zhang Daiming)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 3.4833 13 354.5698 568.409 Tm (Chairman)Tj 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 56.6929 536.409 Tm (31 May 2021, Zibo, PRC)Tj -0.025 Tw 11 0 2.9474 11 55.564 506.4089 Tm (Notes:)Tj 0.024 Tc 0 Tw 11 0 0 11 56.6929 478.4089 Tm [(1)-1 (.)-1 ( )-1502.9 (The register of members of the Company will be closed from 16 June 2021 \ to 30 June 2021 \(both)-1 ( )]TJ 0.034 Tc 0.074 Tw 2.577 -1.273 Td [(days)9 ( )0.5 (inclusive\),)9 ( )0.5 (during)9 ( )0.5 (which)9 ( )0.5 (period)9 ( )0.5 (no)8.9 ( )0.6 (H)9 ( )0.5 (Share)9 ( )0.5 (transfers)9 ( )0.5 (of)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (Company)9 ( )0.5 (will)9.1 ( )0.5 (be)9.1 ( )0.5 (registered.)8.9 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.029 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Compan\ y kept by the Hong )Tj 0.038 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(Kong )0.5 (Registrars )0.5 (Limited )0.5 (at )0.6 (4:30 )0.6 (p.m. )0.5 (on )0.5 (Tuesday, )0.6 (15 )0.6 (June )0.5 (2021 )0.6 (and )0.5 (on )0.5 (the )0.5 (register )0.5 (of )0.5 (members )]TJ 0.027 Tc 0.081 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(kept)2 ( )0.5 (by)2 ( )0.5 (the)2 ( )0.5 (China)2 ( )0.5 (Securities)2 ( )0.5 (Registrar)1.9 ( )0.5 (Company)2 ( )0.5 (Limited)2 ( )0.5 (Shenzhen)2 ( Branch)2 ( )0.5 (after)2 ( )0.5 (the)2 ( )0.5 (closing)2 ( )0.5 (of)1.9 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.059 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Tuesday, 22 June 2021 and the Directors, the \ supervisors and the )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (senior management of the Company are entitled to attend the AGM or any a\ djournment thereof.)Tj 0.06 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.577 -2.545 Td [(2)35 (.)35 ( )-1397 (H)12.2 ( Shareholders)12.2 ( who)12.2 ( wish)12.1 ( to)12.1 ( attend)12.1 ( the)12.2 ( AGM)12.1 ( shall)12.2 ( lodge)12.2 ( their)12.2 ( share)12.2 ( transfer)12.2 ( instruments)35 ( )]TJ 0.043 Tc 2.577 -1.273 Td [(accompanied)12.7 ( by)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( relevant)12.7 ( share)12.7 ( certificates)12.6 ( with)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( share)12.7 ( registrar)12.7 ( for)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( Company\222s)12.6 ( H)18 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (Shares not later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 15 June 2021.)Tj 0 -2.545 Td (The address of the share registrar for the Company\222s H Shares:)Tj 0 -1.273 Td (Hong Kong Registrars Limited)Tj 0 -1.273 Td (17M Floor, Hopewell Centre)Tj 0 -1.273 Td (183 Queen\222s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong)Tj 0.035 Tw -2.577 -2.545 Td [(3. )-1467 (Shareholders who intend to attend the AGM and/or H Shareholders Class Me\ eting are requested )]TJ 0.061 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.577 -1.273 Td [(to)12.5 ( send)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( completed)12.5 ( and)12.5 ( signed)12.6 ( reply)12.5 ( slip)12.5 ( for)12.6 ( attendance)12.5 ( despatched)12.5 ( to)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( Company\222s)36 ( )]TJ 0.041 Tc 0 -1.273 Td [(shareholders)12.4 ( together)12.4 ( with)12.4 ( this)12.4 ( notice)12.5 ( to)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( office)12.5 ( of)12.5 ( the)12.4 ( secretary)12.4 ( to)12.5 ( the)12.4 ( Board)12.4 ( \(see)12.4 ( Note)12.4 ( 8)16 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.045 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (below\) or to the share registrar for the Company\222s H Shares \(see No\ te 2 above\) on or before 29 )Tj 0.034 Tc 0.074 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(June)9 ( )0.5 (2)9 (0)9 (2)9 (1)9 (,)9 ( )0.5 (by)9 ( )0.5 (hand,)9 ( )0.5 (by)9 ( )0.5 (post)9 ( )0.5 (or)9 ( )0.5 (by)8.9 ( )0.5 (facsimile.)9 ( )0.5 (The)9 ( )0.5 (written)9 ( )0.5 (reply)9 ( )0.5 (will)9 ( )0.5 (not)9 ( )0.5 (affect)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (right)9 ( )0.5 (of)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (Shareholders to attend and vote at the AGM and/or H Shareholders Class M\ eeting.)Tj 0.063 Tw -2.577 -2.545 Td [(4. )-1439 (Shareholders )0.5 (entitled to )0.5 (attend and )0.5 (vote )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (AGM )0.5 (and/or H )0.5 (Shareholders Class )0.5 (Meeting may )]TJ 0.044 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.577 -1.273 Td [(appoint)12.3 ( one)12.3 ( or)12.3 ( more)12.2 ( proxies)12.2 ( \(whether)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( person)12.2 ( is)12.3 ( a)12.2 ( shareholder)12.3 ( or)12.3 ( not\))12.2 ( to)12.3 ( attend)12.3 ( and)12.3 ( vote)19 ( )]TJ 0.037 Tc 0.071 Tw 0 -1.273 Td [(on)12 ( )0.5 (his/her/its)12 ( )0.5 (behalf)12 ( )0.5 (at)12 ( )0.5 (the)12 ( )0.5 (AGM)12 ( )0.5 ( )0.5 (and/or)12 ( )0.5 (H)12 ( )0.5 (Shareholders)12 ( )0.5 (Class)12 ( )0.5 (Meeting.)12 ( )0.5 (When)12 ( )0.5 (a)12 ( )0.5 (Shareholder)12 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.273 Td (appoints more than one proxy, such proxies may only vote by way of poll.\ )Tj ET endstream endobj 26 0 obj <> endobj 37 0 obj <> endobj 38 0 obj <>stream H�lT{Tg��d>P��q�:q'S�V�b|!��" H���HFHCPp}��b}�jW�>@E�W�Q��7Ů҇�����=w�?vk랳gι3�~����FF(|�L6,i��qs�%�-�l}B��8!Җa�iE�L�G �q��p����|>bX�����ɢg�2�ys�;7)4d�x�����)^덇�x�t:Y����2�V����l�ɒ�E[Sl|��7�M� nVF���xS��_� z[��ٜ�����b��9[*�7[m��L7[B���&o2rf+g_c��qq����F.�셩���7h1�sR?���b���m�`xnmo�6�S�f�5���`1��.l��c�ۘ�� pۀ޹��.\m�;ϾJ�H)��џ `�!��ܵ�Z\� ��u��_X��J�m�pY ��[z��GS;;��l75/_����U9k]�se c�bl-=fK� �xc=•X��B�w��4;�y��F�#V�%��@R��b �28 #�"it69׶e�<��`R 2�O�7��7��ۋr��ޱ�U4�j޶����YZ�8� �ěߩ�(�$�}A������R����Ց�8](��@�Q�w� ���3��������t�}����-�Pw{խ�O�����f��y0��8<`�$��U�m���+��&)uPM�Q3�D� �Z�WK��,g��)�Tm��r�v�(_mu��_��&I�c���%�����D4�Ks�;���¨�(�.!Wnhz���������b��f�(4/�:��d�˖�gjjZn��C�I?<+�Y��טb��^�v�&�!�<�%JU�S��ՃPw���a*� �AY�#xD$��k� �H&v�d�cȯic�RŁ�Һ�j�w��F�0�ťn?$-�V���{ ��]���e�j:��u g@�WUij�2O�;Nn�f�y(6�$�H6���wđ����`��u���tPH�%\���-�6�jѣK �7�x �{�oj+���3��o޲.3k槓48��:����@! ��J�WZ�|���Q�_Z� �:�� �&��ip=A:��GX|��>�QsI�Xƽ��Z�,���t5��j�y�8��:�u��X�e� �K�!8���TCp��K�qi����p,*b�\^��N�Q��ӏ������U ���i إ����H�*X��)���ފ�@�����+�'UI҆|�Z� 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laws,)12.5 ( regulations,)12.5 ( regulatory)12.5 ( documents)12.6 ( and)12.6 ( CSRC\222s)18 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.061 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (policy on non-public issuance of shares, or the market conditions have )Tj 0.022 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(changed, except for matters that require new resolutions of the Meetings\ )-3 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.081 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (under the relevant laws, regulations and Articles of Association of the \ )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Company;)Tj 0.055 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()30 (v)30 (i)30 (i)30 (\))30 ( )41.5 (after)12.6 ( completion)12.6 ( of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Proposed)12.6 ( A)12.6 ( Shares)12.6 ( Issue,)12.6 ( handling)12.6 ( matters)30 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.009 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(relating to registration, )0.5 (lock-up )0.5 (and listing of the A )0.5 (Shares issued under )]TJ 0.058 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(the)13 ( Pr)0.5 (opose)0.5 (d)12.9 ( A)13 ( Sha)0.5 (re)0.5 (s)12.9 ( Is)0.5 (sue)12.9 ( )0.5 (in)12.9 ( t)0.5 (he)12.9 ( S)0.5 (hen)0.5 (zhen)13 ( Sto)0.5 (ck)12.9 ( E)0.5 (xcha)0.5 (nge)13 ( and)33 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch;)Tj 0.028 Tc 0.08 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()3 (v)3 (i)3 (i)3 (i)3 (\))3 ( )327.5 (amending)3 ( )0.5 (the)3 ( )0.5 (relevant)3 ( )0.5 (provisions)3 ( )0.5 (in)3 ( )0.5 (the)3 ( )0.5 (Articles)3 ( )0.5 (of)3 ( )0.5 (Association)3.1 ( of)3.1 ( )0.5 (the)3.1 ( )]TJ 0.04 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(Company)12.1 ( to)12.1 ( reflect)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( Company\222s)12.1 ( new)12.1 ( total)12.2 ( share)12.1 ( capital)12.1 ( and)12.1 ( share)15 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.026 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (capital structure after the completion of the Proposed A Shares Issue in\ )Tj 0.02 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (accordance with the situation of the Proposed A Shares Issue, reporting \ )Tj 0.032 Tc 0.076 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(to)7 ( )0.5 (the)7 ( )0.5 (relevant)7 ( )0.5 (governmental)7 ( )0.5 (departments)7 ( )0.5 (and)7.1 ( )0.5 (supervision)7 ( )0.5 (institutions)7 ( )]TJ 0.04 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(for)12 ( approval,)12.1 ( and)12.1 ( completing)12 ( the)12.1 ( procedure)12 ( relating)12 ( to)12.1 ( the)12.1 ( change)12.1 ( in)15 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (industrial and commercial registration;)Tj 0.051 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\(ix\) )-310.5 (delegating to the chairman of the Board or other persons authorised by )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(h)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)13 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (o)13 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (,)13.1 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)13 ( )0.6 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)13 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)13 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)13 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (relating to the Proposed A Shares Issue;)Tj 0.045 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\(x\) )-619.5 (handling other specific matters relating to the Proposed A Shares Issue \ )]TJ 0.036 Tc 0.072 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(e)0.5 (xce)0.5 (pt)11 ( )0.5 (for)11.1 ( t)0.5 (hos)0.5 (e)11 ( )0.5 (mat)0.5 (ter)0.5 (s)11 ( )0.5 (tha)0.5 (t)11 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (quir)0.5 (e)11 ( )0.5 (ne)0.5 (w)11 ( )0.5 (res)0.5 (olu)0.5 (tion)0.5 (s)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)11 ( )0.5 (Me)0.5 (etin)0.5 (gs)11 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.081 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (under the relevant laws, regulations and Articles of Association of the \ )Tj 0.038 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Company,)12.1 ( including)12.2 ( but)12.1 ( not)12.1 ( limited)12.1 ( to)12.1 ( amending,)12.1 ( supplementing)12.1 ( and)13 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.022 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (signing all agreements and documents related to the Proposed A Shares )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Issue.)Tj 0.005 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td (The above authorisation shall be effective for 12 months from the date o\ f the )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (passing of the resolution at the Meetings .\224)Tj 0.101 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(\(For)12.7 ( details)12.7 ( of)12.6 ( the)12.7 ( above)12.7 ( Special)12.6 ( Resolutions,)12.7 ( please)12.7 ( refer)12.6 ( to)12.7 ( the)76 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (announcements of the Company dated 14 April 2021.\))Tj ET endstream endobj 30 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 Tm (\226 10 \226)Tj 0.003 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.3179 Tm [(6. )-1102.5 (To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the Specific Manda\ te to )]TJ 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (the Board to deal with matters related to Proposed A Shares Issue:)Tj 0 Tc 0 -2.462 Td (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (THAT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj 0.038 Tc 0.07 Tw -0.469 -2.462 Td [(the)12.6 ( Board)12.6 ( be)12.6 ( and)12.6 ( is)12.6 ( hereby)12.6 ( granted)12.6 ( a)12.6 ( specific)12.6 ( mandate)12.6 ( to)12.6 ( exercise)12.6 ( powers)13 ( )]TJ 0.057 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(of)12.9 ( the)12.8 ( Company)12.9 ( to)12.9 ( allot)12.8 ( and)12.9 ( issue)12.9 ( 3)12.8 (6)12.9 (,)12.8 (2)12.8 (8)12.9 (4)12.8 (,)12.8 (4)12.8 (7)12.9 (0)12.8 ( A)12.9 ( Shares)12.8 ( pursuant)12.8 ( to)12.8 ( the)32 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.053 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Proposed A Shares )0.5 (Issue to Hualu Investment at )0.5 (an issue price of )0.5 (RMB6.89 )]TJ 0.038 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(per)12.4 ( A)12.4 ( Share,)12.4 ( and)12.5 ( the)12.4 ( Board)12.4 ( be)12.4 ( and)12.5 ( is)12.5 ( hereby)12.5 ( authorised)12.4 ( to)12.4 ( do)12.4 ( all)12.4 ( acts)12.4 ( and)12.9 ( )]TJ 0.024 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(matters and sign, execute or deliver such documents \(including the affi\ xation)-1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.073 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of the common seal of the Company thereon\) and take all such steps as t\ he )Tj 0.038 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Board)12.2 ( in)12.1 ( its)12.2 ( opinion)12.2 ( deem)12.2 ( necessary,)12.2 ( desirable)12.2 ( or)12.2 ( expedient)12.2 ( to)12.2 ( implement)13 ( )]TJ 0.049 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(or)12.6 ( give)12.7 ( effect)12.7 ( to)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Specific)12.6 ( Mandate,)12.6 ( where)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( scope)12.6 ( of)12.6 ( authorisation)24 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (includes but is not limited to:)Tj 0.049 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(\()24 (i)24 (\))24 ( )-792.5 (formulating)12.3 ( and)12.2 ( implementing)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( specific)12.3 ( plan)12.2 ( for)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( Proposed)12.3 ( A)24.1 ( )]TJ 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td [(Shares)4 ( )0.5 (Issue)4 ( )0.5 (according)4 ( )0.5 (to)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )0.5 (specific)4 ( )0.5 (circumstances,)4 ( )0.5 (and)4 ( )0.5 (determining)4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.008 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (the target subscriber, issue price, number of A Shares to be issued, tim\ e )Tj 0.047 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of issue, starting and ending date of the issue, termination of the issu\ e, )Tj 0.072 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(method of subscription, subscription ratio and all other matters )0.5 (related )]TJ 0.057 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(to)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( Proposed)12.9 ( A)12.9 ( Shares)12.9 ( Issue)12.9 ( in)12.9 ( accordance)12.9 ( with)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( resolutions)32 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (passed at the Meetings;)Tj 0.07 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.18 -2.462 Td [(\()45 (i)45 (i)45 (\))45.1 ( )-468.5 (preparing)12.4 ( and)12.5 ( filing)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( application)12.5 ( documents)12.4 ( in)12.4 ( relation)12.4 ( to)12.4 ( the)45 ( )]TJ 2.18 -1.231 Td [(Proposed)12.5 ( A)12.6 ( Shares)12.6 ( Issue)12.6 ( in)12.5 ( accordance)12.6 ( with)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( requirements)12.6 ( of)45.1 ( )]TJ 0.062 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(the)12.2 ( CSRC,)12.1 ( and)12.2 ( responding)12.2 ( to)12.1 ( the)12.2 ( relevant)12.2 ( questions,)12.2 ( revising)12.2 ( and)37 ( )]TJ 0.031 Tc 0.077 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(supplementing)6 ( )0.5 (the)6 ( )0.5 (application)6 ( )0.5 (documents)6 ( )0.5 (based)6 ( )0.5 (on)6 ( )0.5 (the)6 ( )0.5 (feedback)6 ( )0.5 (from)6 ( )]TJ 0.024 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (the CSRC\222s audit department and the Issuance Examination Committee;)Tj 0.023 Tc -2.18 -2.462 Td [(\()-2 (i)-2 (i)-2 (i)-2 (\))-2 ( )-282.5 (handling matters relating to the establishment of special deposit accoun\ t)-2 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 2.18 -1.231 Td (for raised funds;)Tj 0.03 Tc 0.078 Tw -2.18 -2.462 Td [(\()5 (i)5 (v)5 (\))5 ( )-278.5 (preparing,)5 ( )0.5 (revising,)5 ( )0.5 (supplementing,)5.1 ( signing,)5 ( )0.5 (submitting,)5 ( )0.5 (reporting)5 ( )0.5 (and)5 ( )]TJ 0.048 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td [(e)0.5 (x)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (ut)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)13 ( )0.5 (ag)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)13 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (um)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)12.9 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)13 ( )0.5 (to)13 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( P)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (po)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)13 ( )0.5 (A)23 ( )]TJ 0.05 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Shares)12.2 ( Issue)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( accordance)12.2 ( with)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( relevant)12.2 ( provisions)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( national)25 ( )]TJ 0.059 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(laws,)12.7 ( regulations)12.6 ( and)12.7 ( regulatory)12.7 ( documents)12.7 ( and)12.7 ( resolutions)12.7 ( of)12.6 ( the)34 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Meetings;)Tj 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw -2.18 -2.462 Td [(\()4 (v)4 (\))4 ( )-581.5 (adjusting)4 ( )0.5 (the)4.1 ( )0.5 (specific)4.1 ( )0.5 (arrangements)4 ( )0.5 (for)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )0.6 (use)4 ( )0.5 (of)4 ( )0.6 (proceeds)4 ( )0.5 (within)4 ( )0.6 (the)4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (scope of the resolutions of the Meetings;)Tj ET endstream endobj 29 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 9 \226)Tj 13 0 0 13 113.3858 776.3179 Tm [(\(ii\) )-583.5 (method and timing of the issuance of A Shares;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(iii\) )-280.5 (subscriber and method of subscription by the subscriber;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(iv\) )-361.5 (pricing principle and issue price of the A Shares to be issued;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(v\) )-664.5 (number of A Shares to be issued;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(vi\) )-361.5 (the lock-up period applicable to the A Shares that will be issued;)]TJ 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(\()14 (v)14 (i)14 (i)14 (\))14 ( )25.5 (the)12.9 ( amount)12.9 ( of)12.8 ( total)12.8 ( funds)12.8 ( to)12.9 ( be)12.9 ( raised)12.8 ( from)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( issuance)12.8 ( of)12.9 ( A)12.8 ( Shares)14.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (and the proposed use of proceeds;)Tj -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\(viii\) )244.5 (listing place of A Shares to be issued;)]TJ 0.021 Tc 0 -2.462 Td [(\()-4 (i)-4 (x)-4 (\))-4 ( )-365.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.6 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (P)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.6 ( )0.5 (A)0.5 ( )0.5 (S)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (I)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)0.5 (;)-4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (and)Tj 0.071 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()46 (x)46 (\))46 ( )-548.5 (arrangement)12.2 ( concerning)12.2 ( retained)12.3 ( but)12.3 ( undistributed)12.2 ( profits)12.2 ( of)12.3 ( the)46.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (Company prior to the Proposed A Shares Issue.)Tj 0.077 Tw -4.361 -2.462 Td [(2. )-1028.5 (To )0.5 (consider )0.5 (and )0.5 (approve )0.5 (the )0.5 (resolution )0.5 (in )0.5 (relation )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (Proposal )0.5 (for )0.5 (Non-)]TJ 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (public Issuance of A Shares.)Tj 0.008 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(3. )-1097.5 (To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the Feasibility An\ alysis )]TJ 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (Report on the use of proceeds from the Proposed A Shares Issue.)Tj 0.047 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(4)22 (.)22 ( )-1013.5 (To)12.5 ( consider)12.5 ( and)12.5 ( approve)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( resolution)12.5 ( in)12.5 ( relation)12.5 ( to)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( subscription)12.5 ( of)22 ( )]TJ 0.041 Tc 2.181 -1.231 Td [(A)12.9 ( Shares)12.9 ( under)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( Proposed)12.8 ( A)12.9 ( Shares)12.9 ( Issue)12.8 ( which)12.9 ( constitutes)12.8 ( connected)16 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (transaction of the Company.)Tj 0.056 Tc 0.069 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(5)31 (.)31 ( )-1005.5 (T)0.5 (o)13 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)13 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)13 ( a)0.6 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)13.1 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)13 ( i)0.5 (n)13 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)13 ( t)0.5 (o)13 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)13 ( A)31 ( )]TJ 0.057 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(Shares)12.7 ( Subscription)12.6 ( Agreement)12.6 ( entered)12.7 ( into)12.6 ( between)12.7 ( the)12.6 ( Company)12.6 ( and)32.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Hualu Investment on 14 April 2021:)Tj 0 Tc 0 -2.462 Td (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (THAT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj 0.043 Tc 0.07 Tw -0.469 -2.462 Td [(the)12.3 ( A)12.4 ( Shares)12.4 ( Subscription)12.4 ( Agreement)12.3 ( entered)12.3 ( into)12.4 ( between)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( Company)18 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.004 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (and Hualu Investment on 14 April 2021 \(pursuant to which the Company ha\ s )Tj 0.078 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (conditionally agreed to issue and Hualu Investment has agreed to subscri\ be )Tj 0.067 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(for)12.8 ( 3)12.8 (6)12.8 (,)12.8 (2)12.8 (8)12.8 (4)12.8 (,)12.8 (4)12.8 (7)12.9 (0)12.8 ( A)12.8 ( Shares)12.8 ( under)12.9 ( the)12.8 ( Proposed)12.8 ( A)12.8 ( Shares)12.8 ( Issue)12.8 ( at)12.8 ( a)12.9 ( total)42 ( )]TJ 0.037 Tc 0.071 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(subscription)12 ( )0.5 (price)12 ( )0.5 (of)12 ( )0.5 (RMB)12 (2)12 (5)12 (0)12 (,)12 (0)12 (0)12.1 (0)11.9 (,)12.1 (0)11.9 (0)12.1 (0)12 (\))12 ( )0.5 (and)11.9 ( )0.6 (the)12 ( )0.5 (transactions)12 ( )0.5 (contemplated)12 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (therein are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified.\224)Tj ET endstream endobj 28 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 8 \226)Tj 0.049 Tc 0.07 Tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 776.3179 Tm [(\(the)12.3 ( \223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(Whitewash)12.2 ( Waiver)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\):)12.3 ( \(i\))12.3 ( the)12.3 ( Whitewash)12.2 ( Waiver)12.2 ( be)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( is)12.3 ( hereby)23.9 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.04 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (approved, confirmed and ratified; and \(ii\) any one Director be and is \ hereby )Tj 0.028 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (authorised to do all acts and matters and sign such documents \(includin\ g the )Tj 0.04 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(affixation)12.5 ( of)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( common)12.5 ( seal)12.4 ( of)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( Company)12.5 ( thereon\))12.4 ( and)12.5 ( take)12.6 ( all)12.5 ( such)15 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.048 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(steps )0.6 (as )0.5 (the )0.6 (Director )0.5 (may )0.6 (in )0.5 (his )0.6 (or )0.6 (her )0.6 (opinion )0.6 (deem )0.5 (necessary, )0.6 (desirable )0.6 (or )]TJ 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (expedient to implement or give effect to the Whitewash Waiver.\224)Tj 0.07 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(1)45 (2)45 (.)45 ( )-465.5 (To)12.9 ( consider)12.9 ( and)12.9 ( approve)12.9 ( the)12.8 ( proposed)12.9 ( amendments)12.8 ( to)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( Articles)12.9 ( of)45 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (Association of the Company. )Tj 7.579 0 2.0308 7.579 276.6146 653.5179 Tm (Note 11)Tj 0 Tc 13 0 0 13 113.3858 616.3179 Tm (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (THAT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 0.057 Tw -0.469 -2.462 Td (the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company be\ )Tj 0.081 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (and are hereby approved and the Board be and is hereby authorised to dea\ l )Tj 0.049 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (with on behalf of the Company all relevant procedures and matters to eff\ ect )Tj 0.067 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (the amendments and to make any appropriate adjustments thereto whenever \ )Tj 0.031 Tc 0.077 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(necessary)6 ( )0.5 (in)6.1 ( the)6 ( )0.5 (process)6 ( )0.5 (of)6 ( )0.5 (submitting)6 ( )0.5 (the)6 ( )0.5 (same)6 ( )0.5 (for)6.1 ( )0.5 (the)6 ( )0.5 (approval)6 ( )0.5 (of)6.1 ( )0.5 (and)6 ( )0.5 (as)6 ( )]TJ 0.032 Tc 0.076 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(required)7 ( )0.5 (from)7 ( )0.5 (time)7 ( )0.5 (to)7 ( )0.5 (time)7.1 ( )0.5 (by)7 ( )0.5 (the)7 ( )0.5 (relevant)7 ( )0.5 (regulatory)7 ( )0.5 (authorities)7 ( )0.5 (including)7 ( )]TJ 0.024 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(wi)0.5 (tho)0.5 (ut l)0.5 (imit)0.5 (ati)0.5 (on t)0.5 (o t)0.5 (he )0.5 (admi)0.5 (nis)0.5 (tra)0.5 (tio)0.5 (n a)0.5 (utho)0.5 (rit)0.5 (ies)0.5 ( of )0.5 (ind)0.5 (ustr)0.5 (y a)0.5 (nd c)0.5 (omm)0.5 (er)0.5 (ce)-1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 -1.231 Td (and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.\224)Tj 0.032 Tw 0 -2.462 Td (\(For details of the above Special Resolutions No. 1 to 11, please refer\ to the )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (announcements of the Company dated 14 April 2021.\))Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.111 Tc 0.07 Tw -4.361 -2.462 Td [(C)86 (.)86 ( )-727.5 (MATTERS)12.1 ( FOR)12.2 ( CONSIDERATION)12.1 ( AND)12.1 ( APPROVAL)12.1 ( AT)12.1 ( THE)12.1 ( H)85.9 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (SHAREHOLDERS CLASS MEETING)Tj 10.225 -2.462 Td (SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.068 Tc 0.07 Tw -10.225 -2.462 Td [(1)43 (.)43 ( )-992.5 (To)12.6 ( consider)12.6 ( and)12.6 ( approve)12.6 ( the)12.5 ( resolution)12.5 ( in)12.6 ( relation)12.6 ( to)12.5 ( the)12.6 ( plan)12.5 ( for)12.5 ( the)43.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (Proposed A Shares Issue:)Tj 0 Tc 0 -2.462 Td (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (THAT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 0.083 Tw -0.469 -2.462 Td [(each )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (following )0.5 (items )0.5 (in )0.5 (relation )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (revised plan for )0.5 (the Proposed )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(A)12.8 ( Shares)12.8 ( Issue)12.8 ( be)12.8 ( and)12.8 ( is)12.8 ( hereby)12.8 ( approved,)12.8 ( confirmed)12.8 ( and)12.7 ( ratified,)12.8 ( and)12.8 ( be)14 ( )]TJ 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(implemented)4 ( )0.5 (conditional)4 ( )0.5 (upon)4 ( )0.5 (approvals)4.1 ( )0.5 (and/or)4 ( )0.5 (authorisations)4 ( )0.6 (having)4 ( )0.5 (been)4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (obtained from the relevant authorities:)Tj 0.073 Tw 0 -2.462 Td (Each of the following items in relation to the Proposed A Shares Issue w\ ill )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(be)0.5 ( c)0.5 (onsi)0.5 (der)0.5 (ed )0.5 (and)0.5 ( ap)0.5 (pro)0.5 (ved)0.5 (, a)0.5 (nd b)0.5 (e )0.5 (impl)0.5 (eme)0.5 (nte)0.5 (d c)0.5 (ond)0.5 (itio)0.5 (nal)0.5 ( up)0.5 (on a)0.5 (ppr)0.5 (ova)0.5 (ls )]TJ 0 -1.231 Td (and/or authorisations having been obtained from the relevant authorities\ :)Tj 0 -2.462 Td [(\(i\) )-886.5 (class and par value of A Shares to be issued;)]TJ ET endstream endobj 27 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 7 \226)Tj 0.028 Tc 0.08 Tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 776.3179 Tm [(\()3 (v)3 (i)3 (i)3 (i)3 (\))3 ( )327.5 (amending)3 ( )0.5 (the)3 ( )0.5 (relevant)3 ( )0.5 (provisions)3 ( )0.5 (in)3 ( )0.5 (the)3 ( )0.5 (Articles)3 ( )0.5 (of)3 ( )0.5 (Association)3.1 ( of)3.1 ( )0.5 (the)3.1 ( )]TJ 0.04 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(Company)12.1 ( to)12.1 ( reflect)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( Company\222s)12.1 ( new)12.1 ( total)12.2 ( share)12.1 ( capital)12.1 ( and)12.1 ( share)15 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.026 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (capital structure after the completion of the Proposed A Shares Issue in\ )Tj 0.02 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (accordance with the situation of the Proposed A Shares Issue, reporting \ )Tj 0.032 Tc 0.076 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(to)7 ( )0.5 (the)7 ( )0.5 (relevant)7 ( )0.5 (governmental)7 ( )0.5 (departments)7 ( )0.5 (and)7.1 ( )0.5 (supervision)7 ( )0.5 (institutions)7 ( )]TJ 0.04 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(for)12 ( approval,)12.1 ( and)12.1 ( completing)12 ( the)12.1 ( procedure)12 ( relating)12 ( to)12.1 ( the)12.1 ( change)12.1 ( in)15 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (industrial and commercial registration;)Tj 0.051 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\(ix\) )-310.5 (delegating to the chairman of the Board or other persons authorised by )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(h)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)13 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (o)13 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (,)13.1 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)13 ( )0.6 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)13 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)13 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)13 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (relating to the Proposed A Shares Issue;)Tj 0.045 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\(x\) )-619.5 (handling other specific matters relating to the Proposed A Shares Issue \ )]TJ 0.036 Tc 0.072 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(e)0.5 (xce)0.5 (pt)11 ( )0.5 (for)11.1 ( t)0.5 (hos)0.5 (e)11 ( )0.5 (mat)0.5 (ter)0.5 (s)11 ( )0.5 (tha)0.5 (t)11 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (quir)0.5 (e)11 ( )0.5 (ne)0.5 (w)11 ( )0.5 (res)0.5 (olu)0.5 (tion)0.5 (s)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)11 ( )0.5 (Me)0.5 (etin)0.5 (gs)11 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.081 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (under the relevant laws, regulations and Articles of Association of the \ )Tj 0.038 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Company,)12.1 ( including)12.2 ( but)12.1 ( not)12.1 ( limited)12.1 ( to)12.1 ( amending,)12.1 ( supplementing)12.1 ( and)13 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.022 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (signing all agreements and documents related to the Proposed A Shares )Tj -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Issue.)Tj 0.005 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td (The above authorisation shall be effective for 12 months from the date o\ f the )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (passing of the resolution at the Meetings.\224)Tj 0.027 Tc 0.081 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(1)2 (0)2 (.)2 ( )-497.5 (To)2 ( )0.5 (consider)2 ( )0.5 (and)2 ( approve)2.1 ( the)2 ( )0.5 (resolution)2 ( )0.5 (in)2 ( )0.5 (relation)2 ( to)2 ( )0.5 (the)2 ( application)2 ( )0.5 (of)2 ( )0.5 (the)2 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.033 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (waiver in respect of the general offer obligation over the A Shares by H\ ualu )Tj 0.039 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Investment and parties acting in concert with it to be triggered as a re\ sult of )Tj 0.026 Tc 0.082 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(the)1 ( )0.5 (Proposed)1.1 ( )0.5 (A)1 ( )0.5 (Shares)1 ( )0.5 (Issue)1.1 ( )0.5 (under)1 ( )0.5 (the)1 ( )0.5 (relevant)1 ( )0.5 (laws)1.1 ( )0.5 (and)1 ( )0.5 (regulations)1 ( )0.5 (in)1 ( )0.5 (the)1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (PRC.)Tj 0.063 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(11. )-517.5 (To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the application fo\ r the )]TJ 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (Whitewash Waiver:)Tj 0 Tc 0 -2.462 Td (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (THAT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj 0.022 Tc -0.469 -2.462 Td [(subject to the granting of a waiver by the Executive Director of the Cor\ porate)-3 ( )]TJ 0.024 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Finance Division of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong o\ r)-1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (any delegate of such Executive Director pursuant to Note 1 on dispensati\ ons )Tj 0.057 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(from)12.1 ( Rule)12.1 ( 2)12.1 (6)12.1 ( of)12.1 ( the)12.2 ( Code)12.1 ( on)12.1 ( Takeovers)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( Mergers)12.1 ( of)12.2 ( Hong)12.1 ( Kong)12.1 ( of)32 ( )]TJ 0.041 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(the)12.3 ( obligation)12.3 ( of)12.4 ( Hualu)12.3 ( Holdings)12.3 ( Co,)12.4 ( Ltd.)12.3 ( \(\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.041 Tw (HHC)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tw [(\224\))12.3 ( and)12.3 ( parties)12.3 ( acting)12.3 ( in)16 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.058 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (concert with it to make a general offer for all Shares and other equity \ share )Tj 0.049 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(capital)12.9 ( of)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( Company)12.8 ( \(other)12.8 ( than)12.9 ( those)12.8 ( already)12.8 ( owned)12.9 ( or)12.9 ( agreed)12.9 ( to)12.9 ( be)24.1 ( )]TJ 0.047 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(a)0.5 (cqui)0.5 (re)0.5 (d)12.9 ( b)0.5 (y)12.9 ( H)0.5 (HC)13 ( an)0.5 (d)12.9 ( p)0.5 (ar)0.5 (tie)0.5 (s)12.9 ( a)0.5 (ct)0.5 (ing)13 ( in)13 ( co)0.5 (nce)0.5 (rt)13 ( wi)0.5 (th)12.9 ( )0.5 (it\))13 ( a)0.5 (s)12.9 ( a)13 ( r)0.5 (esu)0.5 (lt)12.9 ( )0.5 (of)12.9 ( )0.5 (the)22 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.03 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (allotment and issue of A Shares under the A Shares Subscription Agreemen\ t )Tj ET endstream endobj 23 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 6 \226)Tj 0.049 Tc 0.07 Tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 776.3179 Tm [(\()24 (i)24 (\))24 ( )-792.5 (formulating)12.3 ( and)12.2 ( implementing)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( specific)12.3 ( plan)12.2 ( for)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( Proposed)12.3 ( A)24.1 ( )]TJ 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw 2.181 -1.192 Td [(Shares)4 ( )0.5 (Issue)4 ( )0.5 (according)4 ( )0.5 (to)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )0.5 (specific)4 ( )0.5 (circumstances,)4 ( )0.5 (and)4 ( )0.5 (determining)4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.008 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (the target subscriber, issue price, number of A Shares to be issued, tim\ e )Tj 0.047 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (of issue, starting and ending date of the issue, termination of the issu\ e, )Tj 0.072 Tw 0 -1.192 Td [(method of subscription, subscription ratio and all other matters )0.5 (related )]TJ 0.057 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.192 Td [(to)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( Proposed)12.9 ( A)12.9 ( Shares)12.9 ( Issue)12.9 ( in)12.9 ( accordance)12.9 ( with)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( resolutions)32 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (passed at the Meetings;)Tj 0.07 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.385 Td [(\()45 (i)45 (i)45 (\))45 ( )-468.5 (preparing)12.4 ( and)12.5 ( filing)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( application)12.4 ( documents)12.4 ( in)12.4 ( relation)12.4 ( to)12.4 ( the)45 ( )]TJ 0.042 Tc 2.181 -1.192 Td [(Proposed)12.4 ( A)12.5 ( Shares)12.4 ( Issue)12.4 ( in)12.4 ( accordance)12.5 ( with)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( requirements)12.4 ( of)12.5 ( the)17 ( )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0 -1.192 Td [(China)12.2 ( Securities)12.2 ( Regulatory)12.2 ( Commission)12.2 ( \(\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.039 Tw (CSRC)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tw [(\224\),)12.3 ( and)12.2 ( responding)14 ( )]TJ 0.038 Tc 0 -1.192 Td [(to)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( relevant)12.3 ( questions,)12.3 ( revising)12.3 ( and)12.3 ( supplementing)12.4 ( the)12.3 ( application)13 ( )]TJ 0 -1.192 Td [(documents)12.8 ( based)12.8 ( on)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( feedback)12.8 ( from)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( CSRC\222s)12.8 ( audit)12.8 ( department)13 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (and the Issuance Examination Committee;)Tj 0.023 Tc -2.181 -2.385 Td [(\()-2 (i)-2 (i)-2 (i)-2 (\))-2 ( )-282.5 (handling matters relating to the establishment of special deposit accoun\ t)-2 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 2.181 -1.231 Td (for raised funds;)Tj 0.03 Tc 0.078 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()5 (i)5 (v)5 (\))5 ( )-278.5 (preparing,)5 ( )0.5 (revising,)5 ( )0.5 (supplementing,)5 ( )0.5 (signing,)5 ( )0.5 (submitting,)5 ( )0.5 (reporting)5 ( )0.5 (and)5 ( )]TJ 0.048 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(e)0.5 (x)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (ut)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)12.9 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)13 ( )0.5 (ag)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)13 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (um)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)13 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)13 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)12.9 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( P)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (po)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)13 ( )0.5 (A)23 ( )]TJ 0.05 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Shares)12.2 ( Issue)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( accordance)12.2 ( with)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( relevant)12.2 ( provisions)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( national)25 ( )]TJ 0.059 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(laws,)12.7 ( regulations)12.6 ( and)12.7 ( regulatory)12.7 ( documents)12.7 ( and)12.7 ( resolutions)12.7 ( of)12.6 ( the)34 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Meetings;)Tj 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()4 (v)4 (\))4 ( )-581.5 (adjusting)4 ( )0.5 (the)4.1 ( )0.5 (specific)4.1 ( )0.5 (arrangements)4 ( )0.5 (for)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )0.6 (use)4 ( )0.5 (of)4 ( )0.6 (proceeds)4 ( )0.5 (within)4 ( )0.6 (the)4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (scope of the resolutions of the Meetings;)Tj 0.059 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()34 (v)34 (i)34 (\))34 ( )-257.5 (adjusting)12.3 ( the)12.4 ( specific)12.4 ( plan)12.4 ( and)12.4 ( matters)12.3 ( relating)12.4 ( to)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( Proposed)12.4 ( A)34 ( )]TJ 0.043 Tc 2.181 -1.231 Td [(Shares)12.6 ( Issue)12.6 ( if)12.5 ( laws,)12.5 ( regulations,)12.5 ( regulatory)12.5 ( documents)12.6 ( and)12.6 ( CSRC\222s)18 ( )]TJ 0.062 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(policy)12.7 ( on)12.6 ( non-public)12.7 ( issuance)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( shares,)12.7 ( or)12.7 ( the)12.6 ( market)12.7 ( conditions)37 ( )]TJ 0.042 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(have)12.4 ( changed,)12.4 ( except)12.4 ( for)12.4 ( matters)12.4 ( that)12.4 ( require)12.4 ( new)12.4 ( resolutions)12.4 ( of)12.5 ( the)17 ( )]TJ 0.02 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Meetings under the relevant laws, regulations and articles of associati\ on)-5 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 -1.231 Td (of the Company \(the \223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf (Articles of Association)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -0.025 Tw (\224\);)Tj 0.055 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()30 (v)30 (i)30 (i)30 (\))30 ( )41.5 (after)12.6 ( completion)12.6 ( of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Proposed)12.6 ( A)12.6 ( Shares)12.6 ( Issue,)12.6 ( handling)12.6 ( matters)30 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.009 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td [(relating to registration, )0.5 (lock-up )0.5 (and listing of the A )0.5 (Shares issued under )]TJ 0.058 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(the)13 ( Pr)0.5 (opose)0.5 (d)12.9 ( A)13 ( Sha)0.5 (re)0.5 (s)12.9 ( Is)0.5 (sue)12.9 ( )0.5 (in)12.9 ( t)0.5 (he)12.9 ( S)0.5 (hen)0.5 (zhen)13 ( Sto)0.5 (ck)12.9 ( E)0.5 (xcha)0.5 (nge)13 ( and)33 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. )Tj -0.025 Tw (Shenzhen)Tj 0 Tw ( Branch;)Tj ET endstream endobj 5 0 obj </LastModified/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 6 0 obj </LastModified/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj </LastModified/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 8 0 obj </LastModified/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 9 0 obj </LastModified/NumberofPages 1/OriginalDocumentID/PageUIDList<>/PageWidthList<>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 46 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 5 \226)Tj 0.077 Tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.3179 Tm [(3. )-1028.5 (To )0.5 (consider )0.5 (and )0.5 (approve )0.5 (the )0.5 (resolution )0.5 (in )0.5 (relation )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (Proposal )0.5 (for )0.5 (Non-)]TJ 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (public Issuance of A Shares.)Tj 0.008 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(4. )-1097.5 (To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the Feasibility An\ alysis )]TJ 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (Report on the Use of Proceeds from the Proposed A Shares Issue.)Tj 0.03 Tc 0.078 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(5)5 (.)5 ( )-1022.5 (To)5 ( )0.5 (consider)5 ( )0.5 (and)5 ( )0.5 (approve)5 ( )0.5 (the)5.1 ( )0.5 (resolution)5 ( )0.5 (in)5 ( )0.5 (relation)5 ( )0.5 (to)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (Report)5 ( )0.5 (on)5 ( )0.5 (Use)5 ( )0.5 (of)5 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (Proceeds from Previous Fund Raising Activities of the Company.)Tj 0.047 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(6)22 (.)22 ( )-1013.5 (To)12.5 ( consider)12.5 ( and)12.5 ( approve)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( resolution)12.5 ( in)12.5 ( relation)12.5 ( to)12.5 ( the)12.6 ( subscription)12.5 ( of)22 ( )]TJ 0.041 Tc 2.181 -1.231 Td [(A)12.9 ( Shares)12.9 ( under)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( Proposed)12.8 ( A)12.9 ( Shares)12.9 ( Issue)12.8 ( which)12.9 ( constitutes)12.8 ( connected)15.9 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (transaction of the Company.)Tj 0.008 Tw -2.181 -2.423 Td [(7. )-1097.5 (To )0.5 (consider )0.5 (and )0.5 (approve )0.5 (the )0.5 (resolution )0.5 (in )0.5 (relation )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (conditional )0.5 (A )0.5 (Share )]TJ 0.027 Tc 0.081 Tw 2.181 -1.192 Td [(subscription)2 ( )0.5 (agreement)2.1 ( \(the)2 ( )0.5 (\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(A)2 ( )0.5 (Shares)2 ( )0.5 (Subscription)2 ( Agreement)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\))2 ( )0.5 (entered)2 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (into between the Company and Hualu Investment on 14 April 2021:)Tj 0 Tc 0 -2.385 Td (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (THAT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj 0.043 Tc 0.07 Tw -0.469 -2.385 Td [(the)12.3 ( A)12.4 ( Shares)12.4 ( Subscription)12.3 ( Agreement)12.3 ( entered)12.3 ( into)12.4 ( between)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( Company)18 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.004 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (and Hualu Investment on 14 April 2021 \(pursuant to which the Company ha\ s )Tj 0.078 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (conditionally agreed to issue and Hualu Investment has agreed to subscri\ be )Tj 0.067 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.192 Td [(for)12.9 ( 3)12.8 (6)12.8 (,)12.8 (2)12.8 (8)12.8 (4)12.8 (,)12.8 (4)12.9 (7)12.8 (0)12.8 ( A)12.8 ( Shares)12.9 ( under)12.9 ( the)12.8 ( Proposed)12.8 ( A)12.8 ( Shares)12.8 ( Issue)12.9 ( at)12.8 ( a)12.9 ( total)42 ( )]TJ 0.037 Tc 0.071 Tw 0 -1.192 Td [(subscription)12 ( )0.5 (price)12 ( )0.5 (of)12 ( )0.5 (RMB)12 (2)12 (5)12 (0)12 (,)12 (0)12.1 (0)11.9 (0)12 (,)12.1 (0)11.9 (0)12.1 (0)12 (\))12 ( )0.5 (and)12 ( )0.5 (the)12 ( )0.5 (transactions)12 ( )0.5 (contemplated)12 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (therein are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified.\224)Tj 0.068 Tw -2.181 -2.385 Td [(8. )-1037.5 (To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the dilution of cu\ rrent )]TJ 0.068 Tc 0.07 Tw 2.181 -1.192 Td [(return)12.7 ( as)12.8 ( a)12.8 ( result)12.7 ( of)12.8 ( the)12.9 ( Proposed)12.7 ( A)12.8 ( Shares)12.8 ( Issue)12.8 ( and)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( adoption)12.8 ( of)43 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (remedial measures.)Tj 0.003 Tw -2.181 -2.385 Td [(9. )-1102.5 (To consider and approve the resolution in relation to the Specific Manda\ te to )]TJ 0 Tw 2.181 -1.192 Td (the Board to deal with matters related to the Proposed A Shares Issue:)Tj 0 Tc 0 -2.385 Td (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (THAT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj 0.038 Tc 0.07 Tw -0.469 -2.385 Td [(the)12.6 ( Board)12.6 ( be)12.6 ( and)12.6 ( is)12.6 ( hereby)12.6 ( granted)12.6 ( a)12.6 ( specific)12.6 ( mandate)12.6 ( to)12.6 ( exercise)12.6 ( powers)13 ( )]TJ 0.057 Tc 0 -1.192 Td [(of)12.9 ( the)12.8 ( Company)12.9 ( to)12.9 ( allot)12.8 ( and)12.9 ( issue)12.9 ( 3)12.8 (6)12.9 (,)12.8 (2)12.8 (8)12.9 (4)12.8 (,)12.8 (4)12.8 (7)12.9 (0)12.8 ( A)12.9 ( Shares)12.8 ( pursuant)12.8 ( to)12.8 ( the)32 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.053 Tw 0 -1.192 Td [(Proposed A Shares )0.5 (Issue to Hualu Investment at )0.5 (an issue price of )0.5 (RMB6.89 )]TJ 0.038 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.192 Td [(per)12.4 ( A)12.4 ( Share,)12.4 ( and)12.5 ( the)12.4 ( Board)12.4 ( be)12.4 ( and)12.5 ( is)12.5 ( hereby)12.5 ( authorised)12.4 ( to)12.4 ( do)12.4 ( all)12.4 ( acts)12.4 ( and)12.9 ( )]TJ 0.024 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.192 Td [(matters and sign, execute or deliver such documents \(including the affi\ xation)-1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.073 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (of the common seal of the Company thereon\) and take all such steps as t\ he )Tj 0.038 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.192 Td [(Board)12.2 ( in)12.1 ( its)12.2 ( opinion)12.2 ( deem)12.2 ( necessary,)12.2 ( desirable)12.2 ( or)12.2 ( expedient)12.2 ( to)12.2 ( implement)13 ( )]TJ 0.049 Tc 0 -1.192 Td [(or)12.6 ( give)12.7 ( effect)12.7 ( to)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( Specific)12.6 ( Mandate,)12.6 ( where)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( scope)12.6 ( of)12.6 ( authorisation)24 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.192 Td (includes but is not limited to:)Tj ET endstream endobj 45 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 4 \226)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 217.9617 776.409 Tm (SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.073 Tc 0.07 Tw -10.225 -2.462 Td [(1)48 (.)48 ( )-987.5 (To)12.8 ( consider)12.7 ( and)12.8 ( approve)12.7 ( the)12.8 ( resolution)12.7 ( in)12.7 ( relation)12.8 ( to)12.8 ( the)12.7 ( Company\222s)48 ( )]TJ 0.045 Tc 2.18 -1.231 Td [(compliance)12.7 ( with)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( conditions)12.7 ( of)12.8 ( the)12.7 ( proposed)12.7 ( non-public)12.8 ( issuance)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( a)20 ( )]TJ 0.041 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(total)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( 3)12.3 (6)12.3 (,)12.3 (2)12.3 (8)12.3 (4)12.3 (,)12.3 (4)12.3 (7)12.3 (0)12.3 ( new)12.3 ( A)12.3 ( shares)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( Company)12.3 ( \(\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(A)12.4 ( Shares)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\))12.4 ( to)12.3 ( Hualu)16 ( )]TJ 0.059 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Investment)12.7 ( Co.,)12.6 ( Ltd.)12.7 ( \(\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(Hualu)12.6 ( Investment)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\))12.6 ( pursuant)12.7 ( to)12.6 ( a)12.6 ( subscription)34 ( )]TJ 0.026 Tc 0.082 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(agreement)1 ( )0.5 (dated)1 ( )0.5 (1)1.1 (4)0.9 ( )0.6 (April)1 ( )0.5 (2)1 (0)1 (2)1 (1)1 ( )0.5 (and)1 ( )0.5 (entered)1 ( )0.5 (into)1 ( )0.5 (between)1 ( )0.5 (the)1 ( )0.5 (Company)1 ( )0.5 (and)1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Hualu Investment \(the \223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf (Proposed A Shares Issue)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf -0.025 Tw (\224\).)Tj 0.068 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.18 -2.462 Td [(2)43 (.)43 ( )-992.5 (To)12.6 ( consider)12.5 ( and)12.5 ( approve)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( resolution)12.5 ( in)12.6 ( relation)12.6 ( to)12.5 ( the)12.6 ( plan)12.5 ( for)12.5 ( the)43.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (Proposed A Shares Issue:)Tj 0 Tc 0 -2.462 Td (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (THAT)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj 0.025 Tc 0.083 Tw -0.469 -2.462 Td [(each )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (following )0.5 (items )0.5 (in )0.5 (relation )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (revised )0.5 (plan for )0.5 (the Proposed )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(A)12.8 ( Shares)12.8 ( Issue)12.8 ( be)12.8 ( and)12.8 ( is)12.8 ( hereby)12.8 ( approved,)12.8 ( confirmed)12.8 ( and)12.7 ( ratified,)12.8 ( and)12.8 ( be)14 ( )]TJ 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(implemented)4 ( )0.5 (conditional)4 ( )0.5 (upon)4 ( )0.5 (approvals)4.1 ( )0.5 (and/or)4 ( )0.5 (authorisations)4 ( )0.6 (having)4 ( )0.5 (been)4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (obtained from the relevant authorities:)Tj 0.073 Tw 0 -2.462 Td (Each of the following items in relation to the Proposed A Shares Issue w\ ill )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(be)0.5 ( co)0.5 (nsi)0.5 (der)0.5 (ed )0.5 (and)0.5 ( ap)0.5 (pro)0.5 (ved)0.5 (, a)0.5 (nd b)0.5 (e )0.5 (impl)0.5 (eme)0.5 (nte)0.5 (d c)0.5 (ond)0.5 (itio)0.5 (nal)0.5 ( up)0.5 (on a)0.5 (ppr)0.5 (ova)0.5 (ls )]TJ 0 -1.231 Td (and/or authorisations having been obtained from the relevant authorities\ :)Tj 0 -2.462 Td [(\(i\) )-886.5 (class and par value of A Shares to be issued;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(ii\) )-583.5 (method and timing of the issuance of A Shares;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(iii\) )-280.5 (subscriber and method of subscription by the subscriber;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(iv\) )-361.5 (pricing principle and issue price of the A Shares to be issued;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(v\) )-664.5 (number of A Shares to be issued;)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(\(vi\) )-361.5 (the lock-up period applicable to the A Shares that will be issued;)]TJ 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(\()14 (v)14 (i)14 (i)14 (\))14 ( )25.5 (the)12.9 ( amount)12.8 ( of)12.8 ( total)12.8 ( funds)12.8 ( to)12.9 ( be)12.9 ( raised)12.8 ( from)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( issuance)12.8 ( of)12.9 ( A)12.9 ( Shares)14.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (and the proposed use of proceeds;)Tj -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\(viii\) )244.5 (listing place of A Shares to be issued;)]TJ 0.021 Tc 0 -2.462 Td [(\()-4 (i)-4 (x)-4 (\))-4 ( )-365.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.6 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (ga)0.6 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( )0.5 (P)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.6 ( )0.5 (A)0.5 ( )0.5 (S)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (I)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)0.5 (;)-4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (and)Tj 0.071 Tc 0.07 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(\()46 (x)46 (\))46 ( )-548.5 (arrangement)12.2 ( concerning)12.2 ( retained)12.3 ( but)12.2 ( undistributed)12.2 ( profits)12.2 ( of)12.3 ( the)46.1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.181 -1.231 Td (Company prior to the Proposed A Shares Issue.)Tj ET endstream endobj 44 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 3 \226)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 776.409 Tm [(\(2\) )-664.5 (Proxies duly appointed by the Shareholders;)]TJ -0.025 Tw 0.66 -2.462 Td (\(3\))Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.071 Tc 0.07 Tw 13 0 0 13 129.5186 744.409 Tm [( )-548.5 (Directors)12.3 ( \(\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.071 Tw (Directors)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tw [(\224\),)12.3 ( supervisors)12.4 ( \(\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.071 Tw (Supervisors)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tw [(\224\))12.3 ( and)12.3 ( senior)46 ( )]TJ 0.072 Tc 0.94 -1.231 Td [(ma)0.5 (na)0.5 (ge)0.5 (men)0.5 (t)12.9 ( )0.5 (\(wi)0.5 (th)13 ( th)0.5 (e)12.9 ( )0.5 (me)0.5 (ani)0.5 (ng)13 ( as)0.5 (cr)0.5 (ib)0.5 (ed)12.9 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (ere)0.5 (to)13 ( un)0.5 (de)0.5 (r)12.9 ( t)0.5 (he)13 ( Ru)0.5 (le)0.5 (s)47 ( )]TJ 0.039 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(Governing)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( Listing)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( Securities)12.3 ( on)12.3 ( The)12.3 ( Stock)12.3 ( Exchange)12.3 ( of)12.2 ( Hong)14 ( )]TJ 0.024 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Kong Limited \(the \223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf (Listing Rules)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf (\224\), the \223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf (Senior Management)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\) of the)-1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Company;)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 648.409 Tm (\(4\) )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 141.7323 648.409 Tm (Legal advisors to the Company; and)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw 13 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 616.409 Tm (\(5\))Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 129.5186 616.409 Tm [( )-664.5 (Auditors of the Company.)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -5.602 -2.462 Td [(B. )-938.5 (MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL AT THE AGM)]TJ 11.81 -2.462 Td (ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.004 Tw -9.63 -2.462 Td [(1. )-1101.5 (To consider )0.5 (and )0.5 (approve the )0.5 (resolution in )0.5 (relation )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (shareholders\222 )0.5 (return )]TJ 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (plan for the next three years of the Company.)Tj -2.18 -2.462 Td [(2. )-1105.5 (To review and approve the annual report of the Company for the year 2020\ .)]TJ 0 -2.462 Td [(3. )-1105.5 (To review and approve the report of the Board for the year 2020.)]TJ 0.063 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(4)38 (.)38 ( )-997.5 (To)12.6 ( review)12.5 ( and)12.5 ( approve)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( report)12.5 ( of)12.6 ( the)12.5 ( supervisory)12.5 ( committee)12.6 ( of)12.5 ( the)38 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (Company for the year 2020.)Tj 0.06 Tw -2.18 -2.462 Td [(5. )-1045.5 (To review and approve the audited financial statements of the Company fo\ r )]TJ 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (the year 2020.)Tj -2.18 -2.462 Td [(6. )-1105.5 (To review and approve the profit distribution plan for the year 2020.)]TJ 0.039 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(7)14 (.)14 ( )-1021.5 (To)12.8 ( review)12.9 ( and)12.8 ( approve)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( re-appointment)12.9 ( of)12.8 ( ShineWing)12.8 ( Certified)12.8 ( Public)14 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 Tw 2.18 -1.231 Td (Accountants \(Special General Partnership\) as the Company\222s auditors\ for the )Tj 0 -1.231 Td (year 2021 and authorise the Board to fix their remuneration.)Tj 0.024 Tc -2.18 -2.462 Td [(8)-1 (.)-1 ( )-1106.5 (T)0.5 (o )0.5 (re)0.5 (vi)0.5 (e)0.5 (w )0.5 (an)0.5 (d )0.5 (a)0.5 (pp)0.5 (ro)0.5 (ve)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e )0.5 (re)0.5 (mu)0.5 (ne)0.5 (r)0.5 (at)0.5 (io)0.5 (n )0.5 (of)0.5 ( t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( )0.5 (Di)0.5 (re)0.5 (c)0.5 (to)0.5 (rs)0.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d )0.5 (the)0.5 ( )0.5 (Su)0.5 (pe)0.5 (rv)0.5 (is)0.5 (o)0.5 (rs)-1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 2.18 -1.231 Td (for the year 2021.)Tj ET endstream endobj 43 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 2 \226)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 Tm [(2. )-1105.5 (Venue of the physical Meetings)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0.023 Tw 2.181 -2.462 Td (The Meetings will be held at the Company\222s conference room at No. 1 L\ utai )Tj 0.024 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Ave., Hi-tech District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, The People\222s Re\ public)-1 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0 -1.231 Td (of China \(the \223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw (PRC)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf (\224\).)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 1.106 Tw -2.181 -2.462 Td [(3. )0.5 (Convenor)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0.046 Tw 2.181 -2.462 Td (The Meetings were convened by the board of directors of the Company \(th\ e )Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw 0.469 0 Td (Board)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf (\224\).)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 Tw -2.649 -2.462 Td [(4. )-1105.5 (Ways of conducting the Meetings)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0.036 Tc 0.072 Tw 2.181 -2.462 Td [(The)11 ( )0.5 (A)11 ( )0.5 (Shareholders)11 ( )0.5 (or)11 ( )0.5 (the)11 ( duly)11 ( )0.5 (appointed)11 ( )0.5 (proxies)11 ( )0.5 (thereof)11 ( )0.5 (may)11 ( )0.5 (vote)11 ( )0.6 (at)11 ( )0.5 (the)11 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.082 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (AGM and the A Shareholders\222 Class Meeting by way of physical voting o\ r )Tj 0.045 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(online)12.4 ( voting,)12.2 ( whereas)12.2 ( the)12.3 ( H)12.3 ( Shareholders)12.3 ( or)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( duly)12.3 ( appointed)12.2 ( proxies)20 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.029 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (thereof may vote at the AGM and the H Shareholders Class Meeting by way \ )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of physical voting.)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -2.181 -2.462 Td [(5. )-1105.5 (Eligible attendees)]TJ 0.665 Tw 13 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 440.409 Tm [(\(1\) )0.5 (Shareholders)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0 Tw 13 0 0 13 141.7323 408.409 Tm (The AGM:)Tj 0.01 Tc 0.083 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(All )0.5 (the )0.5 (A )0.5 (Shareholders )0.5 (whose )0.5 (names appear )0.5 (on )0.5 (the )0.5 (register )0.5 (of )0.5 (members, )]TJ 0.021 Tc 0.072 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(kep)0.5 (t)11 ( )0.5 (by)11 ( )0.5 (China)11.1 ( )0.5 (Secur)0.5 (ities)11 ( )0.5 (D)0.5 (epos)0.5 (itory)11 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)11 ( )0.5 (Clea)0.5 (ring)11 ( )0.5 (Co)0.5 (rpora)0.5 (tion)11 ( )0.5 (Lim)0.5 (ited,)11 ( )]TJ 0.011 Tc 0.082 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Shenzhen)1 ( )0.5 (Office,)1 ( )0.5 (as)1 ( )0.5 (at)1 ( )0.5 (the)1 ( )0.6 (close)1.1 ( )0.5 (of)1 ( )0.5 (A)1 ( )0.6 (share)1 ( )0.5 (trading)1 ( )0.5 (session)1 ( )0.5 (on)1 ( )0.6 (Shenzhen)1 ( )]TJ 0.01 Tc 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Stock Exchange on Tuesday, 22 June 2021.)Tj 0.071 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -2.462 Td [(For)12.5 ( information)12.5 ( on)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( attendance)12.5 ( of)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( A)12.5 ( Shareholders,)12.5 ( please)46.1 ( )]TJ 0.031 Tc 0.077 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(refer)6 ( )0.5 (to)6 ( )0.5 (the)6 ( )0.5 (notice\(s\))6.1 ( )0.5 (to)6.1 ( )0.5 (A)6 ( )0.5 (Shareholders)6 ( )0.5 (in)6 ( )0.5 (respect)6 ( )0.5 (of)6 ( )0.5 (the)6 ( )0.5 (AGM)6.1 ( )0.5 (and)6 ( )0.5 (A)6 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.033 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Shareholders\222 Class Meeting published by the Company on the website )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of even date.)Tj 0.015 Tw 0 -2.462 Td (All the H Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members )Tj 0.038 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of H shares of the Company \(\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf (H Shares)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf (\224\) at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 15 )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (June 2021.)Tj 0 -2.462 Td (The H Shareholders Class Meeting:)Tj 0.015 Tw 0 -2.462 Td (All the H Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (of H Shares on Tuesday, 15 June 2021 at 4:30 p.m..)Tj ET endstream endobj 39 0 obj <>stream BT 0 0 0 1 k /Perceptual ri /GS0 gs /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 Tm (\226 1 \226)Tj 0.072 Tw 13 0 3.4833 13 55.3588 776.3179 Tm (Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong \ Kong )Tj 0 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this notice, make no \ representation as )Tj 0.008 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability wha\ tsoever for any )Tj 0.067 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of\ the contents )Tj 0 Tw 0.33 -1.231 Td (of this notice.)Tj ET /PlacedGraphic /MC0 BDC EMC q 79.867 531.002 435.542 165.577 re W n /CS0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 353.8503 531.002 cm 0 0 m 2.17 1.288 3.457 3.388 3.457 5.796 c 3.457 7.728 2.996 8.736 2.312 9.744 c 1.78 10.528 0.856 11.508 0.044 11.942 c -0.125 11.718 l 2.254 10.192 2.254 7.126 2.254 5.698 c 2.254 2.142 0.912 1.05 -0.125 0.224 c h -2.289 7.449 m -2.289 7.197 -2.33 7.029 -2.511 6.889 c -2.805 6.651 -3.394 6.398 -3.857 6.398 c -5.341 6.398 -5.65 8.037 -5.65 9.101 c -5.65 10.25 -5.328 11.552 -4.151 11.552 c -2.289 11.552 -2.289 8.821 -2.289 7.995 c h -6.53 2.172 m -2.974 2.396 -0.93 5.056 -0.93 8.023 c -0.93 10.362 -2.272 11.942 -3.997 11.942 c -5.817 11.942 -6.934 10.432 -6.934 8.569 c -6.934 7.421 -6.293 5.798 -4.418 5.798 c -3.716 5.798 -2.974 6.049 -2.359 6.567 c -2.33 6.538 l -2.414 6.189 -3.184 3.012 -6.574 2.452 c h -12.529 2.48 m -8.668 2.48 l -8.668 2.688 l -9.716 2.688 -9.997 2.842 -9.997 3.514 c -9.997 11.914 l -10.109 11.942 l -12.626 10.668 l -12.626 10.472 l -11.842 10.78 -11.842 10.78 -11.675 10.78 c -11.199 10.78 -11.199 10.416 -11.199 10.122 c -11.199 3.78 l -11.199 2.744 -11.716 2.716 -12.529 2.688 c h -14.721 11.746 m -19.9 11.746 l -20.125 11.131 l -20.726 9.69 l -20.488 9.578 l -20.026 10.306 -19.772 10.712 -18.865 10.712 c -15.828 10.712 l -18.599 2.368 l -17.688 2.368 l -14.721 11.523 l h -32.332 11.942 m -34.908 11.942 -35.496 8.766 -35.496 7.113 c -35.496 5.419 -34.908 2.284 -32.332 2.284 c -29.755 2.284 -29.17 5.419 -29.17 7.113 c -29.17 8.766 -29.755 11.942 -32.332 11.942 c -32.332 11.58 m -30.539 11.58 -30.511 8.066 -30.511 7.113 c -30.511 6.007 -30.539 2.646 -32.332 2.646 c -34.125 2.646 -34.154 5.979 -34.154 7.113 c -34.154 8.066 -34.125 11.58 -32.332 11.58 c -40.97 2.326 m -40.675 2.326 -40.187 2.564 -40.187 3.082 c -40.187 3.515 -40.55 3.878 -40.97 3.878 c -41.39 3.878 -41.74 3.529 -41.74 3.081 c -41.74 2.55 -41.263 2.326 -40.97 2.326 c -40.97 7.352 m -40.675 7.352 -40.187 7.59 -40.187 8.107 c -40.187 8.541 -40.55 8.904 -40.97 8.904 c -41.39 8.904 -41.74 8.555 -41.74 8.107 c -41.74 7.576 -41.263 7.352 -40.97 7.352 c -47.558 6.804 m -47.334 8.038 -46.787 8.416 -46.017 8.416 c -44.909 8.416 -44.769 7.477 -44.672 6.804 c h -43.205 4.775 m -43.525 4.257 -44.126 3.304 -45.372 3.304 c -46.297 3.304 -47.43 3.879 -47.599 6.358 c -43.246 6.358 l -43.4 8.192 -44.392 8.918 -45.709 8.918 c -46.83 8.918 -48.563 8.066 -48.563 5.476 c -48.563 3.487 -47.501 2.34 -45.947 2.34 c -43.93 2.34 -43.121 4.243 -42.98 4.677 c h -48.867 3.29 m -49.804 3.221 -49.804 3.501 -49.804 4.075 c -49.804 12.012 l -49.875 12.04 l -50.547 11.802 -51.23 11.606 -51.93 11.424 c -51.93 11.202 l -51.82 11.216 -51.679 11.216 -51.595 11.216 c -50.978 11.216 -50.978 10.922 -50.978 10.502 c -50.978 8.318 l -51.441 8.723 -51.861 8.918 -52.463 8.918 c -54.033 8.918 -55.361 7.31 -55.361 5.475 c -55.361 2.62 -53.361 2.34 -52.813 2.34 c -51.776 2.34 -51.259 2.857 -51.007 3.235 c -50.978 3.235 l -50.978 2.382 l -50.923 2.34 l -50.18 2.606 -49.539 2.83 -48.867 3.068 c h -50.978 3.907 m -51.091 3.403 -51.636 3.066 -52.226 3.066 c -53.15 3.066 -54.159 3.851 -54.159 5.937 c -54.159 7.842 -53.206 8.528 -52.422 8.528 c -51.763 8.528 -51.078 8.08 -50.978 7.128 c h -58.897 2.73 m -60.578 2.73 -60.9 5.307 -60.9 6.344 c -60.9 7.8 -60.129 8.528 -59.247 8.528 c -57.958 8.528 -57.243 7.002 -57.243 5.265 c -57.243 3.263 -58.182 2.73 -58.897 2.73 c -59.134 8.918 m -61.01 8.918 -62.157 7.394 -62.157 5.671 c -62.157 3.781 -60.9 2.34 -59.092 2.34 c -56.963 2.34 -55.986 4.285 -55.986 5.671 c -55.986 7.702 -57.3 8.918 -59.134 8.918 c -63.048 8.794 m -63.174 11.942 l -63.468 11.942 l -63.581 11.482 -64.043 11.482 -64.112 11.482 c -64.421 11.482 -65.331 11.942 -66.577 11.942 c -68.984 11.942 -71.335 10.25 -71.335 7.113 c -71.335 3.627 -68.915 2.284 -66.661 2.284 c -64.085 2.284 -62.88 4.033 -62.866 4.061 c -63.119 4.313 l -63.552 3.893 -64.561 2.898 -66.282 2.898 c -68.047 2.898 -69.713 4.117 -69.713 7.085 c -69.713 9.102 -69.096 9.998 -68.55 10.53 c -67.963 11.104 -67.151 11.384 -66.451 11.384 c -64.729 11.384 -63.72 10.264 -63.371 8.794 c h -81.778 2.48 m -78.505 2.48 l -78.505 2.688 l -78.785 2.702 l -79.247 2.73 -79.555 2.842 -79.555 3.417 c -79.555 5.951 l -79.526 5.951 l -77.594 3.375 l -77.426 3.137 -77.3 3.011 -77.3 2.913 c -77.3 2.73 -77.483 2.688 -77.594 2.688 c -77.86 2.688 l -77.86 2.48 l -74.809 2.48 l -74.809 2.688 l -75.187 2.716 -75.733 2.814 -76.446 3.711 c -78.588 6.428 l -78.183 6.806 l -76.293 8.57 -75.901 8.57 -75.159 8.57 c -75.159 8.778 l -78.015 8.778 l -78.015 8.584 l -77.426 8.584 -77.315 8.472 -77.315 8.318 c -77.315 8.192 -77.426 8.038 -77.636 7.842 c -78.196 7.366 -79.023 6.596 -79.526 6.162 c -79.555 6.19 l -79.555 12.012 l -79.609 12.04 l -80.351 11.802 -81.092 11.606 -81.778 11.424 c -81.778 11.202 l -81.667 11.216 -81.541 11.23 -81.359 11.23 c -80.813 11.23 -80.729 11.006 -80.729 10.376 c -80.729 3.627 l -80.729 2.87 -80.84 2.842 -81.778 2.688 c h -82.347 4.663 m -82.822 3.949 -83.34 3.346 -84.349 3.346 c -85.525 3.346 -86.491 4.411 -86.491 6.021 c -86.491 8.08 -85.203 8.514 -84.685 8.514 c -83.943 8.514 -83.873 8.262 -83.76 7.842 c -83.676 7.534 l -83.592 7.226 -83.355 6.862 -82.99 6.89 c -82.57 6.918 -82.347 7.184 -82.347 7.506 c -82.347 7.758 -82.528 8.192 -82.948 8.486 c -83.298 8.709 -83.928 8.918 -84.433 8.918 c -85.944 8.918 -87.568 7.758 -87.568 5.461 c -87.568 3.249 -86.07 2.34 -84.951 2.34 c -83.817 2.34 -82.906 2.941 -82.151 4.537 c h -91.074 2.73 m -92.755 2.73 -93.078 5.307 -93.078 6.344 c -93.078 7.8 -92.308 8.528 -91.425 8.528 c -90.136 8.528 -89.422 7.002 -89.422 5.265 c -89.422 3.263 -90.36 2.73 -91.074 2.73 c -91.313 8.918 m -93.19 8.918 -94.337 7.394 -94.337 5.671 c -94.337 3.781 -93.078 2.34 -91.272 2.34 c -89.143 2.34 -88.164 4.285 -88.164 5.671 c -88.164 7.702 -89.479 8.918 -91.313 8.918 c -94.891 8.778 m -96.305 8.778 l -96.305 10.402 l -96.305 10.514 -96.305 10.584 -96.402 10.584 c -96.92 9.842 -97.13 9.534 -97.662 8.988 c -97.969 8.681 -98.277 8.597 -98.277 8.43 c -98.277 8.388 -98.25 8.346 -98.221 8.332 c -97.48 8.332 l -97.48 4.117 l -97.48 2.717 -96.905 2.34 -96.193 2.34 c -95.548 2.34 -94.891 2.801 -94.555 3.403 c -94.736 3.557 l -94.891 3.375 -95.143 3.066 -95.59 3.066 c -96.305 3.066 -96.305 3.893 -96.305 4.327 c -96.305 8.332 l -94.891 8.332 l h -99.812 11.942 m -100.105 11.942 l -100.132 11.789 -100.203 11.468 -100.594 11.468 c -100.944 11.468 -101.701 11.942 -102.542 11.942 c -103.801 11.942 -105.074 11.16 -105.074 9.564 c -105.074 8.177 -104.179 7.561 -102.892 6.819 c -100.833 5.615 -100.609 5.139 -100.609 4.341 c -100.609 3.585 -101.169 2.786 -102.289 2.786 c -104.179 2.786 -104.893 4.607 -105.159 5.265 c -105.481 5.265 l -105.061 2.298 l -104.753 2.298 l -104.753 2.521 -104.612 2.759 -104.319 2.759 c -103.9 2.759 -103.213 2.284 -102.149 2.284 c -100.147 2.284 -99.195 3.627 -99.195 4.817 c -99.195 7.687 -103.872 7.967 -103.872 10.068 c -103.872 10.936 -103.157 11.37 -102.458 11.37 c -100.986 11.37 -100.09 10.11 -99.854 8.962 c -99.504 8.962 l h -106.426 11.942 m -108.597 10.654 -109.882 8.554 -109.882 6.146 c -109.882 4.214 -109.422 3.206 -108.736 2.198 c -108.205 1.414 -107.28 0.434 -106.468 0 c -106.3 0.224 l -108.681 1.75 -108.681 4.816 -108.681 6.244 c -108.681 9.8 -107.337 10.892 -106.3 11.718 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 504.9463 571.321 cm 0 0 m 1.775 1.428 3.117 3.42 3.117 5.688 c 3.117 7.248 2.795 8.784 1.932 10.188 c 1.703 10.128 l 2.016 9.468 2.293 8.28 2.293 6.996 c 2.293 5.94 2.1 4.5 1.607 3.036 c 1.068 1.464 0.371 0.732 -0.156 0.18 c h -5.346 6.961 m -5.203 6.997 -5.119 7.009 -4.937 7.009 c -4.254 7.009 -4.098 6.494 -3.773 5.404 c -3.57 4.757 -3.066 2.66 -3.066 2.205 c -3.066 1.881 -3.57 1.294 -3.869 0.947 c -4.277 0.467 -4.432 0.36 -4.627 0.36 c -4.84 0.36 -4.998 0.696 -5.357 0.696 c -5.609 0.696 -5.814 0.492 -5.814 0.24 c -5.814 -0.263 -5.299 -0.299 -5.203 -0.299 c -3.773 -0.299 -0.416 5.283 -0.416 6.709 c -0.416 7.14 -0.656 7.452 -1.098 7.452 c -1.41 7.452 -1.543 7.2 -1.543 7.032 c -1.543 6.481 -0.894 6.613 -0.894 6.122 c -0.894 5.487 -1.84 3.87 -2.357 3.031 c -2.598 4.421 l -2.754 5.319 -3.463 7.452 -3.619 7.452 c -3.832 7.452 -4.769 7.26 -5.346 7.164 c h -5.162 7.296 m -6.119 7.296 l -5.785 8.532 l -5.785 8.556 -5.773 8.58 -5.773 8.604 c -5.773 8.664 -5.797 8.712 -5.846 8.712 c -5.893 8.712 l -5.99 8.712 -6.025 8.628 -6.074 8.568 c -6.41 8.148 -6.986 7.608 -7.383 7.404 c -7.586 7.296 -7.922 7.212 -7.994 7.104 c -8.018 7.068 -8.027 7.033 -8.027 6.985 c -8.027 6.961 -8.018 6.937 -8.018 6.913 c -7.131 6.913 l -7.994 3.612 l -8.041 3.42 -8.268 2.688 -8.268 2.508 c -8.268 2.149 -7.932 2.029 -7.693 2.029 c -7.07 2.029 -6.601 2.556 -5.99 3.48 c -6.146 3.564 l -6.445 3.18 -6.867 2.616 -7.105 2.616 c -7.238 2.616 -7.299 2.712 -7.299 2.82 c -7.299 2.856 -7.299 2.88 -7.287 2.916 c -6.23 6.913 l -5.223 6.913 l h -8.732 9.336 m -8.732 9.6 -8.935 9.996 -9.332 9.996 c -9.619 9.996 -9.894 9.768 -9.894 9.348 c -9.894 8.929 -9.619 8.725 -9.318 8.725 c -8.924 8.725 -8.732 9.097 -8.732 9.336 c -9.234 3.528 m -9.726 2.832 -10.076 2.592 -10.219 2.592 c -10.328 2.592 -10.412 2.688 -10.412 2.772 c -10.412 2.916 -10.268 3.396 -10.219 3.564 c -9.164 7.428 l -9.199 7.452 l -9.666 7.366 -10.664 7.175 -11.119 7.152 c -11.119 6.961 l -10.461 6.961 -10.365 6.901 -10.365 6.649 c -10.365 6.313 -11.31 3.336 -11.31 2.772 c -11.31 2.556 -11.31 2.029 -10.748 2.029 c -10.076 2.029 -9.547 2.688 -9.08 3.396 c h -12.35 3.636 m -12.937 2.88 -13.189 2.544 -13.49 2.544 c -13.67 2.544 -13.67 2.712 -13.67 2.784 c -13.67 2.916 -13.574 3.24 -13.549 3.348 c -11.736 10.296 l -11.799 10.356 l -12.422 10.212 -13.047 10.104 -13.67 10.032 c -13.67 9.841 l -13.5 9.841 l -13.203 9.841 -12.853 9.805 -12.853 9.541 c -12.853 9.289 -14.59 3.024 -14.59 2.772 c -14.59 2.436 -14.545 2.029 -14.016 2.029 c -13.273 2.029 -12.807 2.604 -12.195 3.528 c h -15.103 9.336 m -15.103 9.6 -15.307 9.996 -15.703 9.996 c -15.99 9.996 -16.266 9.768 -16.266 9.348 c -16.266 8.929 -15.99 8.725 -15.691 8.725 c -15.297 8.725 -15.103 9.097 -15.103 9.336 c -15.607 3.528 m -16.098 2.832 -16.447 2.592 -16.59 2.592 c -16.701 2.592 -16.785 2.688 -16.785 2.772 c -16.785 2.916 -16.639 3.396 -16.59 3.564 c -15.535 7.428 l -15.572 7.452 l -16.039 7.366 -17.035 7.175 -17.49 7.152 c -17.49 6.961 l -16.832 6.961 -16.736 6.901 -16.736 6.649 c -16.736 6.313 -17.682 3.336 -17.682 2.772 c -17.682 2.556 -17.682 2.029 -17.119 2.029 c -16.447 2.029 -15.92 2.688 -15.451 3.396 c h -22.803 9.877 m -22.105 9.865 -22.019 9.805 -22.019 9.529 c -22.019 9.361 -22.129 9.061 -22.215 8.724 c -23.844 2.712 l -23.844 2.664 l -23.844 2.4 -22.922 2.029 -22.287 2.029 c -20.449 2.029 -18.447 4.104 -18.447 6.001 c -18.447 6.877 -19.033 7.452 -19.873 7.452 c -20.953 7.452 -21.707 6.337 -22.105 5.713 c -22.129 5.725 l -21.721 7.081 -21.17 9.312 -20.906 10.296 c -20.965 10.356 l -21.59 10.236 -22.201 10.152 -22.803 10.08 c h -19.465 5.845 m -19.465 4.836 -20.605 2.304 -22.25 2.304 c -22.814 2.304 -22.814 2.616 -22.814 2.7 c -22.814 3.96 -21.662 6.865 -20.34 6.865 c -19.582 6.865 -19.465 6.217 -19.465 5.845 c -28.76 3.468 m -28.76 4.548 -27.678 7.189 -26.273 7.189 c -25.924 7.189 -25.59 6.961 -25.59 6.385 c -25.59 5.208 -26.766 2.616 -28.039 2.616 c -28.361 2.616 -28.76 2.832 -28.76 3.468 c -24.402 3.48 m -24.945 2.952 -25.182 2.652 -25.365 2.652 c -25.461 2.652 -25.533 2.724 -25.533 2.808 c -25.533 3.18 -24.428 7.272 -24.391 7.416 c -24.476 7.452 l -25.207 7.368 l -25.244 7.332 l -25.365 6.805 l -25.389 6.805 l -25.424 7.141 -25.818 7.452 -26.336 7.452 c -27.932 7.452 -29.766 5.208 -29.766 3.444 c -29.766 3.096 -29.73 2.029 -28.533 2.029 c -27.81 2.029 -27.174 2.388 -26.178 3.852 c -26.156 3.828 l -26.346 3.096 -26.406 2.832 -26.406 2.556 c -26.406 2.352 -26.406 2.041 -25.902 2.041 c -25.389 2.041 -24.98 2.472 -24.26 3.36 c h -29.99 9.336 m -29.99 9.6 -30.193 9.996 -30.59 9.996 c -30.875 9.996 -31.152 9.768 -31.152 9.348 c -31.152 8.929 -30.875 8.725 -30.578 8.725 c -30.182 8.725 -29.99 9.097 -29.99 9.336 c -30.494 3.528 m -30.984 2.832 -31.332 2.592 -31.476 2.592 c -31.586 2.592 -31.67 2.688 -31.67 2.772 c -31.67 2.916 -31.523 3.396 -31.476 3.564 c -30.422 7.428 l -30.457 7.452 l -30.924 7.366 -31.922 7.175 -32.375 7.152 c -32.375 6.961 l -31.719 6.961 -31.623 6.901 -31.623 6.649 c -31.623 6.313 -32.568 3.336 -32.568 2.772 c -32.568 2.556 -32.568 2.029 -32.006 2.029 c -31.332 2.029 -30.803 2.688 -30.336 3.396 c h -33.607 3.636 m -34.197 2.88 -34.449 2.544 -34.748 2.544 c -34.928 2.544 -34.928 2.712 -34.928 2.784 c -34.928 2.916 -34.832 3.24 -34.807 3.348 c -32.994 10.296 l -33.057 10.356 l -33.678 10.212 -34.303 10.104 -34.928 10.032 c -34.928 9.841 l -34.76 9.841 l -34.461 9.841 -34.111 9.805 -34.111 9.541 c -34.111 9.289 -35.85 3.024 -35.85 2.772 c -35.85 2.436 -35.803 2.029 -35.273 2.029 c -34.533 2.029 -34.064 2.604 -33.453 3.528 c h -39.486 3.492 m -39.99 2.916 -40.232 2.64 -40.473 2.64 c -40.59 2.64 -40.687 2.724 -40.687 2.904 c -40.687 3.096 -39.236 8.208 -38.721 10.296 c -38.781 10.356 l -39.391 10.224 -40.004 10.14 -40.615 10.08 c -40.615 9.877 l -39.957 9.865 -39.873 9.805 -39.873 9.529 c -39.873 9.361 -39.957 9.061 -40.053 8.724 c -40.568 6.817 l -40.59 6.793 l -40.639 7.057 -40.723 7.452 -41.394 7.452 c -42.824 7.452 -44.861 5.256 -44.861 3.444 c -44.861 2.82 -44.611 2.029 -43.615 2.029 c -43.016 2.029 -42.344 2.233 -41.478 3.552 c -41.453 3.528 l -41.549 3.108 -41.598 2.832 -41.598 2.556 c -41.598 2.304 -41.5 2.005 -41.035 2.005 c -40.641 2.005 -39.861 2.568 -39.344 3.372 c h -43.086 2.604 m -43.82 2.604 -43.82 3.288 -43.82 3.492 c -43.82 4.584 -42.678 7.177 -41.336 7.177 c -40.769 7.177 -40.769 6.649 -40.769 6.373 c -40.769 4.884 -41.947 2.604 -43.086 2.604 c -45.924 3.468 m -46.523 2.976 -47.027 2.568 -47.678 2.568 c -48.182 2.568 -48.807 2.844 -48.807 3.66 c -48.807 3.9 -48.744 4.14 -48.685 4.392 c -48.35 4.44 l -46.402 4.716 -45.277 5.689 -45.277 6.637 c -45.277 7.165 -45.648 7.452 -46.26 7.452 c -47.953 7.452 -49.848 5.436 -49.848 3.72 c -49.848 2.964 -49.465 2.029 -48.203 2.029 c -47.006 2.029 -45.912 3.132 -45.781 3.324 c h -48.394 5.184 m -47.953 6.253 -47.137 7.177 -46.486 7.177 c -46.187 7.177 -46.068 6.949 -46.068 6.697 c -46.068 6.601 -46.129 5.16 -48.601 4.656 c h -49.855 7.296 m -50.814 7.296 l -50.478 8.532 l -50.478 8.556 -50.465 8.58 -50.465 8.604 c -50.465 8.664 -50.49 8.712 -50.539 8.712 c -50.586 8.712 l -50.682 8.712 -50.719 8.628 -50.766 8.568 c -51.103 8.148 -51.678 7.608 -52.076 7.404 c -52.277 7.296 -52.615 7.212 -52.685 7.104 c -52.711 7.068 -52.723 7.033 -52.723 6.985 c -52.723 6.961 -52.711 6.937 -52.711 6.913 c -51.824 6.913 l -52.685 3.612 l -52.734 3.42 -52.961 2.688 -52.961 2.508 c -52.961 2.149 -52.625 2.029 -52.387 2.029 c -51.764 2.029 -51.297 2.556 -50.682 3.48 c -50.84 3.564 l -51.141 3.18 -51.56 2.616 -51.799 2.616 c -51.932 2.616 -51.99 2.712 -51.99 2.82 c -51.99 2.856 -51.99 2.88 -51.98 2.916 c -50.924 6.913 l -49.916 6.913 l h -53.424 9.336 m -53.424 9.6 -53.629 9.996 -54.023 9.996 c -54.312 9.996 -54.586 9.768 -54.586 9.348 c -54.586 8.929 -54.312 8.725 -54.014 8.725 c -53.615 8.725 -53.424 9.097 -53.424 9.336 c -53.928 3.528 m -54.42 2.832 -54.769 2.592 -54.914 2.592 c -55.019 2.592 -55.105 2.688 -55.105 2.772 c -55.105 2.916 -54.961 3.396 -54.914 3.564 c -53.857 7.428 l -53.891 7.452 l -54.361 7.366 -55.357 7.175 -55.812 7.152 c -55.812 6.961 l -55.152 6.961 -55.057 6.901 -55.057 6.649 c -55.057 6.313 -56.004 3.336 -56.004 2.772 c -56.004 2.556 -56.004 2.029 -55.441 2.029 c -54.769 2.029 -54.24 2.688 -53.773 3.396 c h -56.84 3.564 m -57.295 3 -57.607 2.616 -57.836 2.616 c -57.978 2.616 -58.016 2.652 -58.016 2.856 c -58.014 3.025 -57.043 6.241 -57.043 6.649 c -57.043 7.128 -57.32 7.452 -57.75 7.452 c -58.543 7.452 -59.516 6.397 -60.355 5.005 c -60.379 5.029 l -60.211 5.509 -59.935 6.505 -59.935 6.673 c -59.935 7.176 -60.187 7.452 -60.641 7.452 c -61.648 7.452 -62.887 5.593 -63.244 5.005 c -63.269 5.029 l -62.598 7.428 l -62.635 7.452 l -63.269 7.32 -63.906 7.2 -64.553 7.08 c -64.553 6.889 l -63.965 6.889 -63.787 6.865 -63.787 6.601 c -63.787 6.337 -64.769 2.953 -64.961 2.161 c -64.062 2.161 l -63.619 3.625 -63.379 4.417 -62.898 5.137 c -62.574 5.617 -61.662 6.829 -61.123 6.829 c -61.014 6.829 -60.857 6.829 -60.857 6.505 c -60.857 6.277 -61.685 3.325 -61.998 2.161 c -61.098 2.161 l -60.75 3.517 -60.547 4.273 -59.971 5.185 c -59.6 5.773 -58.734 6.829 -58.24 6.829 c -58.098 6.829 -57.99 6.733 -57.99 6.553 c -57.99 6.313 -58.924 2.964 -58.924 2.64 c -58.924 2.472 -58.924 2.053 -58.424 2.053 c -57.75 2.053 -57.148 2.724 -56.719 3.336 c -56.66 3.42 l h -65.125 9.336 m -65.125 9.6 -65.328 9.996 -65.725 9.996 c -66.012 9.996 -66.289 9.768 -66.289 9.348 c -66.289 8.929 -66.012 8.725 -65.711 8.725 c -65.316 8.725 -65.125 9.097 -65.125 9.336 c -65.629 3.528 m -66.119 2.832 -66.469 2.592 -66.611 2.592 c -66.721 2.592 -66.803 2.688 -66.803 2.772 c -66.803 2.916 -66.662 3.396 -66.611 3.564 c -65.557 7.428 l -65.594 7.452 l -66.06 7.366 -67.057 7.175 -67.512 7.152 c -67.512 6.961 l -66.853 6.961 -66.758 6.901 -66.758 6.649 c -66.758 6.313 -67.703 3.336 -67.703 2.772 c -67.703 2.556 -67.703 2.029 -67.141 2.029 c -66.469 2.029 -65.939 2.688 -65.473 3.396 c h -68.744 3.636 m -69.332 2.88 -69.582 2.544 -69.883 2.544 c -70.062 2.544 -70.062 2.712 -70.062 2.784 c -70.062 2.916 -69.965 3.24 -69.943 3.348 c -68.131 10.296 l -68.191 10.356 l -68.814 10.212 -69.439 10.104 -70.062 10.032 c -70.062 9.841 l -69.894 9.841 l -69.596 9.841 -69.248 9.805 -69.248 9.541 c -69.248 9.289 -70.986 3.024 -70.986 2.772 c -70.986 2.436 -70.937 2.029 -70.412 2.029 c -69.666 2.029 -69.199 2.604 -68.586 3.528 c h -74.6 3.564 m -75.053 2.988 -75.344 2.616 -75.582 2.616 c -75.678 2.616 -75.773 2.7 -75.773 2.844 c -75.773 3.097 -74.803 6.169 -74.803 6.589 c -74.803 7.368 -75.355 7.452 -75.619 7.452 c -76.699 7.452 -77.922 5.605 -78.295 5.005 c -78.318 5.029 l -76.902 10.296 l -76.961 10.356 l -77.586 10.213 -78.223 10.105 -78.846 10.033 c -78.846 9.839 l -78.535 9.851 l -78.139 9.839 -78.043 9.683 -78.043 9.539 c -78.043 9.359 -78.234 8.675 -78.365 8.171 c -79.951 2.161 l -79.049 2.161 l -78.652 3.673 -78.475 4.333 -77.932 5.149 c -77.693 5.485 -76.685 6.841 -76.086 6.841 c -75.894 6.841 -75.736 6.721 -75.736 6.517 c -75.74 6.361 -76.723 2.916 -76.723 2.604 c -76.723 2.28 -76.566 2.053 -76.182 2.053 c -75.391 2.053 -74.875 2.796 -74.443 3.42 c h -79.812 7.296 m -80.773 7.296 l -80.437 8.532 l -80.437 8.556 -80.424 8.58 -80.424 8.604 c -80.424 8.664 -80.449 8.712 -80.498 8.712 c -80.545 8.712 l -80.641 8.712 -80.678 8.628 -80.725 8.568 c -81.06 8.148 -81.637 7.608 -82.033 7.404 c -82.236 7.296 -82.572 7.212 -82.644 7.104 c -82.666 7.068 -82.678 7.033 -82.678 6.985 c -82.678 6.961 -82.666 6.937 -82.666 6.913 c -81.781 6.913 l -82.644 3.612 l -82.691 3.42 -82.92 2.688 -82.92 2.508 c -82.92 2.149 -82.582 2.029 -82.346 2.029 c -81.721 2.029 -81.254 2.556 -80.641 3.48 c -80.797 3.564 l -81.098 3.18 -81.516 2.616 -81.758 2.616 c -81.889 2.616 -81.949 2.712 -81.949 2.82 c -81.949 2.856 -81.949 2.88 -81.937 2.916 c -80.881 6.913 l -79.873 6.913 l h -83.383 9.336 m -83.383 9.6 -83.586 9.996 -83.982 9.996 c -84.269 9.996 -84.547 9.768 -84.547 9.348 c -84.547 8.929 -84.269 8.725 -83.971 8.725 c -83.576 8.725 -83.383 9.097 -83.383 9.336 c -83.887 3.528 m -84.379 2.832 -84.726 2.592 -84.869 2.592 c -84.978 2.592 -85.062 2.688 -85.062 2.772 c -85.062 2.916 -84.92 3.396 -84.869 3.564 c -83.814 7.428 l -83.851 7.452 l -84.318 7.366 -85.314 7.175 -85.769 7.152 c -85.769 6.961 l -85.111 6.961 -85.016 6.901 -85.016 6.649 c -85.016 6.313 -85.961 3.336 -85.961 2.772 c -85.961 2.556 -85.961 2.029 -85.398 2.029 c -84.726 2.029 -84.199 2.688 -83.73 3.396 c h -94.211 6.997 m -93.973 7.009 l -93.84 7.009 l -93.443 7.009 -93.385 6.877 -93.25 6.061 c -93.144 5.401 -93.037 4.369 -93 3.565 c -92.953 2.509 l -92.953 2.341 -92.953 1.945 -92.797 1.945 c -92.615 1.945 -92.533 2.197 -91.369 4.261 c -90.828 5.209 -90.541 5.713 -90.326 6.097 c -90.299 6.097 l -89.953 2.305 l -89.941 2.113 -89.941 1.945 -89.807 1.945 c -89.678 1.945 -89.519 2.173 -89.041 2.749 c -88.486 3.397 -86.629 5.736 -86.629 6.78 c -86.629 7.128 -86.822 7.452 -87.264 7.452 c -87.611 7.452 -87.721 7.236 -87.721 7.032 c -87.721 6.636 -87.203 6.576 -87.203 6.144 c -87.203 5.52 -88.129 4.356 -89.182 3.049 c -89.57 7.356 l -89.578 7.38 -89.578 7.44 -89.666 7.44 c -89.736 7.44 -89.773 7.392 -89.807 7.332 c -92.101 3.709 l -92.125 3.709 l -92.125 3.925 -92.244 5.568 -92.461 6.78 c -92.578 7.428 -92.615 7.452 -92.687 7.452 c -92.797 7.452 -93.527 7.26 -94.211 7.164 c h -101.891 3.468 m -101.891 4.548 -100.812 7.189 -99.408 7.189 c -99.06 7.189 -98.725 6.961 -98.725 6.385 c -98.725 5.208 -99.898 2.616 -101.174 2.616 c -101.498 2.616 -101.891 2.832 -101.891 3.468 c -97.537 3.48 m -98.078 2.952 -98.316 2.652 -98.498 2.652 c -98.594 2.652 -98.666 2.724 -98.666 2.808 c -98.666 3.18 -97.56 7.272 -97.523 7.416 c -97.609 7.452 l -98.34 7.368 l -98.375 7.332 l -98.498 6.805 l -98.519 6.805 l -98.557 7.141 -98.953 7.452 -99.469 7.452 c -101.064 7.452 -102.898 5.208 -102.898 3.444 c -102.898 3.096 -102.865 2.029 -101.666 2.029 c -100.945 2.029 -100.307 2.388 -99.312 3.852 c -99.289 3.828 l -99.48 3.096 -99.541 2.832 -99.541 2.556 c -99.541 2.352 -99.541 2.041 -99.037 2.041 c -98.519 2.041 -98.111 2.472 -97.391 3.36 c h -103.435 3.564 m -103.879 3 -104.178 2.616 -104.42 2.616 c -104.443 2.616 -104.611 2.64 -104.611 2.82 c -104.611 3.181 -103.648 6.145 -103.648 6.661 c -103.648 7.164 -103.928 7.452 -104.478 7.452 c -105.475 7.452 -106.578 5.785 -107.141 4.897 c -107.166 4.921 l -106.398 7.428 l -106.432 7.452 l -107.082 7.32 -107.73 7.2 -108.379 7.08 c -108.379 6.889 l -107.73 6.889 -107.611 6.757 -107.611 6.577 c -107.611 6.325 -108.414 3.517 -108.787 2.161 c -107.887 2.161 l -107.394 3.793 -107.236 4.309 -106.685 5.137 c -106.254 5.809 -105.498 6.841 -104.922 6.841 c -104.693 6.841 -104.623 6.673 -104.623 6.457 c -104.623 5.977 -105.51 3.048 -105.51 2.76 c -105.51 2.412 -105.486 2.053 -104.935 2.053 c -104.287 2.053 -103.865 2.604 -103.266 3.408 c h -108.973 9.336 m -108.973 9.6 -109.178 9.996 -109.574 9.996 c -109.861 9.996 -110.137 9.768 -110.137 9.348 c -110.137 8.929 -109.861 8.725 -109.56 8.725 c -109.166 8.725 -108.973 9.097 -108.973 9.336 c -109.476 3.528 m -109.969 2.832 -110.316 2.592 -110.461 2.592 c -110.57 2.592 -110.652 2.688 -110.652 2.772 c -110.652 2.916 -110.51 3.396 -110.461 3.564 c -109.406 7.428 l -109.441 7.452 l -109.908 7.366 -110.906 7.175 -111.361 7.152 c -111.361 6.961 l -110.701 6.961 -110.605 6.901 -110.605 6.649 c -110.605 6.313 -111.553 3.336 -111.553 2.772 c -111.553 2.556 -111.553 2.029 -110.99 2.029 c -110.316 2.029 -109.789 2.688 -109.322 3.396 c h -112.412 3.564 m -112.865 2.988 -113.156 2.616 -113.394 2.616 c -113.49 2.616 -113.586 2.7 -113.586 2.844 c -113.586 3.097 -112.615 6.169 -112.615 6.589 c -112.615 7.368 -113.166 7.452 -113.428 7.452 c -114.51 7.452 -115.732 5.605 -116.105 5.005 c -116.131 5.029 l -114.715 10.296 l -114.773 10.356 l -115.398 10.213 -116.035 10.105 -116.658 10.033 c -116.658 9.839 l -116.346 9.851 l -115.951 9.839 -115.853 9.683 -115.853 9.539 c -115.853 9.359 -116.045 8.675 -116.178 8.171 c -117.762 2.161 l -116.861 2.161 l -116.465 3.673 -116.287 4.333 -115.744 5.149 c -115.506 5.485 -114.498 6.841 -113.898 6.841 c -113.707 6.841 -113.549 6.721 -113.549 6.517 c -113.549 6.361 -114.535 2.916 -114.535 2.604 c -114.535 2.28 -114.379 2.053 -113.994 2.053 c -113.203 2.053 -112.687 2.796 -112.256 3.42 c h -118.019 7.741 m -117.578 10.128 l -117.828 10.128 l -117.889 10.008 -117.961 9.865 -118.307 9.865 c -118.586 9.865 -119.316 10.152 -120.182 10.152 c -122.928 10.152 -125.053 7.501 -125.053 5.184 c -125.053 2.784 -123.299 1.945 -121.91 1.945 c -120.158 1.945 -119.09 3.204 -118.644 3.732 c -118.85 3.9 l -119.424 3.336 -120.266 2.484 -121.619 2.484 c -123.049 2.484 -123.707 3.48 -123.707 5.052 c -123.707 6.816 -122.482 9.721 -120.086 9.721 c -118.369 9.721 -118.262 8.113 -118.236 7.777 c h -131.461 6.913 m -130.381 6.913 l -131.437 1.872 l -131.533 1.392 -131.846 -0.072 -132.611 -0.072 c -132.758 -0.072 -132.84 0.024 -132.84 0.12 c -132.84 0.252 -132.732 0.252 -132.732 0.456 c -132.732 0.744 -133.019 0.9 -133.187 0.9 c -133.211 0.9 l -133.644 0.876 -133.644 0.42 -133.644 0.384 c -133.572 -0.168 -133.082 -0.323 -132.707 -0.323 c -131.303 -0.323 -130.633 1.608 -130.295 3.072 c -129.432 6.913 l -128.125 6.913 l -128.053 7.296 l -129.348 7.296 l -129.24 7.908 -128.881 10.033 -127.894 10.033 c -127.74 10.033 -127.619 9.985 -127.619 9.889 c -127.619 9.757 -127.74 9.757 -127.74 9.493 c -127.74 9.361 -127.666 9.037 -127.285 9.037 c -127.01 9.037 -126.793 9.277 -126.793 9.517 c -126.793 9.757 -126.982 10.296 -127.848 10.296 c -129.361 10.296 -129.961 8.316 -130.269 7.296 c -131.375 7.296 l h -133.961 7.201 m -133.387 7.201 -133.123 6.673 -133.123 6.049 c -133.123 4.764 -134.07 2.28 -135.439 2.28 c -136.039 2.28 -136.398 2.712 -136.398 3.396 c -136.398 4.812 -135.307 7.201 -133.961 7.201 c -133.879 7.452 m -135.631 7.452 -137.406 5.521 -137.406 3.756 c -137.406 2.76 -136.865 2.029 -135.596 2.029 c -133.758 2.029 -132.115 4.2 -132.115 5.677 c -132.115 6.469 -132.486 7.452 -133.879 7.452 c -141.557 3.432 m -141.99 2.952 -142.553 2.46 -143.273 2.46 c -144.008 2.46 -144.365 3 -144.365 3.924 c -144.365 5.076 -143.539 7.201 -141.978 7.201 c -141.762 7.201 -141.519 7.141 -141.519 6.961 c -141.519 6.757 -141.701 6.685 -141.701 6.373 c -141.701 6.097 -141.519 5.929 -141.223 5.929 c -140.924 5.929 -140.66 6.145 -140.66 6.481 c -140.66 6.853 -140.957 7.452 -141.965 7.452 c -143.744 7.452 -145.398 5.617 -145.398 3.924 c -145.398 2.328 -144.402 2.029 -143.623 2.029 c -142.361 2.029 -141.666 2.928 -141.365 3.312 c h -145.777 9.336 m -145.777 9.6 -145.98 9.996 -146.375 9.996 c -146.664 9.996 -146.939 9.768 -146.939 9.348 c -146.939 8.929 -146.664 8.725 -146.365 8.725 c -145.969 8.725 -145.777 9.097 -145.777 9.336 c -146.281 3.528 m -146.769 2.832 -147.119 2.592 -147.264 2.592 c -147.373 2.592 -147.457 2.688 -147.457 2.772 c -147.457 2.916 -147.312 3.396 -147.264 3.564 c -146.207 7.428 l -146.244 7.452 l -146.711 7.366 -147.707 7.175 -148.164 7.152 c -148.164 6.961 l -147.506 6.961 -147.41 6.901 -147.41 6.649 c -147.41 6.313 -148.355 3.336 -148.355 2.772 c -148.355 2.556 -148.355 2.029 -147.793 2.029 c -147.119 2.029 -146.59 2.688 -146.125 3.396 c h -149.394 3.636 m -149.982 2.88 -150.232 2.544 -150.535 2.544 c -150.715 2.544 -150.715 2.712 -150.715 2.784 c -150.715 2.916 -150.619 3.24 -150.596 3.348 c -148.783 10.296 l -148.844 10.356 l -149.465 10.212 -150.09 10.104 -150.715 10.032 c -150.715 9.841 l -150.545 9.841 l -150.248 9.841 -149.898 9.805 -149.898 9.541 c -149.898 9.289 -151.639 3.024 -151.639 2.772 c -151.639 2.436 -151.59 2.029 -151.062 2.029 c -150.32 2.029 -149.851 2.604 -149.24 3.528 c h -156.662 9.877 m -155.965 9.865 -155.881 9.805 -155.881 9.529 c -155.881 9.361 -155.99 9.061 -156.074 8.724 c -157.703 2.712 l -157.703 2.664 l -157.703 2.4 -156.781 2.029 -156.144 2.029 c -154.307 2.029 -152.303 4.104 -152.303 6.001 c -152.303 6.877 -152.891 7.452 -153.732 7.452 c -154.812 7.452 -155.57 6.337 -155.965 5.713 c -155.99 5.725 l -155.582 7.081 -155.027 9.312 -154.764 10.296 c -154.824 10.356 l -155.449 10.236 -156.06 10.152 -156.662 10.08 c h -153.324 5.845 m -153.324 4.836 -154.465 2.304 -156.107 2.304 c -156.674 2.304 -156.674 2.616 -156.674 2.7 c -156.674 3.96 -155.519 6.865 -154.201 6.865 c -153.443 6.865 -153.324 6.217 -153.324 5.845 c -158.299 3.564 m -158.719 3.036 -159.053 2.616 -159.283 2.616 c -159.416 2.616 -159.428 2.748 -159.428 2.808 c -159.428 2.988 -159.269 3.516 -159.199 3.756 c -158.25 7.344 l -159.139 7.344 l -159.607 6.06 -159.869 5.304 -160.457 4.416 c -160.865 3.792 -161.623 2.664 -162.139 2.664 c -162.344 2.664 -162.402 2.82 -162.402 2.964 c -162.402 3 -162.402 3.036 -162.391 3.072 c -161.299 7.428 l -161.332 7.452 l -161.935 7.308 -162.535 7.2 -163.135 7.128 c -163.135 6.961 l -162.641 6.961 -162.416 6.961 -162.416 6.613 c -162.416 6.289 -163.326 3.264 -163.326 2.736 c -163.326 2.209 -163.098 2.029 -162.666 2.029 c -161.586 2.029 -160.699 3.528 -159.883 4.884 c -159.846 4.884 l -160.123 3.9 -160.361 2.892 -160.361 2.676 c -160.361 2.496 -160.336 2.053 -159.799 2.053 c -159.199 2.053 -158.887 2.364 -158.131 3.456 c h -169.01 6.997 m -168.732 7.009 l -168.697 7.009 l -168.443 7.009 -168.228 6.865 -168.228 6.661 c -168.228 6.409 -169.453 1.945 -169.773 0.6 c -169.873 0.216 -169.943 -0.108 -170.578 -0.108 c -170.578 -0.299 l -168.119 -0.299 l -168.119 -0.12 l -168.432 -0.12 -168.889 -0.12 -168.889 0.264 c -168.889 0.504 -168.553 1.825 -168.443 2.232 c -168.17 2.089 -167.928 2.029 -167.629 2.029 c -165.973 2.029 -164.053 4.02 -164.053 5.881 c -164.053 6.745 -164.412 7.452 -165.48 7.452 c -166.465 7.452 -167.148 6.577 -167.437 6.157 c -167.461 6.181 l -167.137 7.296 l -167.125 7.332 -167.111 7.368 -167.111 7.392 c -167.111 7.44 -167.148 7.452 -167.17 7.452 c -169.033 7.188 l h -165.133 5.917 m -165.133 4.488 -166.211 2.256 -167.678 2.256 c -167.976 2.256 -168.277 2.388 -168.277 2.7 c -168.277 3.168 -167.795 4.8 -167.498 5.569 c -167.182 6.385 -166.486 6.937 -165.924 6.937 c -165.144 6.937 -165.133 6.241 -165.133 5.917 c -170.562 3.468 m -171.162 2.976 -171.666 2.568 -172.314 2.568 c -172.82 2.568 -173.443 2.844 -173.443 3.66 c -173.443 3.9 -173.383 4.14 -173.324 4.392 c -172.986 4.44 l -171.043 4.716 -169.916 5.689 -169.916 6.637 c -169.916 7.165 -170.287 7.452 -170.894 7.452 c -172.59 7.452 -174.482 5.436 -174.482 3.72 c -174.482 2.964 -174.101 2.029 -172.84 2.029 c -171.641 2.029 -170.549 3.132 -170.416 3.324 c h -173.035 5.184 m -172.59 6.253 -171.773 7.177 -171.125 7.177 c -170.826 7.177 -170.703 6.949 -170.703 6.697 c -170.703 6.601 -170.766 5.16 -173.24 4.656 c h -178.344 9.301 m -178.26 9.517 -178.211 9.637 -177.67 9.637 c -176.986 9.637 -176.244 9.361 -176.244 8.328 c -176.244 7.427 -176.687 6.49 -178.416 6.49 c -178.74 6.49 -178.836 6.502 -179.123 6.55 c h -175.236 2.352 m -175.885 2.376 -176.076 2.795 -176.23 3.215 c -177.348 6.153 l -175.633 6.478 -174.982 7.319 -174.982 8.268 c -174.982 9.996 -177.045 9.996 -177.478 9.996 c -180.453 9.996 l -180.453 9.805 l -179.891 9.733 -179.603 9.709 -179.603 9.241 c -179.603 9.097 -179.711 8.676 -179.748 8.544 c -181.223 3.239 l -181.439 2.483 -181.582 2.459 -182.195 2.352 c -182.195 2.161 l -179.266 2.161 l -179.266 2.352 l -179.916 2.435 -180.082 2.459 -180.082 2.915 c -180.082 3.011 -180.082 3.059 -179.939 3.598 c -179.266 6.104 l -178.486 6.044 l -177.012 2.161 l -175.236 2.161 l h -188.975 3.912 m -189.215 2.005 l -189.023 2.005 l -188.951 2.137 -188.902 2.257 -188.732 2.257 c -188.387 2.256 -187.908 2.029 -187.549 2.029 c -186.875 2.029 -185.762 2.328 -185.762 3.636 c -185.762 4.656 -187.225 5.725 -187.225 6.481 c -187.225 7.069 -186.84 7.177 -186.576 7.177 c -185.795 7.177 -185.508 6.481 -185.447 5.797 c -185.258 5.797 l -185.016 7.464 l -185.185 7.464 l -185.244 7.368 -185.316 7.248 -185.519 7.248 c -185.881 7.249 -186.119 7.452 -186.66 7.452 c -187.932 7.452 -188.1 6.493 -188.1 6.121 c -188.1 5.196 -186.67 4.044 -186.67 3.252 c -186.67 2.856 -186.865 2.28 -187.537 2.28 c -188.508 2.28 -188.699 3.384 -188.783 3.912 c h -191.332 7.392 m -190.648 7.728 -189.773 8.484 -189.773 9.288 c -189.773 9.804 -190.074 10.152 -190.48 10.152 c -190.578 10.152 -191.082 10.092 -191.082 9.588 c -191.082 9.06 -190.541 9.048 -190.541 8.64 c -190.541 8.196 -191.201 7.752 -191.441 7.596 c h -194.135 3.468 m -194.732 2.976 -195.24 2.568 -195.889 2.568 c -196.391 2.568 -197.016 2.844 -197.016 3.66 c -197.016 3.9 -196.957 4.14 -196.894 4.392 c -196.56 4.44 l -194.615 4.716 -193.486 5.689 -193.486 6.637 c -193.486 7.165 -193.861 7.452 -194.471 7.452 c -196.164 7.452 -198.057 5.436 -198.057 3.72 c -198.057 2.964 -197.674 2.029 -196.416 2.029 c -195.215 2.029 -194.123 3.132 -193.99 3.324 c h -196.607 5.184 m -196.164 6.253 -195.348 7.177 -194.699 7.177 c -194.398 7.177 -194.277 6.949 -194.277 6.697 c -194.277 6.601 -194.34 5.16 -196.812 4.656 c h -198.883 3.636 m -199.471 2.88 -199.723 2.544 -200.019 2.544 c -200.203 2.544 -200.203 2.712 -200.203 2.784 c -200.203 2.916 -200.105 3.24 -200.082 3.348 c -198.269 10.296 l -198.328 10.356 l -198.953 10.212 -199.578 10.104 -200.203 10.032 c -200.203 9.841 l -200.035 9.841 l -199.732 9.841 -199.387 9.805 -199.387 9.541 c -199.387 9.289 -201.125 3.024 -201.125 2.772 c -201.125 2.436 -201.078 2.029 -200.549 2.029 c -199.807 2.029 -199.336 2.604 -198.726 3.528 c h -206.795 6.997 m -206.519 7.009 l -206.482 7.009 l -206.23 7.009 -206.016 6.865 -206.016 6.661 c -206.016 6.409 -207.24 1.945 -207.564 0.6 c -207.66 0.216 -207.73 -0.108 -208.366 -0.108 c -208.366 -0.299 l -205.908 -0.299 l -205.908 -0.12 l -206.219 -0.12 -206.674 -0.12 -206.674 0.264 c -206.674 0.504 -206.34 1.825 -206.23 2.232 c -205.957 2.089 -205.715 2.029 -205.416 2.029 c -203.76 2.029 -201.84 4.02 -201.84 5.881 c -201.84 6.745 -202.201 7.452 -203.266 7.452 c -204.25 7.452 -204.935 6.577 -205.225 6.157 c -205.248 6.181 l -204.924 7.296 l -204.912 7.332 -204.898 7.368 -204.898 7.392 c -204.898 7.44 -204.935 7.452 -204.961 7.452 c -206.82 7.188 l h -202.92 5.917 m -202.92 4.488 -204 2.256 -205.465 2.256 c -205.764 2.256 -206.064 2.388 -206.064 2.7 c -206.064 3.168 -205.582 4.8 -205.285 5.569 c -204.973 6.385 -204.273 6.937 -203.711 6.937 c -202.932 6.937 -202.92 6.241 -202.92 5.917 c -209.548 7.201 m -208.972 7.201 -208.707 6.673 -208.707 6.049 c -208.707 4.764 -209.658 2.28 -211.024 2.28 c -211.625 2.28 -211.986 2.712 -211.986 3.396 c -211.986 4.812 -210.894 7.201 -209.548 7.201 c -209.464 7.452 m -211.218 7.452 -212.994 5.521 -212.994 3.756 c -212.994 2.76 -212.454 2.029 -211.181 2.029 c -209.345 2.029 -207.703 4.2 -207.703 5.677 c -207.703 6.469 -208.074 7.452 -209.464 7.452 c -214.199 3.468 m -214.798 2.976 -215.302 2.568 -215.953 2.568 c -216.456 2.568 -217.079 2.844 -217.079 3.66 c -217.079 3.9 -217.019 4.14 -216.96 4.392 c -216.624 4.44 l -214.678 4.716 -213.552 5.689 -213.552 6.637 c -213.552 7.165 -213.923 7.452 -214.535 7.452 c -216.228 7.452 -218.122 5.436 -218.122 3.72 c -218.122 2.964 -217.74 2.029 -216.48 2.029 c -215.278 2.029 -214.187 3.132 -214.053 3.324 c h -216.67 5.184 m -216.228 6.253 -215.412 7.177 -214.763 7.177 c -214.461 7.177 -214.343 6.949 -214.343 6.697 c -214.343 6.601 -214.403 5.16 -216.875 4.656 c h -221.812 9.301 m -221.765 9.445 -221.693 9.637 -221.332 9.637 c -220.013 9.637 -219.653 9.133 -219.653 8.244 c -219.653 6.264 -221.249 6.264 -222.124 6.264 c -222.281 6.264 -222.424 6.288 -222.665 6.324 c h -223.924 9.805 m -223.42 9.745 -223.074 9.709 -223.074 9.265 c -223.074 9.097 -223.193 8.617 -223.277 8.34 c -224.693 3.24 l -224.908 2.472 -225.065 2.448 -225.676 2.352 c -225.676 2.161 l -222.737 2.161 l -222.737 2.352 l -223.361 2.436 -223.552 2.46 -223.552 2.868 c -223.552 3.072 -223.552 3.072 -223.41 3.6 c -222.773 5.917 l -222.509 5.857 -222.34 5.821 -221.5 5.821 c -219.101 5.821 -218.416 7.284 -218.416 8.172 c -218.416 9.984 -220.42 9.996 -220.949 9.996 c -223.924 9.996 l h -229.408 3.468 m -230.008 2.976 -230.512 2.568 -231.16 2.568 c -231.665 2.568 -232.289 2.844 -232.289 3.66 c -232.289 3.9 -232.229 4.14 -232.169 4.392 c -231.833 4.44 l -229.888 4.716 -228.761 5.689 -228.761 6.637 c -228.761 7.165 -229.132 7.452 -229.745 7.452 c -231.436 7.452 -233.331 5.436 -233.331 3.72 c -233.331 2.964 -232.948 2.029 -231.689 2.029 c -230.488 2.029 -229.396 3.132 -229.264 3.324 c h -231.881 5.184 m -231.436 6.253 -230.621 7.177 -229.972 7.177 c -229.672 7.177 -229.551 6.949 -229.551 6.697 c -229.551 6.601 -229.611 5.16 -232.085 4.656 c h -233.976 3.564 m -234.431 2.988 -234.719 2.616 -234.959 2.616 c -235.055 2.616 -235.151 2.7 -235.151 2.844 c -235.149 3.097 -234.179 6.169 -234.179 6.589 c -234.179 7.368 -234.73 7.452 -234.995 7.452 c -236.073 7.452 -237.297 5.605 -237.669 5.005 c -237.693 5.029 l -236.277 10.296 l -236.337 10.356 l -236.961 10.213 -237.597 10.105 -238.221 10.033 c -238.221 9.839 l -237.909 9.851 l -237.513 9.839 -237.417 9.683 -237.417 9.539 c -237.417 9.359 -237.609 8.675 -237.741 8.171 c -239.325 2.161 l -238.425 2.161 l -238.029 3.673 -237.85 4.333 -237.309 5.149 c -237.069 5.485 -236.061 6.841 -235.461 6.841 c -235.269 6.841 -235.113 6.721 -235.113 6.517 c -235.115 6.361 -236.097 2.916 -236.097 2.604 c -236.097 2.28 -235.942 2.053 -235.559 2.053 c -234.768 2.053 -234.251 2.796 -233.819 3.42 c h -239.189 7.296 m -240.148 7.296 l -239.813 8.532 l -239.813 8.556 -239.801 8.58 -239.801 8.604 c -239.801 8.664 -239.825 8.712 -239.873 8.712 c -239.921 8.712 l -240.018 8.712 -240.053 8.628 -240.101 8.568 c -240.437 8.148 -241.013 7.608 -241.409 7.404 c -241.612 7.296 -241.948 7.212 -242.02 7.104 c -242.044 7.068 -242.056 7.033 -242.056 6.985 c -242.056 6.961 -242.044 6.937 -242.044 6.913 c -241.157 6.913 l -242.02 3.612 l -242.068 3.42 -242.295 2.688 -242.295 2.508 c -242.295 2.149 -241.96 2.029 -241.72 2.029 c -241.097 2.029 -240.629 2.556 -240.018 3.48 c -240.173 3.564 l -240.473 3.18 -240.893 2.616 -241.133 2.616 c -241.266 2.616 -241.325 2.712 -241.325 2.82 c -241.325 2.856 -241.325 2.88 -241.313 2.916 c -240.257 6.913 l -239.249 6.913 l h -245.921 3.564 m -246.365 3 -246.665 2.616 -246.905 2.616 c -246.929 2.616 -247.097 2.64 -247.097 2.82 c -247.095 3.181 -246.137 6.145 -246.137 6.661 c -246.137 7.164 -246.414 7.452 -246.964 7.452 c -247.959 7.452 -249.063 5.785 -249.627 4.897 c -249.651 4.921 l -248.883 7.428 l -248.919 7.452 l -249.567 7.32 -250.215 7.2 -250.863 7.08 c -250.863 6.889 l -250.215 6.889 -250.095 6.757 -250.095 6.577 c -250.095 6.325 -250.899 3.517 -251.271 2.161 c -250.372 2.161 l -249.879 3.793 -249.723 4.309 -249.171 5.137 c -248.739 5.809 -247.983 6.841 -247.407 6.841 c -247.179 6.841 -247.107 6.673 -247.107 6.457 c -247.109 5.977 -247.996 3.048 -247.996 2.76 c -247.996 2.412 -247.971 2.053 -247.42 2.053 c -246.773 2.053 -246.353 2.604 -245.753 3.408 c h -251.459 9.336 m -251.459 9.6 -251.664 9.996 -252.059 9.996 c -252.346 9.996 -252.622 9.768 -252.622 9.348 c -252.622 8.929 -252.346 8.725 -252.046 8.725 c -251.651 8.725 -251.459 9.097 -251.459 9.336 c -251.962 3.528 m -252.455 2.832 -252.802 2.592 -252.946 2.592 c -253.055 2.592 -253.139 2.688 -253.139 2.772 c -253.139 2.916 -252.996 3.396 -252.946 3.564 c -251.89 7.428 l -251.926 7.452 l -252.394 7.366 -253.39 7.175 -253.846 7.152 c -253.846 6.961 l -253.187 6.961 -253.091 6.901 -253.091 6.649 c -253.091 6.313 -254.038 3.336 -254.038 2.772 c -254.038 2.556 -254.038 2.029 -253.475 2.029 c -252.802 2.029 -252.274 2.688 -251.806 3.396 c h -257.771 3.492 m -258.275 2.916 -258.516 2.64 -258.755 2.64 c -258.875 2.64 -258.971 2.724 -258.971 2.904 c -258.971 3.096 -257.519 8.208 -257.003 10.296 c -257.063 10.356 l -257.675 10.224 -258.288 10.14 -258.899 10.08 c -258.899 9.877 l -258.239 9.865 -258.155 9.805 -258.155 9.529 c -258.155 9.361 -258.239 9.061 -258.335 8.724 c -258.851 6.817 l -258.875 6.793 l -258.923 7.057 -259.006 7.452 -259.678 7.452 c -261.106 7.452 -263.145 5.256 -263.145 3.444 c -263.145 2.82 -262.894 2.029 -261.899 2.029 c -261.298 2.029 -260.626 2.233 -259.762 3.552 c -259.738 3.528 l -259.833 3.108 -259.881 2.832 -259.881 2.556 c -259.881 2.304 -259.787 2.005 -259.318 2.005 c -258.923 2.005 -258.143 2.568 -257.627 3.372 c h -261.372 2.604 m -262.103 2.604 -262.103 3.288 -262.103 3.492 c -262.103 4.584 -260.962 7.177 -259.619 7.177 c -259.053 7.177 -259.053 6.649 -259.053 6.373 c -259.053 4.884 -260.23 2.604 -261.372 2.604 c -264.208 3.468 m -264.807 2.976 -265.312 2.568 -265.96 2.568 c -266.464 2.568 -267.089 2.844 -267.089 3.66 c -267.089 3.9 -267.029 4.14 -266.969 4.392 c -266.632 4.44 l -264.687 4.716 -263.561 5.689 -263.561 6.637 c -263.561 7.165 -263.933 7.452 -264.543 7.452 c -266.236 7.452 -268.131 5.436 -268.131 3.72 c -268.131 2.964 -267.748 2.029 -266.488 2.029 c -265.289 2.029 -264.196 3.132 -264.064 3.324 c h -266.681 5.184 m -266.236 6.253 -265.42 7.177 -264.771 7.177 c -264.471 7.177 -264.351 6.949 -264.351 6.697 c -264.351 6.601 -264.412 5.16 -266.885 4.656 c h -268.775 3.564 m -269.231 2.988 -269.519 2.616 -269.759 2.616 c -269.855 2.616 -269.951 2.7 -269.951 2.844 c -269.949 3.097 -268.979 6.169 -268.979 6.589 c -268.979 7.368 -269.53 7.452 -269.793 7.452 c -270.873 7.452 -272.097 5.605 -272.469 5.005 c -272.493 5.029 l -271.077 10.296 l -271.137 10.356 l -271.761 10.213 -272.397 10.105 -273.021 10.033 c -273.021 9.839 l -272.709 9.851 l -272.313 9.839 -272.217 9.683 -272.217 9.539 c -272.217 9.359 -272.409 8.675 -272.541 8.171 c -274.125 2.161 l -273.226 2.161 l -272.83 3.673 -272.649 4.333 -272.109 5.149 c -271.87 5.485 -270.861 6.841 -270.261 6.841 c -270.069 6.841 -269.914 6.721 -269.914 6.517 c -269.915 6.361 -270.897 2.916 -270.897 2.604 c -270.897 2.28 -270.741 2.053 -270.358 2.053 c -269.567 2.053 -269.051 2.796 -268.619 3.42 c h -278.439 3.912 m -278.679 2.005 l -278.487 2.005 l -278.415 2.137 -278.367 2.257 -278.199 2.257 c -277.851 2.256 -277.372 2.029 -277.012 2.029 c -276.34 2.029 -275.226 2.328 -275.226 3.636 c -275.226 4.656 -276.689 5.725 -276.689 6.481 c -276.689 7.069 -276.304 7.177 -276.039 7.177 c -275.261 7.177 -274.971 6.481 -274.912 5.797 c -274.721 5.797 l -274.481 7.464 l -274.649 7.464 l -274.709 7.368 -274.781 7.248 -274.985 7.248 c -275.344 7.249 -275.584 7.452 -276.123 7.452 c -277.395 7.452 -277.563 6.493 -277.563 6.121 c -277.563 5.196 -276.135 4.044 -276.135 3.252 c -276.135 2.856 -276.329 2.28 -277 2.28 c -277.971 2.28 -278.164 3.384 -278.247 3.912 c h -278.892 9.336 m -278.892 9.6 -279.094 9.996 -279.49 9.996 c -279.778 9.996 -280.053 9.768 -280.053 9.348 c -280.053 8.929 -279.778 8.725 -279.478 8.725 c -279.082 8.725 -278.892 9.097 -278.892 9.336 c -279.394 3.528 m -279.885 2.832 -280.234 2.592 -280.378 2.592 c -280.486 2.592 -280.571 2.688 -280.571 2.772 c -280.571 2.916 -280.426 3.396 -280.378 3.564 c -279.322 7.428 l -279.358 7.452 l -279.825 7.366 -280.822 7.175 -281.277 7.152 c -281.277 6.961 l -280.62 6.961 -280.523 6.901 -280.523 6.649 c -280.523 6.313 -281.469 3.336 -281.469 2.772 c -281.469 2.556 -281.469 2.029 -280.906 2.029 c -280.234 2.029 -279.706 2.688 -279.238 3.396 c h -282.509 3.636 m -283.097 2.88 -283.349 2.544 -283.649 2.544 c -283.83 2.544 -283.83 2.712 -283.83 2.784 c -283.83 2.916 -283.733 3.24 -283.709 3.348 c -281.897 10.296 l -281.957 10.356 l -282.581 10.212 -283.205 10.104 -283.83 10.032 c -283.83 9.841 l -283.662 9.841 l -283.361 9.841 -283.013 9.805 -283.013 9.541 c -283.013 9.289 -284.751 3.024 -284.751 2.772 c -284.751 2.436 -284.704 2.029 -284.176 2.029 c -283.434 2.029 -282.965 2.604 -282.353 3.528 c h -289.775 9.877 m -289.079 9.865 -288.995 9.805 -288.995 9.529 c -288.995 9.361 -289.102 9.061 -289.186 8.724 c -290.817 2.712 l -290.817 2.664 l -290.817 2.4 -289.894 2.029 -289.258 2.029 c -287.422 2.029 -285.419 4.104 -285.419 6.001 c -285.419 6.877 -286.006 7.452 -286.845 7.452 c -287.926 7.452 -288.682 6.337 -289.079 5.713 c -289.102 5.725 l -288.694 7.081 -288.143 9.312 -287.878 10.296 c -287.938 10.356 l -288.562 10.236 -289.174 10.152 -289.775 10.08 c h -286.437 5.845 m -286.437 4.836 -287.579 2.304 -289.222 2.304 c -289.788 2.304 -289.788 2.616 -289.788 2.7 c -289.788 3.96 -288.634 6.865 -287.314 6.865 c -286.557 6.865 -286.437 6.217 -286.437 5.845 c -295.733 3.468 m -295.733 4.548 -294.652 7.189 -293.247 7.189 c -292.899 7.189 -292.563 6.961 -292.563 6.385 c -292.563 5.208 -293.74 2.616 -295.012 2.616 c -295.336 2.616 -295.733 2.832 -295.733 3.468 c -291.377 3.48 m -291.917 2.952 -292.157 2.652 -292.337 2.652 c -292.434 2.652 -292.505 2.724 -292.505 2.808 c -292.505 3.18 -291.401 7.272 -291.365 7.416 c -291.449 7.452 l -292.181 7.368 l -292.217 7.332 l -292.337 6.805 l -292.361 6.805 l -292.396 7.141 -292.791 7.452 -293.309 7.452 c -294.904 7.452 -296.739 5.208 -296.739 3.444 c -296.739 3.096 -296.704 2.029 -295.505 2.029 c -294.784 2.029 -294.148 2.388 -293.152 3.852 c -293.128 3.828 l -293.319 3.096 -293.379 2.832 -293.379 2.556 c -293.379 2.352 -293.379 2.041 -292.876 2.041 c -292.361 2.041 -291.954 2.472 -291.233 3.36 c h -296.58 7.296 m -297.539 7.296 l -297.203 8.532 l -297.203 8.556 -297.19 8.58 -297.19 8.604 c -297.19 8.664 -297.214 8.712 -297.262 8.712 c -297.31 8.712 l -297.406 8.712 -297.442 8.628 -297.49 8.568 c -297.828 8.148 -298.403 7.608 -298.799 7.404 c -299.002 7.296 -299.338 7.212 -299.41 7.104 c -299.434 7.068 -299.446 7.033 -299.446 6.985 c -299.446 6.961 -299.434 6.937 -299.434 6.913 c -298.547 6.913 l -299.41 3.612 l -299.457 3.42 -299.685 2.688 -299.685 2.508 c -299.685 2.149 -299.351 2.029 -299.11 2.029 c -298.487 2.029 -298.019 2.556 -297.407 3.48 c -297.563 3.564 l -297.863 3.18 -298.283 2.616 -298.523 2.616 c -298.655 2.616 -298.715 2.712 -298.715 2.82 c -298.715 2.856 -298.715 2.88 -298.704 2.916 c -297.647 6.913 l -296.639 6.913 l h -304.215 3.912 m -304.455 2.005 l -304.263 2.005 l -304.191 2.137 -304.143 2.257 -303.976 2.257 c -303.627 2.256 -303.147 2.029 -302.789 2.029 c -302.116 2.029 -301.001 2.328 -301.001 3.636 c -301.001 4.656 -302.465 5.725 -302.465 6.481 c -302.465 7.069 -302.08 7.177 -301.815 7.177 c -301.037 7.177 -300.747 6.481 -300.687 5.797 c -300.497 5.797 l -300.257 7.464 l -300.425 7.464 l -300.485 7.368 -300.558 7.248 -300.761 7.248 c -301.121 7.249 -301.36 7.452 -301.899 7.452 c -303.171 7.452 -303.339 6.493 -303.339 6.121 c -303.339 5.196 -301.912 4.044 -301.912 3.252 c -301.912 2.856 -302.104 2.28 -302.776 2.28 c -303.747 2.28 -303.939 3.384 -304.023 3.912 c h -305.529 3.468 m -306.129 2.976 -306.633 2.568 -307.282 2.568 c -307.787 2.568 -308.41 2.844 -308.41 3.66 c -308.41 3.9 -308.351 4.14 -308.29 4.392 c -307.955 4.44 l -306.009 4.716 -304.882 5.689 -304.882 6.637 c -304.882 7.165 -305.254 7.452 -305.865 7.452 c -307.559 7.452 -309.454 5.436 -309.454 3.72 c -309.454 2.964 -309.069 2.029 -307.81 2.029 c -306.609 2.029 -305.518 3.132 -305.385 3.324 c h -308.002 5.184 m -307.559 6.253 -306.741 7.177 -306.093 7.177 c -305.793 7.177 -305.673 6.949 -305.673 6.697 c -305.673 6.601 -305.733 5.16 -308.206 4.656 c h -317.673 6.961 m -317.529 6.997 -317.445 7.009 -317.265 7.009 c -316.581 7.009 -316.425 6.494 -316.101 5.404 c -315.897 4.757 -315.393 2.66 -315.393 2.205 c -315.393 1.881 -315.897 1.294 -316.197 0.947 c -316.605 0.467 -316.761 0.36 -316.954 0.36 c -317.169 0.36 -317.325 0.696 -317.685 0.696 c -317.937 0.696 -318.142 0.492 -318.142 0.24 c -318.142 -0.263 -317.625 -0.299 -317.529 -0.299 c -316.101 -0.299 -312.742 5.283 -312.742 6.709 c -312.742 7.14 -312.981 7.452 -313.425 7.452 c -313.737 7.452 -313.87 7.2 -313.87 7.032 c -313.87 6.481 -313.221 6.613 -313.221 6.122 c -313.221 5.487 -314.169 3.87 -314.685 3.031 c -314.925 4.421 l -315.081 5.319 -315.789 7.452 -315.945 7.452 c -316.162 7.452 -317.097 7.26 -317.673 7.164 c h -318.184 3.564 m -318.628 3 -318.928 2.616 -319.168 2.616 c -319.192 2.616 -319.36 2.64 -319.36 2.82 c -319.359 3.181 -318.4 6.145 -318.4 6.661 c -318.4 7.164 -318.676 7.452 -319.227 7.452 c -320.223 7.452 -321.328 5.785 -321.892 4.897 c -321.915 4.921 l -321.147 7.428 l -321.184 7.452 l -321.831 7.32 -322.479 7.2 -323.127 7.08 c -323.127 6.889 l -322.479 6.889 -322.359 6.757 -322.359 6.577 c -322.359 6.325 -323.164 3.517 -323.535 2.161 c -322.635 2.161 l -322.143 3.793 -321.987 4.309 -321.435 5.137 c -321.003 5.809 -320.247 6.841 -319.671 6.841 c -319.443 6.841 -319.372 6.673 -319.372 6.457 c -319.372 5.977 -320.259 3.048 -320.259 2.76 c -320.259 2.412 -320.235 2.053 -319.684 2.053 c -319.037 2.053 -318.616 2.604 -318.017 3.408 c h -328.342 3.468 m -328.342 4.548 -327.262 7.189 -325.857 7.189 c -325.509 7.189 -325.173 6.961 -325.173 6.385 c -325.173 5.208 -326.35 2.616 -327.623 2.616 c -327.946 2.616 -328.342 2.832 -328.342 3.468 c -323.986 3.48 m -324.526 2.952 -324.767 2.652 -324.946 2.652 c -325.042 2.652 -325.114 2.724 -325.114 2.808 c -325.114 3.18 -324.01 7.272 -323.975 7.416 c -324.059 7.452 l -324.79 7.368 l -324.826 7.332 l -324.946 6.805 l -324.97 6.805 l -325.006 7.141 -325.401 7.452 -325.917 7.452 c -327.514 7.452 -329.35 5.208 -329.35 3.444 c -329.35 3.096 -329.313 2.029 -328.114 2.029 c -327.395 2.029 -326.757 2.388 -325.761 3.852 c -325.737 3.828 l -325.929 3.096 -325.989 2.832 -325.989 2.556 c -325.989 2.352 -325.989 2.041 -325.486 2.041 c -324.97 2.041 -324.562 2.472 -323.842 3.36 c h -334.732 6.997 m -334.457 7.009 l -334.42 7.009 l -334.167 7.009 -333.953 6.865 -333.953 6.661 c -333.953 6.409 -335.176 1.945 -335.499 0.6 c -335.595 0.216 -335.667 -0.108 -336.303 -0.108 c -336.303 -0.299 l -333.844 -0.299 l -333.844 -0.12 l -334.155 -0.12 -334.612 -0.12 -334.612 0.264 c -334.612 0.504 -334.275 1.825 -334.167 2.232 c -333.893 2.089 -333.652 2.029 -333.353 2.029 c -331.695 2.029 -329.776 4.02 -329.776 5.881 c -329.776 6.745 -330.136 7.452 -331.204 7.452 c -332.187 7.452 -332.873 6.577 -333.16 6.157 c -333.185 6.181 l -332.86 7.296 l -332.848 7.332 -332.836 7.368 -332.836 7.392 c -332.836 7.44 -332.873 7.452 -332.896 7.452 c -334.756 7.188 l h -330.855 5.917 m -330.855 4.488 -331.936 2.256 -333.4 2.256 c -333.7 2.256 -334 2.388 -334 2.7 c -334 3.168 -333.52 4.8 -333.22 5.569 c -332.908 6.385 -332.211 6.937 -331.647 6.937 c -330.867 6.937 -330.855 6.241 -330.855 5.917 c -335.65 3.564 m -336.106 3 -336.418 2.616 -336.646 2.616 c -336.791 2.616 -336.826 2.652 -336.826 2.856 c -336.825 3.025 -335.854 6.241 -335.854 6.649 c -335.854 7.128 -336.13 7.452 -336.562 7.452 c -337.353 7.452 -338.326 6.397 -339.166 5.005 c -339.189 5.029 l -339.022 5.509 -338.747 6.505 -338.747 6.673 c -338.747 7.176 -338.999 7.452 -339.454 7.452 c -340.461 7.452 -341.697 5.593 -342.057 5.005 c -342.082 5.029 l -341.409 7.428 l -341.445 7.452 l -342.082 7.32 -342.717 7.2 -343.365 7.08 c -343.365 6.889 l -342.777 6.889 -342.597 6.865 -342.597 6.601 c -342.597 6.337 -343.582 2.953 -343.773 2.161 c -342.874 2.161 l -342.429 3.625 -342.189 4.417 -341.709 5.137 c -341.385 5.617 -340.473 6.829 -339.934 6.829 c -339.825 6.829 -339.669 6.829 -339.669 6.505 c -339.669 6.277 -340.498 3.325 -340.81 2.161 c -339.909 2.161 l -339.562 3.517 -339.357 4.273 -338.782 5.185 c -338.41 5.773 -337.545 6.829 -337.053 6.829 c -336.909 6.829 -336.801 6.733 -336.801 6.553 c -336.802 6.313 -337.737 2.964 -337.737 2.64 c -337.737 2.472 -337.737 2.053 -337.233 2.053 c -336.562 2.053 -335.962 2.724 -335.53 3.336 c -335.47 3.42 l h -345.999 7.201 m -345.423 7.201 -345.159 6.673 -345.159 6.049 c -345.159 4.764 -346.107 2.28 -347.477 2.28 c -348.076 2.28 -348.437 2.712 -348.437 3.396 c -348.437 4.812 -347.344 7.201 -345.999 7.201 c -345.916 7.452 m -347.668 7.452 -349.443 5.521 -349.443 3.756 c -349.443 2.76 -348.903 2.029 -347.632 2.029 c -345.795 2.029 -344.152 4.2 -344.152 5.677 c -344.152 6.469 -344.523 7.452 -345.916 7.452 c -350.746 3.432 m -351.176 2.952 -351.741 2.46 -352.461 2.46 c -353.194 2.46 -353.554 3 -353.554 3.924 c -353.554 5.076 -352.726 7.201 -351.165 7.201 c -350.948 7.201 -350.709 7.141 -350.709 6.961 c -350.709 6.757 -350.888 6.685 -350.888 6.373 c -350.888 6.097 -350.709 5.929 -350.409 5.929 c -350.109 5.929 -349.846 6.145 -349.846 6.481 c -349.846 6.853 -350.145 7.452 -351.152 7.452 c -352.929 7.452 -354.584 5.617 -354.584 3.924 c -354.584 2.328 -353.59 2.029 -352.81 2.029 c -351.549 2.029 -350.853 2.928 -350.553 3.312 c h -357.887 3.468 m -358.234 2.868 -358.354 2.652 -358.619 2.652 c -358.931 2.652 -359.159 3.204 -360.022 5.256 c -358.366 6.721 -357.911 7.081 -357.322 7.105 c -357.322 7.296 l -359.518 7.296 l -359.518 7.105 l -359.193 7.105 -358.857 7.105 -358.857 6.877 c -358.857 6.505 -360.394 5.353 -361.054 4.837 c -361.078 4.861 l -359.649 10.296 l -359.709 10.356 l -360.333 10.212 -360.957 10.104 -361.582 10.032 c -361.582 9.841 l -361.414 9.841 l -361.113 9.841 -360.766 9.805 -360.766 9.541 c -360.79 9.277 -361.054 8.388 -361.162 7.956 c -362.686 2.161 l -361.786 2.161 l -361.209 4.321 l -360.706 4.705 l -360.585 4.344 -360.129 3.288 -359.986 3.012 c -359.626 2.304 -359.411 2.029 -359.039 2.029 c -358.51 2.029 -358.163 2.472 -357.707 3.336 c h -363.832 3.432 m -364.264 2.952 -364.828 2.46 -365.547 2.46 c -366.28 2.46 -366.641 3 -366.641 3.924 c -366.641 5.076 -365.812 7.201 -364.251 7.201 c -364.036 7.201 -363.795 7.141 -363.795 6.961 c -363.795 6.757 -363.976 6.685 -363.976 6.373 c -363.976 6.097 -363.795 5.929 -363.496 5.929 c -363.196 5.929 -362.933 6.145 -362.933 6.481 c -362.933 6.853 -363.232 7.452 -364.239 7.452 c -366.017 7.452 -367.671 5.617 -367.671 3.924 c -367.671 2.328 -366.676 2.029 -365.896 2.029 c -364.635 2.029 -363.939 2.928 -363.64 3.312 c h -370.113 7.201 m -369.538 7.201 -369.273 6.673 -369.273 6.049 c -369.273 4.764 -370.222 2.28 -371.59 2.28 c -372.19 2.28 -372.55 2.712 -372.55 3.396 c -372.55 4.812 -371.458 7.201 -370.113 7.201 c -370.029 7.452 m -371.783 7.452 -373.558 5.521 -373.558 3.756 c -373.558 2.76 -373.018 2.029 -371.747 2.029 c -369.91 2.029 -368.267 4.2 -368.267 5.677 c -368.267 6.469 -368.639 7.452 -370.029 7.452 c -373.517 7.296 m -374.477 7.296 l -374.141 8.532 l -374.141 8.556 -374.128 8.58 -374.128 8.604 c -374.128 8.664 -374.152 8.712 -374.201 8.712 c -374.249 8.712 l -374.345 8.712 -374.38 8.628 -374.429 8.568 c -374.765 8.148 -375.34 7.608 -375.736 7.404 c -375.94 7.296 -376.275 7.212 -376.348 7.104 c -376.372 7.068 -376.383 7.033 -376.383 6.985 c -376.383 6.961 -376.372 6.937 -376.372 6.913 c -375.484 6.913 l -376.348 3.612 l -376.395 3.42 -376.624 2.688 -376.624 2.508 c -376.624 2.149 -376.288 2.029 -376.047 2.029 c -375.424 2.029 -374.957 2.556 -374.345 3.48 c -374.5 3.564 l -374.8 3.18 -375.221 2.616 -375.46 2.616 c -375.592 2.616 -375.652 2.712 -375.652 2.82 c -375.652 2.856 -375.652 2.88 -375.641 2.916 c -374.584 6.913 l -373.577 6.913 l h -381.153 3.912 m -381.394 2.005 l -381.202 2.005 l -381.129 2.137 -381.082 2.257 -380.914 2.257 c -380.565 2.256 -380.085 2.029 -379.726 2.029 c -379.054 2.029 -377.938 2.328 -377.938 3.636 c -377.938 4.656 -379.402 5.725 -379.402 6.481 c -379.402 7.069 -379.018 7.177 -378.753 7.177 c -377.975 7.177 -377.686 6.481 -377.625 5.797 c -377.435 5.797 l -377.194 7.464 l -377.362 7.464 l -377.422 7.368 -377.495 7.248 -377.699 7.248 c -378.059 7.249 -378.297 7.452 -378.837 7.452 c -380.109 7.452 -380.277 6.493 -380.277 6.121 c -380.277 5.196 -378.85 4.044 -378.85 3.252 c -378.85 2.856 -379.041 2.28 -379.713 2.28 c -380.686 2.28 -380.877 3.384 -380.961 3.912 c h -384.07 7.296 m -385.03 7.296 l -384.694 8.532 l -384.694 8.556 -384.683 8.58 -384.683 8.604 c -384.683 8.664 -384.707 8.712 -384.754 8.712 c -384.803 8.712 l -384.898 8.712 -384.935 8.628 -384.982 8.568 c -385.318 8.148 -385.895 7.608 -386.291 7.404 c -386.495 7.296 -386.83 7.212 -386.901 7.104 c -386.925 7.068 -386.937 7.033 -386.937 6.985 c -386.937 6.961 -386.925 6.937 -386.925 6.913 c -386.039 6.913 l -386.901 3.612 l -386.95 3.42 -387.178 2.688 -387.178 2.508 c -387.178 2.149 -386.841 2.029 -386.602 2.029 c -385.978 2.029 -385.51 2.556 -384.898 3.48 c -385.055 3.564 l -385.354 3.18 -385.774 2.616 -386.015 2.616 c -386.146 2.616 -386.207 2.712 -386.207 2.82 c -386.207 2.856 -386.207 2.88 -386.194 2.916 c -385.139 6.913 l -384.13 6.913 l h -387.953 3.564 m -388.396 3 -388.696 2.616 -388.937 2.616 c -388.96 2.616 -389.128 2.64 -389.128 2.82 c -389.127 3.181 -388.168 6.145 -388.168 6.661 c -388.168 7.164 -388.444 7.452 -388.995 7.452 c -389.991 7.452 -391.095 5.785 -391.659 4.897 c -391.683 4.921 l -390.915 7.428 l -390.951 7.452 l -391.599 7.32 -392.247 7.2 -392.895 7.08 c -392.895 6.889 l -392.247 6.889 -392.127 6.757 -392.127 6.577 c -392.127 6.325 -392.931 3.517 -393.303 2.161 c -392.403 2.161 l -391.911 3.793 -391.755 4.309 -391.203 5.137 c -390.771 5.809 -390.015 6.841 -389.439 6.841 c -389.211 6.841 -389.139 6.673 -389.139 6.457 c -389.141 5.977 -390.027 3.048 -390.027 2.76 c -390.027 2.412 -390.003 2.053 -389.452 2.053 c -388.805 2.053 -388.384 2.604 -387.785 3.408 c h -393.491 9.336 m -393.491 9.6 -393.694 9.996 -394.09 9.996 c -394.377 9.996 -394.653 9.768 -394.653 9.348 c -394.653 8.929 -394.377 8.725 -394.078 8.725 c -393.682 8.725 -393.491 9.097 -393.491 9.336 c -393.994 3.528 m -394.485 2.832 -394.833 2.592 -394.978 2.592 c -395.086 2.592 -395.17 2.688 -395.17 2.772 c -395.17 2.916 -395.026 3.396 -394.978 3.564 c -393.922 7.428 l -393.958 7.452 l -394.425 7.366 -395.422 7.175 -395.877 7.152 c -395.877 6.961 l -395.218 6.961 -395.123 6.901 -395.123 6.649 c -395.123 6.313 -396.069 3.336 -396.069 2.772 c -396.069 2.556 -396.069 2.029 -395.506 2.029 c -394.833 2.029 -394.306 2.688 -393.838 3.396 c h -398.739 7.201 m -398.163 7.201 -397.899 6.673 -397.899 6.049 c -397.899 4.764 -398.847 2.28 -400.216 2.28 c -400.816 2.28 -401.176 2.712 -401.176 3.396 c -401.176 4.812 -400.084 7.201 -398.739 7.201 c -398.655 7.452 m -400.408 7.452 -402.183 5.521 -402.183 3.756 c -402.183 2.76 -401.644 2.029 -400.372 2.029 c -398.535 2.029 -396.893 4.2 -396.893 5.677 c -396.893 6.469 -397.264 7.452 -398.655 7.452 c -402.382 9.336 m -402.382 9.6 -402.586 9.996 -402.982 9.996 c -403.27 9.996 -403.545 9.768 -403.545 9.348 c -403.545 8.929 -403.27 8.725 -402.97 8.725 c -402.574 8.725 -402.382 9.097 -402.382 9.336 c -404.986 2.124 m -405.214 1.2 -405.514 -0.048 -406.126 -0.048 c -406.234 -0.048 -406.366 -0.036 -406.366 0.084 c -406.366 0.228 -406.21 0.228 -406.21 0.48 c -406.21 0.732 -406.45 0.912 -406.69 0.912 c -407.133 0.912 -407.181 0.492 -407.181 0.444 c -407.181 -0.144 -406.642 -0.323 -406.247 -0.323 c -405.178 -0.323 -404.481 0.576 -403.989 2.496 c -402.742 7.428 l -402.778 7.452 l -403.246 7.365 -404.325 7.174 -404.818 7.15 c -404.818 6.956 l -404.41 6.968 l -404.001 6.932 -403.941 6.848 -403.941 6.644 c -403.929 6.62 -403.929 6.584 -403.929 6.548 c -403.929 6.392 -403.989 6.117 -404.121 5.625 c h -413.183 3.468 m -413.183 4.548 -412.102 7.189 -410.697 7.189 c -410.349 7.189 -410.013 6.961 -410.013 6.385 c -410.013 5.208 -411.189 2.616 -412.462 2.616 c -412.786 2.616 -413.183 2.832 -413.183 3.468 c -408.827 3.48 m -409.367 2.952 -409.606 2.652 -409.787 2.652 c -409.882 2.652 -409.955 2.724 -409.955 2.808 c -409.955 3.18 -408.851 7.272 -408.814 7.416 c -408.898 7.452 l -409.63 7.368 l -409.666 7.332 l -409.787 6.805 l -409.811 6.805 l -409.846 7.141 -410.241 7.452 -410.757 7.452 c -412.354 7.452 -414.189 5.208 -414.189 3.444 c -414.189 3.096 -414.153 2.029 -412.955 2.029 c -412.234 2.029 -411.598 2.388 -410.602 3.852 c -410.578 3.828 l -410.769 3.096 -410.829 2.832 -410.829 2.556 c -410.829 2.352 -410.829 2.041 -410.326 2.041 c -409.811 2.041 -409.402 2.472 -408.683 3.36 c h -416.332 0.06 m -416.908 1.536 -416.908 2.592 -416.908 3.396 c -416.908 4.152 -416.705 5.784 -416.225 7.128 c -415.648 8.748 -415.037 9.396 -414.46 9.996 c -414.616 10.188 l -416.8 8.328 -417.735 6.456 -417.735 4.476 c -417.735 3.708 -417.735 1.956 -416.548 -0.012 c h f Q 0 0 0 1 k /GS1 gs q 1 0 0 1 321.7242 654.1134 cm 0 0 m -23.283 -12.642 l -47.082 0.952 l -47.082 25.358 l -23.282 39.072 l 0 25.272 l h -23.282 42.407 m -49.938 27.608 l -49.938 -1.644 l -23.282 -16.537 l 3.375 -1.385 l 3.375 27.175 l h f Q 0 0 0 1 K 0.1 w 4 M q 1 0 0 1 321.7242 654.1134 cm 0 0 m -23.283 -12.642 l -47.082 0.952 l -47.082 25.358 l -23.282 39.072 l 0 25.272 l 0 0 l h -23.282 42.407 m -49.938 27.608 l -49.938 -1.644 l -23.282 -16.537 l 3.375 -1.385 l 3.375 27.175 l -23.282 42.407 l h S Q 277.845 655.152 -1.905 23.973 re f q 1 0 0 1 320.4052 678.8326 cm 0 0 m -0.956 -1.646 l -23.074 11.189 l -22.118 12.836 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 319.5873 656.6129 cm 0 0 m 0.946 -1.653 l -21.256 -14.347 l -22.202 -12.694 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 285.9172 659.6901 cm 0 0 m -0.282 -0.188 -0.424 0.236 -0.235 0.424 c 0.095 0.471 0.283 0.33 v 0.471 0.188 0.283 0.188 0 0 c -1.978 1.319 m -2.496 0.848 -2.684 1.13 -2.59 1.648 c -1.412 2.355 -1.036 2.638 v -0.659 2.92 -0.093 2.967 y -0.329 2.591 -0.659 2.449 v -0.989 2.308 -1.46 1.79 -1.978 1.319 c 5.323 2.638 m 4.711 3.391 4.663 3.25 3.627 3.344 c 2.591 3.438 2.733 3.957 3.203 4.333 c 3.674 4.71 4.428 4.946 4.24 6.5 c 4.051 8.054 3.674 7.771 4.381 8.478 c 5.087 9.185 4.804 9.561 4.804 10.032 c 4.804 10.503 4.616 10.268 3.957 10.739 c 3.298 11.21 3.957 11.257 4.098 11.822 c 4.24 12.387 4.522 13.424 3.298 13.753 c 2.073 14.083 1.932 14.177 2.591 14.601 c 3.25 15.025 4.852 14.836 4.428 16.391 c 4.004 17.945 3.768 18.651 3.345 19.641 c 2.921 20.63 2.365 20.714 2.026 21.054 c 1.602 21.478 0.471 21.101 y -0.659 20.347 -0.706 20.583 -0.376 19.405 c -0.047 18.228 0.754 17.992 0.377 17.38 c 0 16.768 -0.518 16.391 -1.46 16.344 c -2.402 16.297 -3.438 15.684 -3.249 14.836 c -3.061 13.989 -2.59 13.847 -2.213 13.8 c -1.836 13.753 l -1.601 12.765 -1.365 12.011 v -1.13 11.257 -1.319 11.54 -0.753 11.116 c -0.188 10.692 -0.094 10.598 -0.612 9.985 c -1.13 9.373 -1.696 9.09 -2.26 8.808 c -2.825 8.525 -3.297 7.63 -2.92 7.207 c -2.543 6.783 -1.93 6.311 -1.271 6.453 c -0.612 6.594 -0.235 6.877 0.048 7.207 c 0.33 7.536 1.178 6.971 0.33 6.5 c -0.518 6.029 -1.46 5.134 -2.166 4.993 c -2.873 4.852 -2.778 4.239 -3.343 4.191 c -3.909 4.145 -5.369 3.674 -5.887 3.25 c -6.405 2.826 -6.782 1.79 -6.17 1.319 c -5.557 0.848 -4.615 0.801 -4.38 0.377 c -4.144 -0.047 -4.144 -1.413 -3.673 -2.167 c -3.202 -2.92 -2.354 -3.297 -1.836 -2.59 c -1.318 -1.884 -1.271 -1.271 -0.894 -1.366 c -0.518 -1.46 -0.235 -2.731 0.425 -3.108 c 1.084 -3.485 2.592 -3.815 2.78 -2.638 c 2.968 -1.46 2.826 -0.283 2.826 0.33 c 2.826 0.942 3.015 1.414 3.392 0.848 c 3.768 0.283 4.993 -0.047 5.276 0.377 c 5.558 0.801 5.934 1.884 5.323 2.638 c f Q 0 0 0 0 K q 1 0 0 1 285.9172 659.6901 cm 0 0 m -0.282 -0.188 -0.424 0.236 -0.235 0.424 c 0.095 0.471 0.283 0.33 v 0.471 0.188 0.283 0.188 0 0 c h -1.978 1.319 m -2.496 0.848 -2.684 1.13 -2.59 1.648 c -1.412 2.355 -1.036 2.638 v -0.659 2.92 -0.093 2.967 y -0.329 2.591 -0.659 2.449 v -0.989 2.308 -1.46 1.79 -1.978 1.319 c h 5.323 2.638 m 4.711 3.391 4.663 3.25 3.627 3.344 c 2.591 3.438 2.733 3.957 3.203 4.333 c 3.674 4.71 4.428 4.946 4.24 6.5 c 4.051 8.054 3.674 7.771 4.381 8.478 c 5.087 9.185 4.804 9.561 4.804 10.032 c 4.804 10.503 4.616 10.268 3.957 10.739 c 3.298 11.21 3.957 11.257 4.098 11.822 c 4.24 12.387 4.522 13.424 3.298 13.753 c 2.073 14.083 1.932 14.177 2.591 14.601 c 3.25 15.025 4.852 14.836 4.428 16.391 c 4.004 17.945 3.768 18.651 3.345 19.641 c 2.921 20.63 2.365 20.714 2.026 21.054 c 1.602 21.478 0.471 21.101 y -0.659 20.347 -0.706 20.583 -0.376 19.405 c -0.047 18.228 0.754 17.992 0.377 17.38 c 0 16.768 -0.518 16.391 -1.46 16.344 c -2.402 16.297 -3.438 15.684 -3.249 14.836 c -3.061 13.989 -2.59 13.847 -2.213 13.8 c -1.836 13.753 l -1.601 12.765 -1.365 12.011 v -1.13 11.257 -1.319 11.54 -0.753 11.116 c -0.188 10.692 -0.094 10.598 -0.612 9.985 c -1.13 9.373 -1.696 9.09 -2.26 8.808 c -2.825 8.525 -3.297 7.63 -2.92 7.207 c -2.543 6.783 -1.93 6.311 -1.271 6.453 c -0.612 6.594 -0.235 6.877 0.048 7.207 c 0.33 7.536 1.178 6.971 0.33 6.5 c -0.518 6.029 -1.46 5.134 -2.166 4.993 c -2.873 4.852 -2.778 4.239 -3.343 4.191 c -3.909 4.145 -5.369 3.674 -5.887 3.25 c -6.405 2.826 -6.782 1.79 -6.17 1.319 c -5.557 0.848 -4.615 0.801 -4.38 0.377 c -4.144 -0.047 -4.144 -1.413 -3.673 -2.167 c -3.202 -2.92 -2.354 -3.297 -1.836 -2.59 c -1.318 -1.884 -1.271 -1.271 -0.894 -1.366 c -0.518 -1.46 -0.235 -2.731 0.425 -3.108 c 1.084 -3.485 2.592 -3.815 2.78 -2.638 c 2.968 -1.46 2.826 -0.283 2.826 0.33 c 2.826 0.942 3.015 1.414 3.392 0.848 c 3.768 0.283 4.993 -0.047 5.276 0.377 c 5.558 0.801 5.934 1.884 5.323 2.638 c h S Q q 1 0 0 1 293.5482 674.3854 cm 0 0 m -1.649 -0.094 -2.167 -0.613 -2.073 -1.178 c -1.978 -1.743 -1.649 -1.931 -1.649 -2.638 c -1.649 -3.344 -1.413 -4.427 -1.46 -5.228 c -1.508 -6.029 -1.649 -7.065 -1.743 -7.96 c -1.837 -8.855 -1.978 -9.561 -1.884 -10.974 c -1.79 -12.387 -1.696 -13.753 -0.848 -13.706 c 0 -13.659 0.377 -13.659 0.377 -12.764 c 0.377 -11.869 0.376 -11.068 0.329 -10.127 c 0.282 -9.185 0.659 -9.185 1.13 -9.185 c 1.601 -9.185 1.742 -9.326 1.648 -10.504 c 1.554 -11.681 1.272 -14.554 0.8 -16.344 c 0.329 -18.133 0 -18.887 -0.33 -20.112 c -0.66 -21.336 -0.329 -22.09 0.565 -22.043 c 1.46 -21.996 2.025 -21.242 2.119 -19.829 c 2.214 -18.416 2.637 -15.355 2.778 -14.177 c 2.92 -13 3.438 -10.927 3.485 -9.985 c 3.532 -9.044 3.673 -8.902 3.72 -8.431 c 3.768 -7.96 3.862 -7.819 y 4.332 -7.96 5.132 -7.536 v 5.934 -7.112 6.593 -6.735 6.123 -5.605 c 5.652 -4.475 4.191 -5.134 4.004 -5.087 c 3.815 -5.04 3.344 -4.993 3.344 -4.38 c 3.344 -3.768 3.343 -2.826 2.59 -2.873 c 1.837 -2.92 1.366 -3.156 1.413 -4.192 c 1.46 -5.228 1.601 -5.652 1.413 -5.794 c 1.224 -5.935 0.8 -6.264 0.282 -6.358 c -0.236 -6.453 -0.33 -6.265 -0.33 -5.181 c -0.33 -4.098 -0.33 -2.967 -0.283 -2.355 c -0.236 -1.743 0.988 -1.884 1.648 -1.931 c 2.308 -1.978 3.297 -2.59 4.285 -2.072 c 5.276 -1.554 5.597 -0.783 4.894 -0.203 c 4.191 0.377 3.249 0.518 2.778 0.329 c 2.308 0.141 1.79 0 0.895 0 c h f Q 0 0 0 1 K q 1 0 0 1 293.5482 674.3854 cm 0 0 m -1.649 -0.094 -2.167 -0.613 -2.073 -1.178 c -1.978 -1.743 -1.649 -1.931 -1.649 -2.638 c -1.649 -3.344 -1.413 -4.427 -1.46 -5.228 c -1.508 -6.029 -1.649 -7.065 -1.743 -7.96 c -1.837 -8.855 -1.978 -9.561 -1.884 -10.974 c -1.79 -12.387 -1.696 -13.753 -0.848 -13.706 c 0 -13.659 0.377 -13.659 0.377 -12.764 c 0.377 -11.869 0.376 -11.068 0.329 -10.127 c 0.282 -9.185 0.659 -9.185 1.13 -9.185 c 1.601 -9.185 1.742 -9.326 1.648 -10.504 c 1.554 -11.681 1.272 -14.554 0.8 -16.344 c 0.329 -18.133 0 -18.887 -0.33 -20.112 c -0.66 -21.336 -0.329 -22.09 0.565 -22.043 c 1.46 -21.996 2.025 -21.242 2.119 -19.829 c 2.214 -18.416 2.637 -15.355 2.778 -14.177 c 2.92 -13 3.438 -10.927 3.485 -9.985 c 3.532 -9.044 3.673 -8.902 3.72 -8.431 c 3.768 -7.96 3.862 -7.819 y 4.332 -7.96 5.132 -7.536 v 5.934 -7.112 6.593 -6.735 6.123 -5.605 c 5.652 -4.475 4.191 -5.134 4.004 -5.087 c 3.815 -5.04 3.344 -4.993 3.344 -4.38 c 3.344 -3.768 3.343 -2.826 2.59 -2.873 c 1.837 -2.92 1.366 -3.156 1.413 -4.192 c 1.46 -5.228 1.601 -5.652 1.413 -5.794 c 1.224 -5.935 0.8 -6.264 0.282 -6.358 c -0.236 -6.453 -0.33 -6.265 -0.33 -5.181 c -0.33 -4.098 -0.33 -2.967 -0.283 -2.355 c -0.236 -1.743 0.988 -1.884 1.648 -1.931 c 2.308 -1.978 3.297 -2.59 4.285 -2.072 c 5.276 -1.554 5.597 -0.783 4.894 -0.203 c 4.191 0.377 3.249 0.518 2.778 0.329 c 2.308 0.141 1.79 0 0.895 0 c 0 0 l h S Q q 1 0 0 1 307.8663 671.3707 cm 0 0 m -0.094 0.283 l 0.471 0.377 l 0.425 0.142 0.425 -0.188 v 0.425 -0.518 l 0.094 -0.283 0 0 v 0.564 -8.666 m 0.612 -8.996 l 0.705 -9.137 0.425 -9.137 v 0.142 -9.137 0.377 -9.42 0.142 -9.137 c -0.094 -8.854 0.094 -8.854 y 0.234 -8.76 0.564 -8.666 y -2.166 2.779 m -2.354 2.167 -2.449 1.979 -2.779 1.884 c -3.108 1.79 -3.486 1.555 -3.486 2.167 c -3.486 3.156 l -3.25 3.203 -3.203 3.156 -2.592 3.25 c -1.979 3.344 -1.979 3.392 -2.166 2.779 c -2.825 -10.362 m -3.108 -10.645 -3.25 -10.55 -3.674 -10.503 c -4.098 -10.456 -4.05 -10.268 -4.004 -9.891 c -3.816 -9.844 -3.486 -9.796 v -3.156 -9.749 -3.156 -9.42 -2.779 -9.467 c -2.402 -9.514 -2.542 -10.079 -2.825 -10.362 c -3.391 -1.318 m -3.296 -1.036 -3.016 -0.753 y -2.592 -0.753 -2.59 -1.319 -2.638 -1.837 c -2.686 -2.355 -2.779 -2.543 y -3.391 -2.543 l -3.483 -1.601 -3.391 -1.318 v -3.579 -5.935 m -3.391 -5.84 -3.25 -5.417 -3.108 -5.275 c -2.92 -5.793 -3.063 -5.981 v -3.203 -6.17 -3.203 -6.405 -3.439 -6.453 c -3.674 -6.5 -3.767 -6.029 -3.579 -5.935 c 2.355 -1.413 m 2.733 -1.366 2.921 -1.46 2.921 -1.884 c 2.921 -2.308 3.061 -2.637 2.684 -2.543 c 2.309 -2.449 2.213 -2.307 2.213 -1.931 c 2.213 -1.554 2.355 -1.413 y 0.66 -4.239 m 1.271 -4.05 2.496 -4.192 3.768 -4.333 c 5.039 -4.474 6.121 -4.663 6.781 -3.956 c 7.441 -3.25 7.018 -1.884 5.983 -1.554 c 4.945 -1.225 4.429 -0.989 3.862 -0.518 c 3.297 -0.047 3.061 0.189 4.051 0.33 c 5.039 0.471 5.417 0.895 5.182 2.025 c 4.945 3.156 3.814 3.062 3.297 3.062 c 2.779 3.062 2.543 2.638 1.837 2.685 c 1.131 2.732 -0.094 2.261 -0.094 2.779 c -0.094 3.297 0.613 3.722 0.896 4.004 c 1.179 4.286 1.602 4.286 2.496 4.192 c 3.392 4.098 4.617 3.674 5.793 4.333 c 6.969 4.993 6.264 5.982 5.746 6.265 c 5.229 6.547 3.719 6.547 3.484 6.783 c 3.25 7.018 3.061 7.725 3.061 8.243 c 3.061 8.761 2.638 9.091 1.789 9.138 c 0.941 9.185 0.425 8.054 0.047 7.253 c -0.329 6.453 -0.142 6.218 -0.754 6.265 c -1.367 6.312 -1.931 6.123 -2.686 6.217 c -3.439 6.312 -3.721 6.405 -3.674 7.159 c -3.627 7.913 -3.579 8.854 -4.568 8.996 c -5.559 9.138 -6.17 8.478 -6.17 7.442 c -6.17 6.406 -5.699 5.794 -5.746 5.275 c -5.792 4.757 -6.029 4.569 y -6.736 4.145 -7.583 3.863 -7.631 3.203 c -7.678 2.544 -7.441 1.695 -6.358 1.743 c -5.275 1.79 -5.134 0.895 -5.746 0.612 c -6.358 0.33 -6.358 0.095 -6.313 -0.188 c -6.266 -0.471 -6.17 -0.942 -5.84 -1.177 c -5.512 -1.413 -5.417 -1.507 -5.559 -2.261 c -5.699 -3.014 -6.406 -4.191 -7.017 -4.474 c -7.631 -4.757 -7.818 -4.993 -7.631 -5.558 c -7.441 -6.123 -7.3 -6.782 -6.783 -6.876 c -6.266 -6.971 -5.275 -6.876 -5.321 -7.441 c -5.369 -8.007 -4.945 -8.336 -6.924 -8.242 c -8.902 -8.148 -8.949 -9.467 -8.762 -10.126 c -8.571 -10.786 -8.336 -11.021 -7.678 -11.257 c -7.017 -11.492 -6.829 -11.351 -6.594 -11.963 c -6.358 -12.576 -6.029 -13.234 -5.275 -13.376 c -4.521 -13.518 -2.969 -12.764 -3.063 -13.847 c -3.156 -14.931 -3.063 -16.437 -3.91 -18.604 c -4.758 -20.771 -4.992 -20.723 -5.134 -21.666 c -5.275 -22.608 -4.381 -23.691 -3.296 -22.325 c -2.215 -20.959 -2.542 -20.912 -1.508 -18.086 c -0.471 -15.26 -0.472 -13.518 -0.236 -12.717 c 0 -11.916 0.33 -11.021 2.167 -10.974 c 4.004 -10.927 3.484 -9.891 3.484 -9.231 c 3.484 -8.572 3.109 -7.818 4.569 -7.865 c 6.029 -7.913 5.793 -6.97 5.84 -6.405 c 5.888 -5.84 4.662 -5.087 3.204 -5.322 c 1.742 -5.558 1.555 -6.641 0.66 -5.652 c -0.236 -4.663 0.047 -4.427 0.66 -4.239 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 156.9102 627.299 cm 0 0 m 0.832 0 1.248 -0.064 1.248 -0.192 c 1.248 -0.341 1.2 -0.421 1.104 -0.432 c 0.997 -0.442 0.944 -0.549 0.944 -0.752 c 0.944 -11.808 l 5.376 -11.808 l 5.376 -3.008 l 5.376 -2.88 5.461 -2.816 5.632 -2.816 c 6.464 -2.816 6.88 -2.88 6.88 -3.008 c 6.88 -3.146 6.826 -3.227 6.72 -3.248 c 6.613 -3.259 6.56 -3.365 6.56 -3.568 c 6.56 -14.192 l 6.56 -14.32 6.458 -14.384 6.256 -14.384 c 5.632 -14.384 l 5.461 -14.384 5.376 -14.32 5.376 -14.192 c 5.376 -12.88 l -4.928 -12.88 l -4.928 -14.192 l -4.928 -14.32 -5.035 -14.384 -5.248 -14.384 c -5.872 -14.384 l -6.043 -14.384 -6.128 -14.32 -6.128 -14.192 c -6.128 -3.072 l -6.128 -2.944 -6.043 -2.88 -5.872 -2.88 c -5.04 -2.88 -4.624 -2.944 -4.624 -3.072 c -4.624 -3.21 -4.678 -3.285 -4.784 -3.296 c -4.88 -3.317 -4.928 -3.429 -4.928 -3.632 c -4.928 -11.808 l -0.24 -11.808 l -0.24 -0.192 l -0.24 -0.064 -0.16 0 0 0 c f Q 186.951 621.485 -3.823 1.376 re 186.951 622.861 m 178.264 622.861 3.745 -1.376 re 186.951 619.165 -3.823 1.376 re 186.951 620.541 m 175.88 625.725 m 175.88 625.229 l 175.88 625.058 175.944 624.973 176.072 624.973 c 182.008 624.973 l 182.008 623.853 l 177.384 623.853 l 177.213 623.853 177.128 623.767 177.128 623.597 c 177.128 617.597 l 177.128 617.48 177.213 617.421 177.384 617.421 c 178.008 617.421 l 178.178 617.421 178.264 617.48 178.264 617.597 c 178.264 618.173 l 181.367 618.173 l 180.589 617.415 179.975 616.871 179.528 616.541 c 178.738 615.964 177.976 615.511 177.24 615.181 c 176.749 614.935 176.109 614.679 175.32 614.413 c 175.32 614.38 175.335 614.327 175.368 614.253 c 175.57 614.082 175.773 613.901 175.976 613.709 c 176.05 613.634 176.147 613.597 176.264 613.597 c 177.085 613.917 177.901 614.311 178.712 614.781 c 179.437 615.208 180.103 615.672 180.712 616.173 c 181.095 616.482 181.527 616.871 182.008 617.341 c 182.008 613.037 l 182.008 612.92 182.093 612.861 182.263 612.861 c 182.887 612.861 l 183.048 612.861 183.128 612.92 183.128 613.037 c 183.128 617.277 l 183.661 616.722 184.146 616.263 184.584 615.901 c 185.287 615.314 186.055 614.818 186.887 614.413 c 187.474 614.093 188.22 613.805 189.128 613.549 c 189.181 613.549 189.234 613.587 189.287 613.661 c 189.479 613.842 189.693 614.029 189.928 614.221 c 189.981 614.275 190.008 614.338 190.008 614.413 c 190.008 614.455 189.938 614.487 189.8 614.509 c 188.605 614.818 187.586 615.218 186.743 615.709 c 186.125 616.018 185.506 616.429 184.887 616.941 c 184.482 617.303 184.077 617.714 183.672 618.173 c 186.951 618.173 l 186.951 617.597 l 186.951 617.48 187.032 617.421 187.192 617.421 c 187.816 617.421 l 187.986 617.421 188.072 617.48 188.072 617.597 c 188.072 623.661 l 188.072 623.789 187.986 623.853 187.816 623.853 c 183.128 623.853 l 183.128 624.973 l 189.32 624.973 l 189.448 624.973 189.512 625.058 189.512 625.229 c 189.512 625.725 l 189.512 625.895 189.448 625.981 189.32 625.981 c 183.128 625.981 l 183.128 626.797 l 183.128 626.999 183.181 627.106 183.287 627.117 c 183.394 627.128 183.448 627.207 183.448 627.357 c 183.448 627.484 183.053 627.549 182.263 627.549 c 182.093 627.549 182.008 627.484 182.008 627.357 c 182.008 625.981 l 176.072 625.981 l 175.944 625.981 175.88 625.895 175.88 625.725 c 178.264 620.541 3.745 -1.376 re f q 1 0 0 1 214.9263 626.1779 cm 0 0 m -0.075 0 -0.139 -0.016 -0.192 -0.048 c -0.758 -0.315 -1.382 -0.518 -2.064 -0.656 c -2.832 -0.795 -3.622 -0.87 -4.433 -0.88 c -4.433 -3.696 l 0.383 -3.696 l 0.501 -3.696 0.56 -3.782 0.56 -3.952 c 0.56 -4.448 l 0.56 -4.608 0.501 -4.688 0.383 -4.688 c -1.057 -4.688 l -1.057 -13.136 l -1.057 -13.253 -1.142 -13.312 -1.312 -13.312 c -1.936 -13.312 l -2.107 -13.312 -2.192 -13.253 -2.192 -13.136 c -2.192 -4.688 l -4.433 -4.688 l -4.433 -5.376 l -4.433 -7.062 -4.523 -8.395 -4.705 -9.376 c -4.811 -10.198 -5.036 -11.019 -5.376 -11.84 c -5.547 -12.331 -5.798 -12.805 -6.128 -13.264 c -6.204 -13.264 -6.257 -13.253 -6.289 -13.232 c -6.459 -13.062 -6.651 -12.912 -6.865 -12.784 c -6.918 -12.73 -6.944 -12.661 -6.944 -12.576 c -6.657 -12.16 -6.401 -11.595 -6.176 -10.88 c -5.963 -10.134 -5.809 -9.35 -5.712 -8.528 c -5.617 -7.665 -5.568 -6.614 -5.568 -5.376 c -5.568 -0.128 l -5.568 -0.011 -5.483 0.048 -5.312 0.048 c -5.121 0.048 l -4.033 0.069 -3.179 0.138 -2.56 0.256 c -1.825 0.373 -1.158 0.591 -0.56 0.912 c -0.486 0.965 -0.422 0.992 -0.369 0.992 c -0.315 0.992 -0.257 0.959 -0.192 0.896 c 0.309 0.469 0.56 0.187 0.56 0.048 c 0.56 -0.112 0.501 -0.192 0.383 -0.192 c h -13.504 -4.576 m -6.944 -4.576 l -6.816 -4.576 -6.752 -4.656 -6.752 -4.816 c -6.752 -5.312 l -6.752 -5.483 -6.816 -5.568 -6.944 -5.568 c -9.745 -5.568 l -9.745 -7.312 l -7.248 -7.312 l -7.121 -7.312 -7.057 -7.397 -7.057 -7.568 c -7.057 -8.064 l -7.057 -8.235 -7.121 -8.32 -7.248 -8.32 c -9.52 -8.32 l -9.265 -8.662 -9.03 -8.934 -8.816 -9.136 c -8.486 -9.488 -7.926 -9.888 -7.137 -10.336 c -7.041 -10.369 -6.993 -10.406 -6.993 -10.448 c -6.993 -10.48 -7.03 -10.523 -7.104 -10.576 c -7.201 -10.715 -7.339 -10.859 -7.52 -11.008 c -7.585 -11.094 -7.638 -11.136 -7.681 -11.136 c -7.745 -11.136 -7.83 -11.11 -7.936 -11.056 c -8.48 -10.705 -8.96 -10.31 -9.376 -9.872 c -9.504 -9.723 -9.627 -9.568 -9.745 -9.408 c -9.745 -13.2 l -9.745 -13.317 -9.83 -13.376 -10 -13.376 c -10.624 -13.376 l -10.795 -13.376 -10.88 -13.317 -10.88 -13.2 c -10.88 -9.808 l -11.04 -10.048 l -11.361 -10.475 -11.707 -10.875 -12.081 -11.248 c -12.518 -11.643 -12.95 -11.979 -13.376 -12.256 c -13.483 -12.256 -13.569 -12.224 -13.632 -12.16 c -13.825 -11.957 -14.017 -11.776 -14.208 -11.616 c -14.256 -11.44 l -13.851 -11.216 -13.52 -11.003 -13.265 -10.8 c -12.881 -10.512 -12.486 -10.123 -12.081 -9.632 c -11.857 -9.366 -11.558 -8.929 -11.185 -8.32 c -13.248 -8.32 l -13.376 -8.32 -13.44 -8.235 -13.44 -8.064 c -13.44 -7.568 l -13.44 -7.397 -13.376 -7.312 -13.248 -7.312 c -10.88 -7.312 l -10.88 -5.568 l -13.504 -5.568 l -13.622 -5.568 -13.681 -5.483 -13.681 -5.312 c -13.681 -4.816 l -13.681 -4.656 -13.622 -4.576 -13.504 -4.576 c -10.56 1.184 m -9.771 1.184 -9.376 1.12 -9.376 0.992 c -9.376 0.842 -9.43 0.762 -9.537 0.752 c -9.633 0.741 -9.681 0.634 -9.681 0.432 c -9.681 -0.624 l -6.688 -0.624 l -6.603 -0.624 -6.56 -0.688 -6.56 -0.816 c -6.56 -1.312 l -6.56 -1.483 -6.603 -1.568 -6.688 -1.568 c -8.192 -1.568 l -7.648 -1.792 l -7.51 -1.856 -7.44 -1.926 -7.44 -2.001 c -7.44 -2.086 -7.478 -2.145 -7.553 -2.176 c -7.648 -2.176 -7.707 -2.235 -7.728 -2.352 c -8.006 -3.206 -8.278 -3.873 -8.544 -4.352 c -8.598 -4.459 -8.646 -4.512 -8.688 -4.512 c -8.753 -4.512 -8.838 -4.48 -8.944 -4.416 c -9.504 -4.144 l -9.58 -4.112 -9.617 -4.085 -9.617 -4.064 c -9.617 -4.043 -9.606 -4.006 -9.584 -3.952 c -9.329 -3.536 -9.137 -3.174 -9.008 -2.864 c -8.817 -2.448 -8.678 -2.038 -8.592 -1.632 c -8.577 -1.568 l -12.033 -1.568 l -11.788 -2.038 -11.584 -2.475 -11.424 -2.88 c -11.254 -3.286 -11.11 -3.723 -10.993 -4.192 c -10.993 -4.235 -11.35 -4.342 -12.064 -4.512 c -12.107 -4.213 -12.203 -3.851 -12.352 -3.424 c -12.513 -2.934 -12.726 -2.443 -12.993 -1.952 c -12.993 -1.888 -12.822 -1.76 -12.48 -1.568 c -13.681 -1.568 l -13.766 -1.568 -13.809 -1.483 -13.809 -1.312 c -13.809 -0.816 l -13.809 -0.688 -13.766 -0.624 -13.681 -0.624 c -10.816 -0.624 l -10.816 0.992 l -10.816 1.12 -10.731 1.184 -10.56 1.184 c f Q 231.139 622.8 2.192 -2 re 231.139 620.8 m 234.451 622.8 2.32 -2 re 234.451 620.8 m 236.771 617.92 -2.32 1.936 re 236.771 619.856 m 227.955 623.552 m 227.955 623.04 l 227.955 622.88 227.997 622.8 228.083 622.8 c 230.019 622.8 l 230.019 620.8 l 226.835 620.8 l 226.749 620.8 226.707 620.735 226.707 620.608 c 226.707 620.112 l 226.707 619.941 226.749 619.856 226.835 619.856 c 230.019 619.856 l 230.019 617.92 l 227.011 617.92 l 226.936 617.92 226.899 617.856 226.899 617.728 c 226.899 617.232 l 226.899 617.061 226.936 616.976 227.011 616.976 c 233.331 616.976 l 233.331 615.6 l 228.083 615.6 l 227.997 615.6 227.955 615.541 227.955 615.424 c 227.955 614.912 l 227.955 614.752 227.997 614.672 228.083 614.672 c 233.331 614.672 l 233.331 612.912 l 233.331 612.795 233.411 612.736 233.571 612.736 c 234.211 612.736 l 234.371 612.736 234.451 612.795 234.451 612.912 c 234.451 614.672 l 239.763 614.672 l 239.848 614.672 239.891 614.752 239.891 614.912 c 239.891 615.424 l 239.891 615.541 239.848 615.6 239.763 615.6 c 234.451 615.6 l 234.451 616.976 l 240.771 616.976 l 240.856 616.976 240.899 617.061 240.899 617.232 c 240.899 617.728 l 240.899 617.856 240.856 617.92 240.771 617.92 c 237.891 617.92 l 237.891 619.856 l 240.947 619.856 l 241.032 619.856 241.075 619.941 241.075 620.112 c 241.075 620.608 l 241.075 620.735 241.032 620.8 240.947 620.8 c 237.891 620.8 l 237.891 622.8 l 239.763 622.8 l 239.848 622.8 239.891 622.88 239.891 623.04 c 239.891 623.552 l 239.891 623.669 239.848 623.728 239.763 623.728 c 228.083 623.728 l 227.997 623.728 227.955 623.669 227.955 623.552 c 226.771 625.984 m 226.771 625.488 l 226.771 625.317 226.813 625.232 226.899 625.232 c 230.947 625.232 l 230.947 624.352 l 230.947 624.234 231.032 624.176 231.203 624.176 c 231.827 624.176 l 231.997 624.176 232.083 624.234 232.083 624.352 c 232.083 625.232 l 235.763 625.232 l 235.763 624.352 l 235.763 624.234 235.848 624.176 236.019 624.176 c 236.643 624.176 l 236.813 624.176 236.899 624.234 236.899 624.352 c 236.899 625.232 l 240.899 625.232 l 240.973 625.232 241.011 625.317 241.011 625.488 c 241.011 625.984 l 241.011 626.111 240.973 626.176 240.899 626.176 c 236.899 626.176 l 236.899 626.672 l 236.899 626.874 236.947 626.981 237.043 626.992 c 237.149 627.003 237.203 627.082 237.203 627.232 c 237.203 627.359 236.808 627.424 236.019 627.424 c 235.848 627.424 235.763 627.359 235.763 627.232 c 235.763 626.176 l 232.083 626.176 l 232.083 626.672 l 232.083 626.874 232.131 626.981 232.227 626.992 c 232.333 627.003 232.387 627.082 232.387 627.232 c 232.387 627.359 231.992 627.424 231.203 627.424 c 231.032 627.424 230.947 627.359 230.947 627.232 c 230.947 626.176 l 226.899 626.176 l 226.813 626.176 226.771 626.111 226.771 625.984 c 231.139 619.856 2.192 -1.936 re f q 1 0 0 1 265.0023 627.1676 cm 0 0 m 1.2 -0.16 l 1.318 -0.224 1.376 -0.272 1.376 -0.304 c 1.376 -0.4 1.312 -0.448 1.184 -0.448 c 0.971 -0.523 0.864 -0.747 0.864 -1.12 c 0.864 -6.256 l 0.864 -6.96 0.347 -7.312 -0.688 -7.312 c -1.632 -7.312 l -1.707 -7.312 -1.744 -7.227 -1.744 -7.056 c -1.776 -6.864 -1.861 -6.635 -2 -6.368 c -2 -6.293 -1.957 -6.256 -1.872 -6.256 c -1.477 -6.331 -1.125 -6.368 -0.816 -6.368 c -0.4 -6.368 -0.192 -6.203 -0.192 -5.872 c -0.192 -1.056 l -0.192 -0.757 -0.202 -0.528 -0.224 -0.368 c -0.256 -0.064 l -0.256 -0.021 -0.171 0 0 0 c -2.624 -0.368 m -1.877 -0.368 -1.504 -0.432 -1.504 -0.56 c -1.504 -0.688 -1.547 -0.763 -1.632 -0.784 c -1.717 -0.784 -1.76 -0.875 -1.76 -1.056 c -1.76 -5.616 l -1.76 -5.744 -1.84 -5.808 -2 -5.808 c -2.624 -5.808 l -2.752 -5.808 -2.816 -5.744 -2.816 -5.616 c -2.816 -0.496 l -2.816 -0.411 -2.752 -0.368 -2.624 -0.368 c -10.752 0.128 m -9.792 -0.272 l -9.642 -0.336 -9.568 -0.411 -9.568 -0.496 c -9.568 -0.571 -9.627 -0.619 -9.744 -0.64 c -9.893 -0.64 -9.989 -0.693 -10.032 -0.8 c -10.095 -0.944 l -8.752 -0.944 l -8.752 0.128 l -8.752 0.213 -8.688 0.256 -8.56 0.256 c -7.813 0.256 -7.44 0.192 -7.44 0.064 c -7.44 -0.064 -7.483 -0.133 -7.568 -0.144 c -7.653 -0.155 -7.696 -0.25 -7.696 -0.432 c -7.696 -0.944 l -5.008 -0.944 l -4.923 -0.944 -4.88 -1.003 -4.88 -1.12 c -4.88 -1.616 l -4.88 -1.744 -4.923 -1.808 -5.008 -1.808 c -7.696 -1.808 l -7.696 -2.816 l -4.192 -2.816 l -4.107 -2.816 -4.064 -2.875 -4.064 -2.992 c -4.064 -3.504 l -4.064 -3.621 -4.107 -3.68 -4.192 -3.68 c -7.696 -3.68 l -7.696 -4.688 l -5.184 -4.688 l -5.024 -4.688 -4.944 -4.752 -4.944 -4.88 c -4.944 -5.936 l -4.944 -6.416 -5.003 -6.725 -5.12 -6.864 c -5.131 -6.992 -5.306 -7.12 -5.648 -7.248 c -4.923 -7.259 -4.56 -7.323 -4.56 -7.44 c -4.56 -7.579 -4.613 -7.659 -4.72 -7.68 c -4.826 -7.69 -4.88 -7.797 -4.88 -8 c -4.88 -8.304 l 1.376 -8.304 l 1.493 -8.304 1.552 -8.389 1.552 -8.56 c 1.552 -9.056 l 1.552 -9.227 1.493 -9.312 1.376 -9.312 c -4.336 -9.312 l -4.186 -9.568 -4.021 -9.808 -3.84 -10.032 c -3.541 -10.416 -3.205 -10.768 -2.832 -11.088 c -2.528 -11.312 l -2.219 -11.195 -1.947 -11.066 -1.712 -10.928 c -1.339 -10.726 -0.96 -10.454 -0.575 -10.112 c -0.512 -10.08 -0.469 -10.064 -0.448 -10.064 c 0.139 -10.576 0.432 -10.87 0.432 -10.944 c 0.432 -11.019 0.379 -11.056 0.272 -11.056 c 0.07 -11.056 -0.042 -11.077 -0.064 -11.12 c -0.523 -11.44 -0.997 -11.717 -1.488 -11.952 c -1.242 -12.08 -0.981 -12.203 -0.704 -12.32 c 0.053 -12.64 0.896 -12.885 1.824 -13.056 c 1.899 -13.077 1.936 -13.099 1.936 -13.12 c 1.936 -13.216 1.888 -13.301 1.792 -13.376 c 1.6 -13.568 1.419 -13.776 1.248 -14 c 1.195 -14.128 1.11 -14.192 0.992 -14.192 c 0.928 -14.192 0.709 -14.112 0.336 -13.952 c -0.901 -13.525 -1.93 -13.035 -2.752 -12.48 c -3.392 -12.042 -3.888 -11.589 -4.24 -11.12 c -4.528 -10.8 -4.896 -10.197 -5.344 -9.312 c -5.824 -9.312 l -6.133 -9.6 -6.459 -9.851 -6.8 -10.064 c -7.195 -10.341 -7.595 -10.598 -8 -10.832 c -8 -12.704 l -7.936 -12.688 l -6.848 -12.464 -5.819 -12.224 -4.848 -11.968 c -4.752 -11.936 l -4.667 -11.936 -4.624 -12 -4.624 -12.128 c -4.624 -12.693 -4.645 -13.002 -4.688 -13.056 c -6.33 -13.45 -8 -13.808 -9.696 -14.128 c -9.866 -14.416 -10.011 -14.56 -10.128 -14.56 c -10.224 -14.56 -10.432 -14.101 -10.752 -13.184 c -10.272 -13.12 -9.733 -13.034 -9.136 -12.928 c -9.136 -11.376 l -9.562 -11.568 -10.021 -11.75 -10.511 -11.92 c -11.45 -12.219 -11.989 -12.368 -12.128 -12.368 c -12.192 -12.368 -12.261 -12.298 -12.336 -12.16 c -12.485 -11.979 -12.661 -11.787 -12.864 -11.584 c -12.96 -11.488 -13.008 -11.419 -13.008 -11.376 c -11.973 -11.173 -11.093 -10.96 -10.367 -10.736 c -9.642 -10.501 -8.917 -10.203 -8.192 -9.84 c -7.957 -9.701 -7.685 -9.525 -7.376 -9.312 c -12.448 -9.312 l -12.565 -9.312 -12.624 -9.227 -12.624 -9.056 c -12.624 -8.56 l -12.624 -8.389 -12.565 -8.304 -12.448 -8.304 c -6 -8.304 l -6 -7.44 l -5.984 -7.36 l -6.56 -7.504 l -6.741 -7.504 -6.832 -7.435 -6.832 -7.296 c -6.875 -7.125 -6.954 -6.859 -7.072 -6.496 c -6.336 -6.453 -5.957 -6.267 -5.936 -5.936 c -5.936 -5.568 l -7.696 -5.568 l -7.696 -7.376 l -7.696 -7.504 -7.776 -7.568 -7.936 -7.568 c -8.56 -7.568 l -8.688 -7.568 -8.752 -7.504 -8.752 -7.376 c -8.752 -5.568 l -10.752 -5.568 l -10.752 -7.12 l -10.752 -7.248 -10.837 -7.312 -11.008 -7.312 c -11.632 -7.312 l -11.792 -7.312 -11.872 -7.248 -11.872 -7.12 c -11.872 -4.88 l -11.872 -4.752 -11.792 -4.688 -11.632 -4.688 c -8.752 -4.688 l -8.752 -3.68 l -12.384 -3.68 l -12.459 -3.68 -12.496 -3.621 -12.496 -3.504 c -12.496 -2.992 l -12.496 -2.875 -12.459 -2.816 -12.384 -2.816 c -8.752 -2.816 l -8.752 -1.808 l -10.64 -1.808 l -10.853 -2.128 -11.067 -2.395 -11.28 -2.608 c -11.376 -2.704 -11.45 -2.752 -11.504 -2.752 c -11.578 -2.752 -11.669 -2.72 -11.776 -2.656 c -12.367 -2.384 l -12.453 -2.352 -12.496 -2.325 -12.496 -2.304 c -12.496 -2.283 -12.475 -2.251 -12.432 -2.208 c -12.037 -1.824 -11.744 -1.483 -11.552 -1.184 c -11.253 -0.811 -11.034 -0.432 -10.896 -0.048 c -10.853 0.069 -10.805 0.128 -10.752 0.128 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 289.1282 623.7008 cm 0 0 m -0.203 -0.353 -0.428 -0.71 -0.673 -1.072 c -1.025 -0.784 l -1.068 -0.784 -1.105 -0.811 -1.137 -0.864 c -1.489 -1.238 -1.664 -1.457 -1.664 -1.52 c -1.291 -1.702 -0.95 -1.904 -0.64 -2.128 c -0.438 -2.289 -0.15 -2.534 0.223 -2.864 c -0.118 -3.334 -0.529 -3.867 -1.009 -4.464 c -1.403 -4.539 -1.6 -4.603 -1.6 -4.656 c -1.462 -5.574 -1.377 -6.032 -1.345 -6.032 c -1.302 -6.032 -1.158 -5.883 -0.912 -5.584 c 2.239 -4.672 l 2.293 -5.024 2.325 -5.328 2.336 -5.584 c 2.922 -5.456 3.216 -5.376 3.216 -5.344 c 3.151 -4.854 3.071 -4.395 2.975 -3.968 c 2.879 -3.488 2.751 -2.966 2.592 -2.4 c 2.133 -2.635 1.904 -2.779 1.904 -2.832 c 1.999 -3.227 2.079 -3.616 2.143 -4 c 0.303 -4.256 l 1.008 -3.36 1.722 -2.39 2.447 -1.344 c 2.49 -1.28 2.613 -1.248 2.816 -1.248 c 2.922 -1.248 2.975 -1.216 2.975 -1.152 c 2.975 -1.099 2.639 -0.806 1.967 -0.272 c 1.636 -0.827 1.226 -1.451 0.736 -2.144 c 0.608 -2.32 l 0.384 -2.064 0.159 -1.83 -0.065 -1.616 c 0.341 -1.008 0.767 -0.331 1.216 0.416 c 1.269 0.501 1.391 0.544 1.584 0.544 c 1.712 0.544 1.776 0.581 1.776 0.656 c 1.727 0.8 l 0.719 1.344 l 0.57 1.045 0.33 0.597 0 0 c -9.616 0 m -9.841 -0.342 -10.096 -0.683 -10.385 -1.024 c -10.784 -0.784 l -10.817 -0.784 -10.854 -0.811 -10.896 -0.864 c -11.238 -1.238 -11.408 -1.457 -11.408 -1.52 c -10.992 -1.68 -10.603 -1.862 -10.241 -2.064 c -10.017 -2.203 -9.691 -2.421 -9.264 -2.72 c -9.68 -3.264 -10.203 -3.904 -10.832 -4.64 c -11.217 -4.694 -11.408 -4.742 -11.408 -4.784 c -11.27 -5.691 -11.185 -6.144 -11.153 -6.144 c -11.12 -6.144 -10.976 -6 -10.721 -5.712 c -7.345 -4.88 l -7.281 -5.286 -7.238 -5.627 -7.217 -5.904 c -6.64 -5.766 -6.352 -5.681 -6.352 -5.648 c -6.417 -5.189 -6.491 -4.763 -6.576 -4.368 c -6.683 -3.92 -6.817 -3.43 -6.976 -2.896 c -7.435 -3.131 -7.664 -3.28 -7.664 -3.344 c -7.579 -3.643 -7.51 -3.941 -7.456 -4.24 c -9.553 -4.464 l -8.742 -3.537 -7.931 -2.518 -7.12 -1.408 c -7.057 -1.344 -6.918 -1.312 -6.704 -1.312 c -6.587 -1.312 -6.529 -1.28 -6.529 -1.216 c -6.529 -1.163 -6.865 -0.87 -7.536 -0.336 c -7.889 -0.891 -8.326 -1.504 -8.848 -2.176 c -9.147 -1.92 -9.435 -1.691 -9.713 -1.488 c -9.254 -0.934 -8.78 -0.32 -8.288 0.352 c -8.225 0.447 -8.102 0.496 -7.921 0.496 c -7.782 0.496 -7.713 0.527 -7.713 0.592 c -7.777 0.736 l -8.784 1.28 l -8.945 0.992 -9.222 0.565 -9.616 0 c -4.912 -0.784 2 -1.36 re -4.352 1.2 m -4.47 0.858 -4.598 0.57 -4.737 0.336 c -4.896 0.096 l -5.664 0.096 l -5.825 0.096 -5.905 0.032 -5.905 -0.096 c -5.905 -5.152 l -5.905 -5.28 -5.825 -5.344 -5.664 -5.344 c -4.529 -5.344 l -4.529 -6.464 l -11.089 -6.464 l -11.174 -6.464 -11.217 -6.528 -11.217 -6.656 c -11.217 -7.152 l -11.217 -7.323 -11.174 -7.408 -11.089 -7.408 c -5.616 -7.408 l -5.969 -7.654 -6.278 -7.851 -6.545 -8 c -7.249 -8.342 -7.952 -8.625 -8.657 -8.848 c -9.361 -9.061 -10.214 -9.27 -11.217 -9.472 c -11.217 -9.515 -11.174 -9.579 -11.089 -9.664 c -10.886 -9.877 -10.705 -10.075 -10.545 -10.256 c -10.481 -10.395 -10.417 -10.464 -10.352 -10.464 c -10.214 -10.464 -9.686 -10.315 -8.768 -10.016 c -8.022 -9.76 -7.345 -9.488 -6.737 -9.2 c -6.193 -8.923 -5.67 -8.603 -5.169 -8.24 c -4.955 -8.102 -4.742 -7.952 -4.529 -7.792 c -4.529 -10.72 l -4.529 -10.837 -4.47 -10.896 -4.352 -10.896 c -3.713 -10.896 l -3.553 -10.896 -3.472 -10.837 -3.472 -10.72 c -3.472 -7.712 l -3.132 -7.979 -2.801 -8.208 -2.481 -8.4 c -1.915 -8.784 -1.233 -9.142 -0.432 -9.472 c 0.261 -9.771 1.167 -10.059 2.287 -10.336 c 2.32 -10.336 2.373 -10.293 2.447 -10.208 c 2.618 -9.995 2.821 -9.771 3.055 -9.536 c 3.162 -9.493 3.216 -9.429 3.216 -9.344 c 2.479 -9.238 1.749 -9.083 1.024 -8.88 c 0.138 -8.635 -0.614 -8.368 -1.233 -8.08 c -1.638 -7.91 -2.086 -7.686 -2.576 -7.408 c 3.088 -7.408 l 3.173 -7.408 3.216 -7.323 3.216 -7.152 c 3.216 -6.656 l 3.216 -6.528 3.173 -6.464 3.088 -6.464 c -3.472 -6.464 l -3.472 -5.344 l -2.16 -5.344 l -1.99 -5.344 -1.905 -5.28 -1.905 -5.152 c -1.905 -0.096 l -1.905 0.032 -1.99 0.096 -2.16 0.096 c -3.825 0.096 l -3.569 0.512 l -3.515 0.597 -3.441 0.645 -3.345 0.656 c -3.217 0.687 -3.153 0.73 -3.153 0.784 c -3.153 0.816 -3.532 0.981 -4.288 1.28 c -4.321 1.28 -4.342 1.253 -4.352 1.2 c -11.345 2.352 m -11.345 1.856 l -11.345 1.685 -11.302 1.6 -11.217 1.6 c -6.848 1.6 l -6.848 0.976 l -6.848 0.848 -6.763 0.784 -6.593 0.784 c -5.969 0.784 l -5.798 0.784 -5.713 0.848 -5.713 0.976 c -5.713 1.6 l -2.096 1.6 l -2.096 0.976 l -2.096 0.848 -2.012 0.784 -1.841 0.784 c -1.217 0.784 l -1.056 0.784 -0.976 0.848 -0.976 0.976 c -0.976 1.6 l 3.152 1.6 l 3.237 1.6 3.279 1.685 3.279 1.856 c 3.279 2.352 l 3.279 2.469 3.237 2.528 3.152 2.528 c -0.976 2.528 l -0.976 2.784 l -0.976 2.986 -0.923 3.093 -0.817 3.104 c -0.71 3.125 -0.657 3.205 -0.657 3.344 c -0.657 3.472 -1.052 3.536 -1.841 3.536 c -2.012 3.536 -2.096 3.472 -2.096 3.344 c -2.096 2.528 l -5.713 2.528 l -5.713 2.784 l -5.713 2.986 -5.665 3.093 -5.569 3.104 c -5.462 3.125 -5.408 3.205 -5.408 3.344 c -5.408 3.472 -5.804 3.536 -6.593 3.536 c -6.763 3.536 -6.848 3.472 -6.848 3.344 c -6.848 2.528 l -11.217 2.528 l -11.302 2.528 -11.345 2.469 -11.345 2.352 c -4.912 -3.024 2 -1.44 re -4.912 -4.464 m f Q q 1 0 0 1 315.5483 619.3077 cm 0 0 m -0.128 -0.437 -0.256 -0.8 -0.385 -1.088 c -0.607 -1.664 -0.885 -2.181 -1.217 -2.64 c -1.366 -2.832 -1.532 -3.024 -1.713 -3.216 c -1.893 -3.024 -2.065 -2.821 -2.224 -2.608 c -2.588 -2.139 -2.881 -1.621 -3.103 -1.056 c -3.243 -0.747 -3.366 -0.395 -3.473 0 c h -5.344 0.752 m -5.344 0.256 l -5.344 0.085 -5.286 0 -5.168 0 c -4.543 0 l -4.32 -0.821 -4.069 -1.488 -3.79 -2 c -3.59 -2.522 -3.27 -3.035 -2.832 -3.536 c -2.724 -3.664 -2.607 -3.792 -2.481 -3.92 c -2.511 -3.952 l -3.026 -4.378 -3.664 -4.736 -4.432 -5.024 c -4.848 -5.173 -5.27 -5.301 -5.695 -5.408 c -5.76 -5.418 -5.79 -5.45 -5.79 -5.504 c -5.79 -5.546 -5.76 -5.594 -5.695 -5.648 c -5.328 -6.176 l -5.264 -6.271 -5.168 -6.32 -5.039 -6.32 c -4.345 -6.138 -3.786 -5.936 -3.36 -5.712 c -2.743 -5.424 -2.176 -5.072 -1.664 -4.656 c -1.488 -4.8 l -0.977 -5.151 -0.422 -5.466 0.176 -5.744 c 0.677 -5.957 1.14 -6.133 1.568 -6.272 c 1.717 -6.346 1.809 -6.384 1.839 -6.384 c 1.882 -6.384 1.941 -6.335 2.015 -6.24 c 2.207 -6.026 2.394 -5.84 2.576 -5.68 c 2.629 -5.626 2.656 -5.567 2.656 -5.504 c 2.656 -5.472 2.607 -5.44 2.512 -5.408 c 1.627 -5.184 0.906 -4.933 0.351 -4.656 c -0.128 -4.432 -0.539 -4.187 -0.881 -3.92 c -0.709 -3.749 -0.561 -3.573 -0.432 -3.392 c -0.112 -2.976 0.191 -2.443 0.48 -1.792 c 0.736 -1.291 1.002 -0.571 1.28 0.368 c 1.28 0.442 1.177 0.619 0.974 0.896 c 0.912 0.96 0.826 0.992 0.72 0.992 c -5.168 0.992 l -5.286 0.992 -5.344 0.912 -5.344 0.752 c -4.286 7.248 m -4.286 5.776 l -4.286 5.2 -4.342 4.677 -4.448 4.208 c -4.651 3.568 -5.078 3.019 -5.728 2.56 c -5.728 2.485 -5.691 2.411 -5.616 2.336 c -5.477 2.166 -5.338 1.984 -5.199 1.792 c -5.125 1.717 -5.03 1.68 -4.911 1.68 c -4.539 1.947 -4.246 2.208 -4.032 2.464 c -3.691 2.859 -3.461 3.307 -3.344 3.808 c -3.227 4.394 -3.168 5.035 -3.168 5.728 c -3.168 6.496 l -1.168 6.496 l -1.168 2.768 l -1.168 2.555 -1.098 2.4 -0.959 2.304 c -0.757 2.187 -0.448 2.128 -0.032 2.128 c 1.217 2.128 l 1.643 2.128 1.92 2.262 2.048 2.528 c 2.228 2.965 2.388 3.557 2.527 4.304 c 2.527 4.443 2.46 4.528 2.32 4.56 c 2.118 4.624 1.941 4.688 1.793 4.752 c 1.707 4.795 1.637 4.816 1.585 4.816 c 1.498 4.816 1.457 4.784 1.457 4.72 c 1.372 4.112 1.285 3.707 1.199 3.504 c 1.137 3.333 0.998 3.248 0.783 3.248 c 0.527 3.248 l 0.336 3.248 0.187 3.28 0.081 3.344 c 0.005 3.387 -0.032 3.467 -0.032 3.584 c -0.032 7.248 l -0.032 7.419 -0.118 7.504 -0.286 7.504 c -4.032 7.504 l -4.203 7.504 -4.286 7.419 -4.286 7.248 c -9.969 6.624 2.433 -2.88 re -11.103 7.376 m -11.103 3.184 l -11.103 1.669 -11.153 0.384 -11.248 -0.672 c -11.334 -1.686 -11.482 -2.651 -11.695 -3.568 c -11.911 -4.432 -12.151 -5.12 -12.415 -5.632 c -12.415 -5.717 -12.389 -5.786 -12.336 -5.84 c -12.123 -5.968 -11.932 -6.117 -11.76 -6.288 c -11.728 -6.309 -11.674 -6.32 -11.599 -6.32 c -11.29 -5.776 -11.051 -5.205 -10.881 -4.608 c -10.549 -3.616 -10.33 -2.624 -10.224 -1.632 c -10.176 -1.248 l -7.536 -1.248 l -7.536 -4.32 l -7.536 -4.597 -7.606 -4.794 -7.745 -4.912 c -7.852 -5.029 -8.224 -5.088 -8.863 -5.088 c -8.94 -5.088 -8.977 -5.12 -8.977 -5.184 c -8.743 -5.632 -8.62 -5.968 -8.607 -6.192 c -8.588 -6.32 -8.524 -6.384 -8.415 -6.384 c -7.83 -6.309 -7.356 -6.165 -6.993 -5.952 c -6.607 -5.664 -6.415 -5.269 -6.415 -4.768 c -6.415 7.376 l -6.415 7.536 -6.518 7.616 -6.72 7.616 c -10.848 7.616 l -11.02 7.616 -11.103 7.536 -11.103 7.376 c -9.969 2.752 m -7.536 2.752 l -7.536 -0.256 l -10.08 -0.256 l -10.015 0.608 -9.978 1.61 -9.969 2.752 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 335.1102 620.6808 cm 0 0 m 7.119 0 l 7.248 0 7.313 -0.085 7.313 -0.256 c 7.291 -2.314 7.221 -3.797 7.104 -4.704 c 6.975 -5.781 6.795 -6.581 6.561 -7.104 c 6.346 -7.658 5.766 -7.936 4.817 -7.936 c 3.92 -7.936 3.456 -7.829 3.424 -7.616 c 3.36 -7.37 3.174 -7.082 2.864 -6.752 c 2.864 -6.624 l 3.578 -6.709 4.229 -6.752 4.817 -6.752 c 5.274 -6.752 5.572 -6.56 5.711 -6.176 c 5.861 -5.856 5.985 -5.248 6.081 -4.352 c 6.177 -3.669 6.244 -2.555 6.287 -1.008 c 3.039 -1.008 l 2.997 -2.256 2.898 -3.179 2.736 -3.776 c 2.523 -4.629 2.223 -5.338 1.84 -5.904 c 1.51 -6.352 1.098 -6.735 0.608 -7.056 c 0.182 -7.386 -0.378 -7.68 -1.072 -7.936 c -1.348 -7.647 -1.595 -7.375 -1.808 -7.12 c -1.466 -7.023 -1.057 -6.826 -0.576 -6.528 c -0.031 -6.187 0.405 -5.818 0.736 -5.424 c 1.141 -4.848 1.435 -4.208 1.615 -3.504 c 1.777 -2.938 1.877 -2.106 1.92 -1.008 c 0 -1.008 l -0.128 -1.008 -0.19 -0.923 -0.19 -0.752 c -0.19 -0.256 l -0.19 -0.085 -0.128 0 0 0 c 1.872 6.192 m 6.065 6.192 l 6.106 6.192 6.127 6.128 6.127 6 c 6.127 4.88 6.402 3.824 6.943 2.832 c 7.445 1.968 8.048 1.189 8.752 0.496 c 8.752 0.379 8.71 0.299 8.623 0.256 c 8.24 -0.085 7.989 -0.256 7.872 -0.256 c 6.956 0.672 6.25 1.627 5.76 2.608 c 5.431 3.312 5.206 4.17 5.089 5.184 c 1.872 5.184 l 1.744 5.184 1.681 5.27 1.681 5.44 c 1.681 5.936 l 1.681 6.107 1.744 6.192 1.872 6.192 c 0.752 4.624 m 1.84 4.208 l 1.945 4.123 2 4.053 2 4 c 2 3.904 1.957 3.84 1.872 3.808 c 1.733 3.808 1.652 3.755 1.633 3.648 c 1.313 2.837 1.035 2.235 0.802 1.84 c 0.543 1.403 0.266 0.981 -0.031 0.576 c -0.33 0.224 -0.656 -0.096 -1.007 -0.384 c -1.136 -0.384 -1.248 -0.363 -1.344 -0.32 c -1.547 -0.246 -1.75 -0.176 -1.952 -0.112 c -2.027 -0.069 -2.064 -0.032 -2.064 0 c -2.064 0.043 -2.043 0.08 -2 0.112 c -1.477 0.539 -1.007 1.067 -0.592 1.696 c -0.348 2.059 -0.135 2.443 0.048 2.848 c 0.25 3.286 0.442 3.84 0.623 4.512 c 0.666 4.586 0.71 4.624 0.752 4.624 c -2.447 6.368 m -1.573 5.909 -1.136 5.637 -1.136 5.552 c -1.136 5.467 -1.174 5.424 -1.248 5.424 c -1.44 5.403 -1.568 5.344 -1.632 5.248 c -2.049 4.064 -2.465 3.077 -2.881 2.288 c -2.881 -7.632 l -2.881 -7.749 -2.965 -7.808 -3.136 -7.808 c -3.76 -7.808 l -3.919 -7.808 -4 -7.749 -4 -7.632 c -4 0.528 l -4.319 0.102 -4.715 -0.411 -5.183 -1.008 c -5.3 -1.008 -5.407 -0.96 -5.503 -0.864 c -6.015 -0.448 l -6.092 -0.395 -6.128 -0.331 -6.128 -0.256 c -5.701 0.256 -5.275 0.8 -4.848 1.376 c -4.293 2.123 -3.814 2.949 -3.407 3.856 c -3.044 4.667 -2.764 5.461 -2.56 6.24 c -2.539 6.325 -2.502 6.368 -2.447 6.368 c f Q 359.458 621.491 6.752 -1.888 re 354.77 625.107 m 354.77 624.611 l 354.77 624.44 354.829 624.355 354.946 624.355 c 359.298 624.355 l 359.203 624.195 l 358.839 623.469 358.408 622.792 357.905 622.163 c 357.063 621.054 356.103 620.12 355.026 619.363 c 354.941 619.32 354.897 619.256 354.897 619.171 c 354.897 619.128 354.935 619.091 355.012 619.059 c 355.245 618.974 355.474 618.883 355.699 618.787 c 355.803 618.755 355.932 618.739 356.081 618.739 c 356.774 619.251 357.425 619.827 358.034 620.467 c 358.321 620.835 l 358.321 612.979 l 358.321 612.862 358.408 612.803 358.578 612.803 c 359.203 612.803 l 359.372 612.803 359.458 612.862 359.458 612.979 c 359.458 615.603 l 366.21 615.603 l 366.21 614.483 l 366.21 614.301 366.103 614.174 365.89 614.099 c 365.72 614.025 365.153 613.987 364.195 613.987 c 364.078 613.987 364.018 613.966 364.018 613.923 c 364.241 613.475 364.364 613.139 364.387 612.915 c 364.397 612.798 364.46 612.739 364.578 612.739 c 365.379 612.782 366.028 612.878 366.53 613.027 c 367.063 613.23 367.329 613.507 367.329 613.859 c 367.329 622.291 l 367.329 622.462 367.224 622.547 367.012 622.547 c 359.57 622.547 l 359.729 622.787 l 359.997 623.193 360.291 623.715 360.61 624.355 c 368.77 624.355 l 368.887 624.355 368.946 624.44 368.946 624.611 c 368.946 625.107 l 368.946 625.277 368.887 625.363 368.77 625.363 c 361.074 625.363 l 361.394 626.067 l 361.446 626.259 361.612 626.355 361.89 626.355 c 362.018 626.398 362.081 626.483 362.081 626.611 c 362.081 626.675 362.018 626.755 361.89 626.851 c 360.641 627.299 l 360.555 627.299 360.471 627.235 360.387 627.107 c 360.182 626.456 359.975 625.875 359.762 625.363 c 354.946 625.363 l 354.829 625.363 354.77 625.277 354.77 625.107 c 359.458 618.611 6.752 -2 re f q 1 0 0 1 389.3572 620.2853 cm 0 0 m 0.159 -0.939 0.339 -1.707 0.542 -2.304 c 0.693 -2.912 0.921 -3.504 1.23 -4.08 c 1.476 -4.539 1.806 -5.024 2.222 -5.536 c 2.596 -5.941 3.001 -6.309 3.439 -6.64 c 3.801 -6.885 4.138 -7.088 4.446 -7.248 c 4.555 -7.333 4.617 -7.376 4.638 -7.376 c 4.693 -7.376 4.755 -7.322 4.831 -7.216 c 5.033 -6.992 5.236 -6.794 5.439 -6.624 c 5.492 -6.57 5.519 -6.506 5.519 -6.432 c 5.519 -6.4 5.482 -6.362 5.408 -6.32 c 4.767 -6.064 4.243 -5.771 3.839 -5.44 c 3.39 -5.109 3.023 -4.741 2.734 -4.336 c 2.575 -4.112 l 3.415 -3.547 4.234 -2.843 5.023 -2 c 5.044 -1.947 5.165 -1.92 5.39 -1.92 c 5.519 -1.92 5.584 -1.883 5.584 -1.808 c 5.584 -1.733 5.247 -1.418 4.575 -0.864 c 4.542 -0.864 4.489 -0.901 4.415 -0.976 c 3.935 -1.595 3.454 -2.085 2.974 -2.448 c 2.688 -2.693 2.355 -2.923 1.982 -3.136 c 1.95 -3.072 l 1.695 -2.518 1.482 -1.91 1.31 -1.248 c 1.214 -0.886 1.128 -0.47 1.055 0 c 3.95 0 l 4.121 0 4.206 0.085 4.206 0.256 c 4.206 6.384 l 4.206 6.512 4.121 6.576 3.95 6.576 c -2.416 6.576 l -2.589 6.576 -2.672 6.491 -2.672 6.32 c -2.672 -5.728 l -3.239 -5.899 -3.741 -6.026 -4.177 -6.112 c -3.845 -7.029 -3.633 -7.488 -3.537 -7.488 c -3.421 -7.488 -3.276 -7.344 -3.106 -7.056 c -1.879 -6.661 -0.675 -6.224 0.511 -5.744 c 0.555 -5.691 0.575 -5.376 0.575 -4.8 c 0.575 -4.683 0.537 -4.624 0.463 -4.624 c 0.431 -4.624 0.405 -4.635 0.382 -4.656 c -0.224 -4.912 -0.866 -5.152 -1.537 -5.376 c -1.537 0 l h 3.088 1.008 -4.625 1.808 re 3.088 2.816 m -4.72 5.632 m -6.849 1.568 l -6.893 1.461 -6.912 1.376 -6.912 1.312 c -6.912 1.258 -6.872 1.2 -6.786 1.136 c -6.114 0.485 -5.606 -0.187 -5.266 -0.88 c -4.989 -1.488 -4.849 -2.048 -4.849 -2.56 c -4.849 -3.03 -4.945 -3.403 -5.137 -3.68 c -5.329 -4.011 -5.654 -4.176 -6.114 -4.176 c -6.849 -4.064 l -6.977 -4.064 -7.041 -4.123 -7.041 -4.24 c -6.912 -4.432 -6.823 -4.72 -6.77 -5.104 c -6.77 -5.286 -6.632 -5.376 -6.353 -5.376 c -5.713 -5.376 -5.261 -5.28 -4.993 -5.088 c -4.577 -4.907 -4.258 -4.582 -4.033 -4.112 c -3.831 -3.664 -3.728 -3.147 -3.728 -2.56 c -3.728 -1.845 -3.895 -1.142 -4.224 -0.448 c -4.566 0.234 -4.989 0.811 -5.489 1.28 c -5.565 1.365 -5.602 1.44 -5.602 1.504 c -5.602 1.568 -5.581 1.648 -5.537 1.744 c -3.425 6.064 l -3.425 6.138 -3.559 6.277 -3.824 6.48 c -3.911 6.544 -4.044 6.576 -4.224 6.576 c -8.481 6.576 l -8.653 6.576 -8.737 6.512 -8.737 6.384 c -8.737 -7.248 l -8.737 -7.365 -8.653 -7.424 -8.481 -7.424 c -7.858 -7.424 l -7.686 -7.424 -7.602 -7.365 -7.602 -7.248 c -7.602 5.632 l h 3.088 3.824 -4.625 1.744 re 3.088 5.568 m f Q q 1 0 0 1 412.5952 622.7482 cm 0 0 m 0.075 0 0.148 -0.021 0.222 -0.064 c 1.076 -0.48 1.504 -0.731 1.504 -0.816 c 1.504 -0.902 1.439 -0.944 1.31 -0.944 c 1.067 -0.966 0.906 -1.062 0.832 -1.232 c -2.561 -7.568 l -0.663 -7.397 1.673 -7.131 4.447 -6.768 c 3.946 -5.926 3.46 -5.174 2.99 -4.512 c 2.99 -4.384 3.263 -4.192 3.806 -3.936 c 3.871 -3.936 3.914 -3.958 3.935 -4 c 5.067 -5.504 6.083 -7.11 6.99 -8.816 c 6.99 -8.987 6.953 -9.078 6.879 -9.088 c 6.484 -9.366 6.169 -9.504 5.935 -9.504 c 5.604 -8.854 5.273 -8.24 4.943 -7.664 c 0.164 -8.411 -2.94 -8.864 -4.37 -9.024 c -4.529 -9.035 -4.635 -9.109 -4.69 -9.248 c -4.733 -9.419 -4.817 -9.504 -4.946 -9.504 c -5.094 -9.504 -5.282 -8.923 -5.504 -7.76 c -4.983 -7.739 -4.395 -7.707 -3.745 -7.664 c -2.508 -5.36 -1.723 -3.856 -1.392 -3.152 c -0.933 -2.15 -0.554 -1.163 -0.256 -0.192 c -0.204 -0.064 -0.117 0 0 0 c 0.431 4.176 m 3.744 4.176 l 3.828 4.176 3.898 4.112 3.951 3.984 c 4.335 2.224 4.73 0.986 5.134 0.272 c 5.625 -0.827 6.417 -1.606 7.504 -2.064 c 7.621 -2.097 7.677 -2.182 7.677 -2.321 c 7.677 -2.374 7.646 -2.433 7.583 -2.496 c 7.023 -3.024 l 6.958 -3.131 6.869 -3.184 6.751 -3.184 c 5.578 -2.459 4.73 -1.579 4.207 -0.544 c 3.833 0.202 3.427 1.445 2.99 3.184 c 0.431 3.184 l 0.302 3.184 0.24 3.269 0.24 3.44 c 0.24 3.936 l 0.24 4.096 0.302 4.176 0.431 4.176 c -2.45 3.744 m -1.312 3.328 l -1.198 3.242 -1.137 3.173 -1.137 3.12 c -1.137 2.992 -1.198 2.906 -1.312 2.864 c -1.516 2.864 -1.639 2.789 -1.679 2.64 c -2.139 1.498 -2.534 0.645 -2.866 0.08 c -3.249 -0.55 -3.66 -1.152 -4.096 -1.728 c -4.534 -2.219 -5.004 -2.667 -5.504 -3.072 c -5.642 -3.072 -5.762 -3.051 -5.858 -3.008 c -6.071 -2.913 -6.29 -2.827 -6.512 -2.752 c -6.587 -2.71 -6.625 -2.667 -6.625 -2.624 c -6.625 -2.561 -6.594 -2.513 -6.529 -2.48 c -5.741 -1.883 -5.042 -1.152 -4.433 -0.288 c -4.061 0.213 -3.745 0.746 -3.488 1.312 c -3.179 1.909 -2.891 2.671 -2.625 3.6 c -2.573 3.695 -2.514 3.744 -2.45 3.744 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 433.7003 620.6705 cm 0 0 m 0 -6.192 l 0 -6.32 0.08 -6.384 0.241 -6.384 c 0.863 -6.384 l 1.035 -6.384 1.12 -6.32 1.12 -6.192 c 1.12 -4.448 l 5.871 -4.448 l 5.871 -5.072 l 5.871 -5.189 5.951 -5.248 6.111 -5.248 c 6.736 -5.248 l 6.907 -5.248 6.992 -5.189 6.992 -5.072 c 6.992 0.064 l 6.992 0.182 6.907 0.24 6.736 0.24 c 0.241 0.24 l 0.08 0.24 0 0.16 0 0 c -0.942 2.816 m -0.942 2.304 l -0.942 2.144 -0.88 2.064 -0.751 2.064 c 7.488 2.064 l 7.616 2.064 7.68 2.144 7.68 2.304 c 7.68 2.816 l 7.68 2.976 7.616 3.056 7.488 3.056 c -0.751 3.056 l -0.88 3.056 -0.942 2.976 -0.942 2.816 c -1.567 5.872 m -1.567 5.376 l -1.567 5.205 -1.504 5.12 -1.376 5.12 c 10.111 5.12 l 10.111 -5.696 l 10.111 -5.973 9.988 -6.17 9.745 -6.288 c 9.541 -6.416 8.86 -6.48 7.695 -6.48 c 7.558 -6.48 7.488 -6.506 7.488 -6.56 c 7.723 -7.008 7.846 -7.344 7.855 -7.568 c 7.877 -7.696 7.941 -7.76 8.049 -7.76 c 8.986 -7.685 9.745 -7.541 10.32 -7.328 c 10.937 -7.04 11.249 -6.65 11.249 -6.16 c 11.249 5.872 l 11.249 6.043 11.141 6.128 10.929 6.128 c -1.376 6.128 l -1.504 6.128 -1.567 6.043 -1.567 5.872 c 1.12 -0.752 4.751 -2.688 re f Q q 1 0 0 1 82.315 598.9279 cm 0 0 m 0.017 -0.68 0.357 -1.972 2.584 -1.972 c 3.791 -1.972 5.134 -1.683 5.134 -0.391 c 5.134 0.561 4.216 0.816 2.924 1.122 c 1.615 1.428 l -0.357 1.887 -2.261 2.329 -2.261 5.015 c -2.261 6.375 -1.53 8.772 2.431 8.772 c 6.171 8.772 7.174 6.324 7.191 4.828 c 4.743 4.828 l 4.675 5.372 4.471 6.664 2.244 6.664 c 1.275 6.664 0.119 6.307 0.119 5.202 c 0.119 4.25 0.901 4.046 1.411 3.927 c 4.386 3.196 l 6.052 2.788 7.582 2.108 7.582 -0.085 c 7.582 -3.757 3.842 -4.08 2.771 -4.08 c -1.683 -4.08 -2.448 -1.513 -2.448 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 100.1651 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 5.491 l -2.38 6.154 -2.414 7.276 -3.927 7.276 c -4.981 7.276 -5.797 6.562 -5.797 5.185 c -5.797 0 l -8.177 0 l -8.177 12.206 l -5.797 12.206 l -5.797 7.871 l -5.763 7.871 l -5.457 8.619 -4.437 9.282 -3.145 9.282 c -1.377 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 110.042 601.8351 cm 0 0 m 0 2.227 -2.329 2.618 -3.604 2.618 c -5.457 2.618 -7.378 2.227 -7.65 -0.544 c -5.355 -0.544 l -5.287 -0.017 -5.083 0.714 -3.893 0.714 c -3.281 0.714 -2.329 0.663 -2.329 -0.34 c -2.329 -0.85 -2.788 -1.003 -3.162 -1.054 c -5.304 -1.377 l -6.817 -1.598 -7.939 -2.499 -7.939 -4.267 c -7.939 -6.137 -6.545 -6.902 -5.185 -6.902 c -3.57 -6.902 -2.805 -6.154 -2.261 -5.593 c -2.21 -6.103 -2.176 -6.239 -2.04 -6.664 c 0.527 -6.664 l 0.527 -6.307 l 0.238 -6.205 0 -5.967 0 -4.896 c h -2.329 -3.417 m -2.329 -4.522 -3.4 -5.202 -4.454 -5.202 c -4.913 -5.202 -5.559 -4.947 -5.559 -4.114 c -5.559 -3.128 -4.828 -2.907 -3.944 -2.754 c -2.958 -2.601 -2.567 -2.448 -2.329 -2.261 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 120.6842 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 5.491 l -2.38 6.154 -2.414 7.276 -3.927 7.276 c -4.982 7.276 -5.797 6.562 -5.797 5.185 c -5.797 0 l -8.177 0 l -8.177 9.044 l -5.9 9.044 l -5.9 7.718 l -5.865 7.718 l -5.542 8.262 -4.862 9.282 -3.145 9.282 c -1.377 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 131.4956 607.377 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 -4.335 l -2.414 -4.335 l -2.788 -3.757 -3.502 -2.924 -5.032 -2.924 c -7.021 -2.924 -8.789 -4.454 -8.789 -7.582 c -8.789 -10.064 -7.667 -12.444 -4.981 -12.444 c -3.995 -12.444 -2.941 -12.087 -2.363 -11.067 c -2.329 -11.067 l -2.329 -12.206 l 0 -12.206 l h -6.341 -7.752 m -6.341 -6.324 -5.831 -4.981 -4.318 -4.981 c -2.686 -4.981 -2.278 -6.443 -2.278 -7.888 c -2.278 -9.231 -2.873 -10.489 -4.386 -10.489 c -5.916 -10.489 -6.341 -8.823 -6.341 -7.752 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 142.6817 599.693 cm 0 0 m 0 3.264 -2.193 4.76 -4.624 4.76 c -7.055 4.76 -9.248 3.264 -9.248 0 c -9.248 -3.264 -7.055 -4.76 -4.624 -4.76 c -2.193 -4.76 0 -3.264 0 0 c -2.448 0 m -2.448 -1.156 -2.788 -2.754 -4.624 -2.754 c -6.46 -2.754 -6.8 -1.156 -6.8 0 c -6.8 1.156 -6.46 2.754 -4.624 2.754 c -2.788 2.754 -2.448 1.156 -2.448 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 152.8648 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 5.491 l -2.38 6.154 -2.414 7.276 -3.927 7.276 c -4.981 7.276 -5.797 6.562 -5.797 5.185 c -5.797 0 l -8.177 0 l -8.177 9.044 l -5.899 9.044 l -5.899 7.718 l -5.865 7.718 l -5.543 8.262 -4.862 9.282 -3.145 9.282 c -1.377 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 161.4326 604.215 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.343 l -0.034 -1.343 l -0.323 -0.748 -1.003 0.238 -2.686 0.238 c -4.675 0.238 -6.443 -1.292 -6.443 -4.42 c -6.443 -7.582 -4.726 -9.095 -2.55 -9.095 c -1.122 -9.095 -0.527 -8.432 -0.136 -7.735 c -0.102 -7.769 l -0.102 -8.857 l -0.102 -10.319 -0.714 -10.931 -1.989 -10.931 c -3.366 -10.931 -3.553 -10.472 -3.655 -10.013 c -6.239 -10.013 l -6.137 -11.934 -4.165 -12.733 -2.295 -12.733 c 2.159 -12.733 2.278 -10.132 2.278 -8.568 c 2.278 0 l h -3.995 -4.573 m -3.995 -2.465 -3.009 -1.819 -2.125 -1.819 c -0.799 -1.819 -0.086 -3.009 -0.086 -4.471 c -0.086 -5.712 -0.493 -7.089 -2.108 -7.089 c -3.519 -7.089 -3.995 -5.729 -3.995 -4.573 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 181.2032 595.171 cm 0 0 m -3.111 0 l -5.423 4.165 l -7.888 0 l -10.863 0 l -6.919 6.239 l -10.642 12.206 l -7.599 12.206 l -5.423 8.262 l -3.196 12.206 l -0.255 12.206 l -3.978 6.341 l h f Q 185.334 605.286 -2.38 2.21 re 185.334 595.171 -2.38 9.044 re f q 1 0 0 1 196.1293 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 5.491 l -2.38 6.154 -2.414 7.276 -3.927 7.276 c -4.981 7.276 -5.797 6.562 -5.797 5.185 c -5.797 0 l -8.177 0 l -8.177 9.044 l -5.899 9.044 l -5.899 7.718 l -5.865 7.718 l -5.542 8.262 -4.862 9.282 -3.145 9.282 c -1.377 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 206.8562 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 5.491 l -2.38 6.154 -2.414 7.276 -3.927 7.276 c -4.981 7.276 -5.797 6.562 -5.797 5.185 c -5.797 0 l -8.178 0 l -8.178 12.206 l -5.797 12.206 l -5.797 7.871 l -5.763 7.871 l -5.457 8.619 -4.437 9.282 -3.145 9.282 c -1.377 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 217.5663 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.279 0 l -2.279 1.275 l -2.312 1.275 l -2.856 0.306 -3.808 -0.238 -5.066 -0.238 c -6.851 -0.238 -8.143 0.782 -8.143 3.094 c -8.143 9.044 l -5.763 9.044 l -5.763 3.434 l -5.763 2.04 -4.948 1.768 -4.217 1.768 c -3.434 1.768 -2.38 2.21 -2.38 3.825 c -2.38 9.044 l 0 9.044 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 227.4603 601.8351 cm 0 0 m 0 2.227 -2.329 2.618 -3.605 2.618 c -5.458 2.618 -7.379 2.227 -7.651 -0.544 c -5.356 -0.544 l -5.287 -0.017 -5.084 0.714 -3.893 0.714 c -3.282 0.714 -2.329 0.663 -2.329 -0.34 c -2.329 -0.85 -2.788 -1.003 -3.162 -1.054 c -5.304 -1.377 l -6.818 -1.598 -7.94 -2.499 -7.94 -4.267 c -7.94 -6.137 -6.546 -6.902 -5.185 -6.902 c -3.571 -6.902 -2.805 -6.154 -2.261 -5.593 c -2.211 -6.103 -2.177 -6.239 -2.04 -6.664 c 0.527 -6.664 l 0.527 -6.307 l 0.238 -6.205 0 -5.967 0 -4.896 c h -2.329 -3.417 m -2.329 -4.522 -3.401 -5.202 -4.454 -5.202 c -4.913 -5.202 -5.559 -4.947 -5.559 -4.114 c -5.559 -3.128 -4.828 -2.907 -3.945 -2.754 c -2.959 -2.601 -2.568 -2.448 -2.329 -2.261 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 237.7273 599.5739 cm 0 0 m 2.925 0 l 6.205 0 6.818 2.788 6.818 3.893 c 6.818 6.291 5.389 7.803 3.027 7.803 c -2.549 7.803 l -2.549 -4.403 l 0 -4.403 l h 0 2.108 m 0 5.695 l 2.023 5.695 l 3.604 5.695 4.267 5.202 4.267 4.012 c 4.267 3.468 4.267 2.108 2.364 2.108 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 254.8463 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 5.491 l -2.38 6.154 -2.414 7.276 -3.927 7.276 c -4.98 7.276 -5.797 6.562 -5.797 5.185 c -5.797 0 l -8.177 0 l -8.177 12.206 l -5.797 12.206 l -5.797 7.871 l -5.763 7.871 l -5.457 8.619 -4.437 9.282 -3.145 9.282 c -1.376 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 264.7233 601.8351 cm 0 0 m 0 2.227 -2.329 2.618 -3.604 2.618 c -5.457 2.618 -7.378 2.227 -7.65 -0.544 c -5.355 -0.544 l -5.287 -0.017 -5.083 0.714 -3.893 0.714 c -3.281 0.714 -2.329 0.663 -2.329 -0.34 c -2.329 -0.85 -2.788 -1.003 -3.162 -1.054 c -5.304 -1.377 l -6.817 -1.598 -7.939 -2.499 -7.939 -4.267 c -7.939 -6.137 -6.545 -6.902 -5.185 -6.902 c -3.57 -6.902 -2.805 -6.154 -2.261 -5.593 c -2.21 -6.103 -2.176 -6.239 -2.04 -6.664 c 0.527 -6.664 l 0.527 -6.307 l 0.238 -6.205 0 -5.967 0 -4.896 c h -2.329 -3.417 m -2.329 -4.522 -3.4 -5.202 -4.454 -5.202 c -4.913 -5.202 -5.559 -4.947 -5.559 -4.114 c -5.559 -3.128 -4.828 -2.907 -3.944 -2.754 c -2.958 -2.601 -2.567 -2.448 -2.329 -2.261 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 267.1713 604.215 cm 0 0 m 2.278 0 l 2.278 -1.564 l 2.312 -1.564 l 2.805 -0.646 3.349 0.238 4.794 0.238 c 4.947 0.238 5.1 0.221 5.253 0.204 c 5.253 -2.21 l 5.049 -2.176 4.794 -2.176 4.573 -2.176 c 2.72 -2.176 2.38 -3.332 2.38 -4.335 c 2.38 -9.044 l 0 -9.044 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 287.0782 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 5.491 l -2.38 6.834 -2.975 7.276 -3.672 7.276 c -4.862 7.276 -5.287 6.494 -5.287 5.423 c -5.287 0 l -7.667 0 l -7.667 5.44 l -7.667 6.205 -7.667 7.276 -9.095 7.276 c -10.217 7.276 -10.574 6.494 -10.574 5.508 c -10.574 0 l -12.954 0 l -12.954 9.044 l -10.676 9.044 l -10.676 7.718 l -10.642 7.718 l -10.336 8.313 -9.673 9.282 -8.075 9.282 c -6.766 9.282 -6.171 8.806 -5.559 7.837 c -5.253 8.279 -4.59 9.282 -3.145 9.282 c -1.377 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 296.9213 601.8351 cm 0 0 m 0 2.227 -2.329 2.618 -3.604 2.618 c -5.457 2.618 -7.378 2.227 -7.65 -0.544 c -5.355 -0.544 l -5.287 -0.017 -5.083 0.714 -3.893 0.714 c -3.281 0.714 -2.329 0.663 -2.329 -0.34 c -2.329 -0.85 -2.788 -1.003 -3.162 -1.054 c -5.304 -1.377 l -6.817 -1.598 -7.939 -2.499 -7.939 -4.267 c -7.939 -6.137 -6.545 -6.902 -5.185 -6.902 c -3.57 -6.902 -2.805 -6.154 -2.261 -5.593 c -2.21 -6.103 -2.176 -6.239 -2.04 -6.664 c 0.528 -6.664 l 0.528 -6.307 l 0.238 -6.205 0 -5.967 0 -4.896 c h -2.329 -3.417 m -2.329 -4.522 -3.4 -5.202 -4.454 -5.202 c -4.913 -5.202 -5.559 -4.947 -5.559 -4.114 c -5.559 -3.128 -4.828 -2.907 -3.944 -2.754 c -2.958 -2.601 -2.567 -2.448 -2.329 -2.261 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 307.1732 598.4688 cm 0 0 m -0.086 -0.935 -0.816 -3.536 -4.132 -3.536 c -7.532 -3.536 -8.315 -0.935 -8.315 0.969 c -8.315 3.893 -7.039 5.984 -3.978 5.984 c -2.551 5.984 -0.205 5.338 0.015 2.516 c -2.399 2.516 l -2.5 3.111 -2.873 4.046 -3.978 3.978 c -5.474 3.978 -5.866 2.482 -5.866 1.36 c -5.866 0.374 -5.832 -1.581 -4.029 -1.581 c -2.823 -1.581 -2.414 -0.425 -2.414 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 314.4993 597.8229 cm 0 0 m -0.188 -0.646 -0.866 -0.986 -1.529 -0.986 c -3.451 -0.986 -3.587 0.544 -3.654 1.224 c 2.551 1.224 l 2.551 1.649 l 2.551 5.78 0.086 6.63 -1.699 6.63 c -5.66 6.63 -6.035 3.145 -6.035 2.057 c -6.035 -1.666 -4.079 -2.89 -1.529 -2.89 c 0.017 -2.89 1.818 -2.176 2.447 0 c h -3.587 2.771 m -3.451 3.961 -2.855 4.675 -1.734 4.675 c -0.969 4.675 -0.033 4.233 0.101 2.771 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 327.1302 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.277 0 l -2.277 1.275 l -2.313 1.275 l -2.858 0.306 -3.809 -0.238 -5.067 -0.238 c -6.852 -0.238 -8.143 0.782 -8.143 3.094 c -8.143 9.044 l -5.764 9.044 l -5.764 3.434 l -5.764 2.04 -4.948 1.768 -4.214 1.768 c -3.434 1.768 -2.379 2.21 -2.379 3.825 c -2.379 9.044 l 0 9.044 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 332.3662 604.215 cm 0 0 m 1.479 0 l 1.479 -1.7 l 0 -1.7 l 0 -6.613 l 0 -7.14 0.018 -7.344 0.987 -7.344 c 1.139 -7.344 1.309 -7.327 1.479 -7.31 c 1.479 -9.112 l 1.105 -9.129 0.73 -9.146 0.358 -9.146 c 0.051 -9.146 l -2.006 -9.146 -2.381 -8.364 -2.381 -7.191 c -2.381 -1.7 l -3.604 -1.7 l -3.604 0 l -2.381 0 l -2.381 2.448 l 0 2.448 l h f Q 338.145 605.286 -2.379 2.21 re 338.145 595.171 -2.379 9.044 re f q 1 0 0 1 348.5503 598.4688 cm 0 0 m -0.084 -0.935 -0.817 -3.536 -4.13 -3.536 c -7.532 -3.536 -8.313 -0.935 -8.313 0.969 c -8.313 3.893 -7.038 5.984 -3.979 5.984 c -2.551 5.984 -0.204 5.338 0.017 2.516 c -2.397 2.516 l -2.498 3.111 -2.873 4.046 -3.979 3.978 c -5.475 3.978 -5.865 2.482 -5.865 1.36 c -5.865 0.374 -5.83 -1.581 -4.03 -1.581 c -2.822 -1.581 -2.413 -0.425 -2.413 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 357.8843 601.8351 cm 0 0 m 0 2.227 -2.331 2.618 -3.606 2.618 c -5.457 2.618 -7.379 2.227 -7.651 -0.544 c -5.356 -0.544 l -5.288 -0.017 -5.084 0.714 -3.895 0.714 c -3.281 0.714 -2.331 0.663 -2.331 -0.34 c -2.331 -0.85 -2.789 -1.003 -3.163 -1.054 c -5.305 -1.377 l -6.818 -1.598 -7.939 -2.499 -7.939 -4.267 c -7.939 -6.137 -6.547 -6.902 -5.185 -6.902 c -3.571 -6.902 -2.806 -6.154 -2.262 -5.593 c -2.211 -6.103 -2.178 -6.239 -2.041 -6.664 c 0.525 -6.664 l 0.525 -6.307 l 0.236 -6.205 0 -5.967 0 -4.896 c h -2.331 -3.417 m -2.331 -4.522 -3.401 -5.202 -4.456 -5.202 c -4.914 -5.202 -5.56 -4.947 -5.56 -4.114 c -5.56 -3.128 -4.829 -2.907 -3.946 -2.754 c -2.959 -2.601 -2.568 -2.448 -2.331 -2.261 c h f Q 362.796 595.171 -2.38 12.206 re f q 1 0 0 1 378.4532 603.382 cm 0 0 m -0.204 0.731 -0.595 2.108 -2.704 2.108 c -3.927 2.108 -5.729 1.292 -5.729 -2.159 c -5.729 -4.352 -4.862 -6.324 -2.704 -6.324 c -1.291 -6.324 -0.306 -5.525 0 -4.029 c 2.551 -4.029 l 2.04 -6.681 0.306 -8.534 -2.754 -8.534 c -6 -8.534 -8.331 -6.341 -8.331 -2.125 c -8.331 2.142 -5.866 4.318 -2.72 4.318 c 0.934 4.318 2.413 1.802 2.551 0 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 391.8163 599.693 cm 0 0 m 0 3.264 -2.194 4.76 -4.625 4.76 c -7.057 4.76 -9.249 3.264 -9.249 0 c -9.249 -3.264 -7.057 -4.76 -4.625 -4.76 c -2.194 -4.76 0 -3.264 0 0 c -2.45 0 m -2.45 -1.156 -2.79 -2.754 -4.625 -2.754 c -6.462 -2.754 -6.801 -1.156 -6.801 0 c -6.801 1.156 -6.462 2.754 -4.625 2.754 c -2.79 2.754 -2.45 1.156 -2.45 0 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 406.7582 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.379 0 l -2.379 5.491 l -2.379 6.834 -2.975 7.276 -3.673 7.276 c -4.863 7.276 -5.288 6.494 -5.288 5.423 c -5.288 0 l -7.667 0 l -7.667 5.44 l -7.667 6.205 -7.667 7.276 -9.095 7.276 c -10.217 7.276 -10.576 6.494 -10.576 5.508 c -10.576 0 l -12.955 0 l -12.955 9.044 l -10.677 9.044 l -10.677 7.718 l -10.642 7.718 l -10.337 8.313 -9.673 9.282 -8.076 9.282 c -6.767 9.282 -6.173 8.806 -5.559 7.837 c -5.253 8.279 -4.591 9.282 -3.146 9.282 c -1.378 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 411.5013 604.215 cm 0 0 m -2.28 0 l -2.28 -12.563 l 0.102 -12.563 l 0.102 -7.888 l 0.136 -7.888 l 0.424 -8.381 1.019 -9.282 2.685 -9.282 c 5.371 -9.282 6.494 -6.902 6.494 -4.42 c 6.494 -1.292 4.724 0.238 2.736 0.238 c 1.139 0.238 0.474 -0.595 0.033 -1.309 c 0 -1.309 l h 0 -4.726 m 0 -3.281 0.39 -1.819 2.021 -1.819 c 3.536 -1.819 4.045 -3.162 4.045 -4.59 c 4.045 -5.661 3.621 -7.327 2.09 -7.327 c 0.578 -7.327 0 -6.069 0 -4.726 c f Q q 1 0 0 1 427.3272 601.8351 cm 0 0 m 0 2.227 -2.328 2.618 -3.603 2.618 c -5.457 2.618 -7.378 2.227 -7.65 -0.544 c -5.356 -0.544 l -5.286 -0.017 -5.084 0.714 -3.892 0.714 c -3.281 0.714 -2.328 0.663 -2.328 -0.34 c -2.328 -0.85 -2.786 -1.003 -3.161 -1.054 c -5.305 -1.377 l -6.815 -1.598 -7.94 -2.499 -7.94 -4.267 c -7.94 -6.137 -6.544 -6.902 -5.186 -6.902 c -3.569 -6.902 -2.805 -6.154 -2.261 -5.593 c -2.211 -6.103 -2.176 -6.239 -2.039 -6.664 c 0.527 -6.664 l 0.527 -6.307 l 0.239 -6.205 0 -5.967 0 -4.896 c h -2.328 -3.417 m -2.328 -4.522 -3.4 -5.202 -4.453 -5.202 c -4.911 -5.202 -5.559 -4.947 -5.559 -4.114 c -5.559 -3.128 -4.828 -2.907 -3.943 -2.754 c -2.959 -2.601 -2.565 -2.448 -2.328 -2.261 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 437.9702 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.381 0 l -2.381 5.491 l -2.381 6.154 -2.415 7.276 -3.928 7.276 c -4.983 7.276 -5.797 6.562 -5.797 5.185 c -5.797 0 l -8.178 0 l -8.178 9.044 l -5.9 9.044 l -5.9 7.718 l -5.866 7.718 l -5.543 8.262 -4.863 9.282 -3.146 9.282 c -1.377 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 445.1293 595.324 cm 0 0 m -1.121 -3.349 -1.427 -3.791 -3.5 -3.791 c -3.824 -3.791 -4.232 -3.774 -4.572 -3.757 c -4.572 -1.853 l -4.47 -1.87 -4.318 -1.887 -4.115 -1.887 c -3.246 -1.887 -2.771 -1.768 -2.55 -0.527 c -5.882 8.891 l -3.23 8.891 l -1.292 2.227 l -1.257 2.227 l 0.596 8.891 l 3.11 8.891 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 457.7783 597.381 cm 0 0 m 6.068 0 l 6.068 -2.21 l -2.55 -2.21 l -2.55 9.996 l 0 9.996 l h f Q 468.216 605.286 -2.381 2.21 re 468.216 595.171 -2.381 9.044 re f q 1 0 0 1 483.7703 595.171 cm 0 0 m -2.379 0 l -2.379 5.491 l -2.379 6.834 -2.974 7.276 -3.671 7.276 c -4.861 7.276 -5.287 6.494 -5.287 5.423 c -5.287 0 l -7.666 0 l -7.666 5.44 l -7.666 6.205 -7.666 7.276 -9.095 7.276 c -10.217 7.276 -10.574 6.494 -10.574 5.508 c -10.574 0 l -12.953 0 l -12.953 9.044 l -10.675 9.044 l -10.675 7.718 l -10.641 7.718 l -10.335 8.313 -9.674 9.282 -8.074 9.282 c -6.765 9.282 -6.17 8.806 -5.56 7.837 c -5.252 8.279 -4.59 9.282 -3.144 9.282 c -1.376 9.282 0 8.245 0 6.256 c h f Q 488.735 605.286 -2.381 2.21 re 488.735 595.171 -2.381 9.044 re f q 1 0 0 1 494.0203 604.215 cm 0 0 m 1.481 0 l 1.481 -1.7 l 0 -1.7 l 0 -6.613 l 0 -7.14 0.018 -7.344 0.988 -7.344 c 1.142 -7.344 1.311 -7.327 1.481 -7.31 c 1.481 -9.112 l 1.106 -9.129 0.734 -9.146 0.359 -9.146 c 0.054 -9.146 l -2.006 -9.146 -2.379 -8.364 -2.379 -7.191 c -2.379 -1.7 l -3.603 -1.7 l -3.603 0 l -2.379 0 l -2.379 2.448 l 0 2.448 l h f Q q 1 0 0 1 502.6752 597.8229 cm 0 0 m -0.188 -0.646 -0.868 -0.986 -1.531 -0.986 c -3.451 -0.986 -3.588 0.544 -3.657 1.224 c 2.549 1.224 l 2.549 1.649 l 2.549 5.78 0.084 6.63 -1.701 6.63 c -5.663 6.63 -6.036 3.145 -6.036 2.057 c -6.036 -1.666 -4.08 -2.89 -1.531 -2.89 c 0.016 -2.89 1.818 -2.176 2.447 0 c h -3.588 2.771 m -3.451 3.961 -2.858 4.675 -1.734 4.675 c -0.969 4.675 -0.036 4.233 0.101 2.771 c h f Q q 1 0 0 1 515.4082 607.377 cm 0 0 m -2.38 0 l -2.38 -4.335 l -2.415 -4.335 l -2.788 -3.757 -3.503 -2.924 -5.032 -2.924 c -7.021 -2.924 -8.79 -4.454 -8.79 -7.582 c -8.79 -10.064 -7.667 -12.444 -4.981 -12.444 c -3.997 -12.444 -2.942 -12.087 -2.364 -11.067 c -2.329 -11.067 l -2.329 -12.206 l 0 -12.206 l h -6.342 -7.752 m -6.342 -6.324 -5.831 -4.981 -4.319 -4.981 c -2.687 -4.981 -2.278 -6.443 -2.278 -7.888 c -2.278 -9.231 -2.874 -10.489 -4.388 -10.489 c -5.917 -10.489 -6.342 -8.823 -6.342 -7.752 c f Q /CS0 cs 1 scn /GS0 gs q 1 0 0 1 328.9123 533.887 cm 0 0 m -1.793 0 -1.822 3.333 -1.822 4.468 c -1.822 5.42 -1.793 8.934 0 8.934 c 1.793 8.934 1.82 5.42 1.82 4.468 c 1.82 3.362 1.793 0 0 0 c 0 9.296 m -2.576 9.296 -3.164 6.12 -3.164 4.468 c -3.164 2.773 -2.576 -0.362 0 -0.362 c 2.577 -0.362 3.162 2.773 3.162 4.468 c 3.162 6.12 2.577 9.296 0 9.296 c f Q Q BT /T1_1 1 Tf 15 0 0 15 88.7129 499.002 Tm (NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND OF )Tj 1.284 -1.067 Td (MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF H SHARES)Tj 0.002 Tw 13 0 0 13 56.6929 451.002 Tm (NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf (that an annual general meeting \(\223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw (AGM)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.002 Tw (\224\) of Shandong )Tj 0.064 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Xinhua)12.7 ( Pharmaceutical)12.7 ( Company)12.7 ( Limited)12.8 ( \(the)12.7 ( \223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.064 Tw (Company)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tw [(\224\),)12.7 ( the)12.8 ( Class)12.7 ( Meeting)39 ( )]TJ 0.051 Tc 0 -1.231 Td [(\(the)12.4 ( \223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(A)12.4 ( Shareholders\222)12.4 ( Class)12.3 ( Meeting)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224\))12.4 ( of)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( Shareholders)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( A)12.3 ( Shares)12.3 ( \(the)12.4 ( \223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw (A )Tj 0.066 Tc -0.066 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Shareholders)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.07 Tw [(\224\))12.5 ( and)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( Class)12.5 ( Meeting)12.6 ( \(the)12.6 ( \223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(H)12.6 ( Shareholders)12.5 ( Class)12.5 ( Meeting)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0.025 Tc -0.025 Tw [(\224)-41 (; )]TJ 0.006 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (together with the AGM and the A Shareholders\222 Class Meeting, the \223\ )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw (Meetings)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.006 Tw (\224\) of the )Tj 0.031 Tc 0.077 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Shareholders)6 ( )0.5 (of)6 ( )0.5 (H)6 ( )0.5 (Shares)6.1 ( )0.5 (\(the)6.1 ( )0.5 (\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf [(H)6.1 ( Shareholders)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf [(\224;)6 ( )0.5 (together)6 ( )0.6 (with)6 ( )0.6 (the)6 ( )0.5 (A)6 ( )0.5 (Shareholders,)6 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.064 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (the \223)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf -0.025 Tw (Shareholders)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.064 Tw (\224\) of the Company will be held at the Company\222s conference room )Tj 0.048 Tc 0.07 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(at)12.7 ( No.)12.6 ( 1)12.7 ( Lutai)12.6 ( Ave.,)12.7 ( Hi-tech)12.7 ( District,)12.7 ( Zibo)12.7 ( City,)12.7 ( Shandong)12.7 ( Province,)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( People\222s)23 ( )]TJ 0.029 Tc 0.079 Tw 0 -1.231 Td [(Republic)4 ( )0.5 (of)4 ( )0.5 (China)4 ( )0.5 (\(the)4 ( )0.5 (\223)]TJ /T1_1 1 Tf -0.029 Tw (PRC)Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 0.079 Tw [(\224\))4 ( )0.5 (on)4 ( )0.5 (Wednesday,)4 ( )0.5 (3)4 (0)4 ( )0.5 (June)4 ( )0.5 (2)4 (0)4 (2)4 (1)4 ( )0.5 (from)4 ( )0.5 (2)4.1 (:)4 (0)4 (0)4 ( )0.5 (p.m.)4 ( )0.5 (for)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.019 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following resolu\ tions which will )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (be proposed as ordinary resolutions and special resolution.)Tj 0 -2.462 Td (The details of the Meetings are provided as follows:)Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 0 -2.462 Td [(A. )-883.5 (CONVENING OF THE AGM)]TJ 2.181 -2.462 Td [(1. )-1105.5 (Time of the Meetings)]TJ /T1_0 1 Tf 0.022 Tc 2.18 -2.462 Td [(The AGM and the H Shareholders Class Meeting will commence at 2:00 p.m.)-3 ( )]TJ 0.025 Tc 0.055 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (and 4:00 p.m. \(or immediately after the conclusion or adjournment of th\ e A )Tj 0 Tw 0 -1.231 Td (Shareholders\222 Class Meeting\) respectively on Wednesday, 30 June 2021\ .)Tj ET endstream endobj 42 0 obj <> endobj 47 0 obj <>stream 2020-09-26T00:54:16+08:00 Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Windows) 2020-09-26T00:54:16+08:00 2020-09-26T00:54:16+08:00 True False 1 210.001656 297.000111 Millimeters Black 預設色票群組 0 application/postscript XHZY_E_B&W_new Fai Lau KF xmp.did:7d18f4ba-708e-b24a-b57b-53ebc4ce1c36 xmp.iid:7d18f4ba-708e-b24a-b57b-53ebc4ce1c36 xmp.did:028011740720681192B0F7FC5DDED2B3 proof:pdf converted from application/postscript to 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